Just venting
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My husband and 2 daughters, 18 & 16, just left to go out to dinner and a play downtown and im at home sobbing folding my 4TH load of laundry because i couldnt get my s**t together to force myself to go with them because of all of these symptoms, Im lucky i make it through work everyday, i feel like im legit going crazy. I think my 18 year old could tell i was holding back tears. The anger and irritability i feel is so strong my stomach is on fire which doesnt help my endless digestive issues. My tongue even feels like its on fire. I know i should focus on what im thankful for and stop whining but right now im so angry i hate myself that i cant find anything that helps and at this moment just want to die.
Im sorry i just feel like im about to explode.
5 likes, 14 replies
Ella23ps susan39015
I am so sorry you are having it so rough night I am sending you a prayer. I have been there myself. Just remember The Lord will show Himself strong to you whenever your weak. He promises that in 2 Corinthians chapter 9 – when I come to Him with my weaknesses; when I go to Him in a tight, difficult place; when I cry out for help, He’s there. He’s with me. God loves hard places. And the harder the situation, the more He enjoys showing you how powerful He is. So, remember you can run to Him for help anytime. For when you are weak, He is strong. I got that message from Joni Eareckson Tada and I just love running to The Lord in times of sadness and trouble because He truly gives me peace.
Beverlys1 Ella23ps
That was lovely ella 2 days before christmas really gives us all hope!!
amy341731 Ella23ps
I also Needed to hear this as well… I’ve been suffering physically and emotionally with peri symptoms, anxiety being the worst of it. Thank you and God Bless us everyone!!!
Ella23ps amy341731
Thank you Beverly and Amy, this is a hard or should I say horrible time in our lives and I do find that the only peace I get is from the Lord. I was walking one day praying asking the Lord to heal me and He whispered deep in my spirit, "I can not heal you of menopause this is something all women will go though if they live long enough. Your body make up determines how rough of a ride it will be, but I promise every time it gets too rough I will give you peace if you ask for it". And He has given me peace every time. I am not saying it has been easy, in no way am I saying that, but in the middle of every storm He does bring me peace and I am able to get though it. I will put you both on my prayer list.
ang28869 susan39015
You will be ok! It is rough, but you will be ok...you are not crazy, trust me. There will be better days. Sometimes they are few and far between but a good day will sneak in. I know what you are feeling. For me I think just keep plugging along. Keeping a routine helps. Staying busy, so my mind doesn't wander..and trying to not feel guilty for the things I can't do for whatever reason. Unbelievable what hormones can do to your mind and body. Have faith in yourself and just do what you are able to do. Be honest to your family on how you are feeling physically and mentally, so they are aware. I tried guided meditation which helps sometimes. It's always good to vent!
bev27429 susan39015
Remember, Susan, that this has nothing to do with you. This is something that is happening to you, and it is not within your power to resolve it on your own.
I understand the crying, the irritability, the anger, the rage, the total loss of yourself and your peace of mind.
Please don't be angry with yourself. You have to support yourself, in any way that you think will help you. You also have to be totally honest with your husband and daughters, so that they can completely support you. You should never feel ashamed by what is happening to you.
My boyfriend, my mother, and my closest friend have seen me in the most horrid states imaginable. States that I never thought I would even experience, but they have been there for me every step of the way, and they have loved me through everything, because they know who I am, and they know that the crazy thoughts and feelings that I have had are not me!
I have had terrible days, and I have had beautiful days. On the terrible days, I have wanted to die because I simply didn't want to suffer anymore, but then, when I had the next reprieve, where I found myself once again, I was so thankful to be alive.
Just keep going, Susan. Cry, scream, rant. Do whatever you have to do, but live, and one day this will be gone. It will all be over, and you will be restored. I promise you.
Bev xo
Gypsy014 susan39015
I'm the same way been this way for over 3 years now.. And it sucks I use to be so fun loving do something every weekend even if it was go to dinner and drinks or stay home and play games and cards, when this all hit me all that stopped and at first anxiety was so bad I wanted to climb out of my own skin I was so nervous and sick and dizzy and one symptom lead to the next, and all though anxiety calmed down it was replaced with really bad migraines and other scrappy symptoms I literally feel like I'm locked up.. This morning my anxiety came back to bite me like it was 3 years ago it was awful , I made it thru the morning and I'm feeling not so anxious tonight thank god but it came over me bad this morning.. One of my grandsons is 10 he had 2 Christmas concerts at school this week and guess who couldn't go ME ME ME... I would never be able to go in there and sit for 2 hours under all the fluorescent lights and be able to walk out of there without a migraine. I feel bad and trapped and i just do what I can when I can and if I can't then not much I can do about it.. In not much fun either these days but hoping it will improve some day.. And I'm so limited to what I eat these days it seems like everything causes more symptoms so I just eat the same limited things everyday so no going out to eat for me, and use to love wine and drinks can't do that either I feel like death the next few days and its just not worth it.. Ugggg I'm there with you hoping it gets better some day..
klm1213 susan39015
All the things we're having to go through physically and emotionally during this time are horrible, so give yourself a break! Don't be so hard on yourself ❤❤
kelly55079 susan39015
I'm sorry you feel this way. But I know exactly. I have been crying everyday since Thursday. And yesterday I was mad that spouse doesn't know how to comfort me--- just need reassurance and a hug!.. I think my son noticed my eyes welling up too and I turned away to stop. It's the holidays and I'm hosting so I'm hoping after the holidays I will feel better. I've been super anxious in the morning before I get out of bed but what I really need is sleep. Take Care.. It's OK!!! Drink some water and enjoy your alone time-- perhaps a movie.
dora_39625 susan39015
Hi Susan,
Don't be so hard on yourself... it's ok and it's all going to be ok. Have faith.
Know that you're not alone and that we all experience these thoughts and feelings and tough times.
We are only human after all and need to remind ourselves of that.
Enjoy all the good days to the max and forget about the bad days. .
Take care x
jamie37119 susan39015
Oh no hun.... I know it is hard, but the last thing you want to end up with is agoraphobia because of the symptoms, sounds to me that you may have a lot of anxiety. The best solution to deal with anxiety is go beat the fear, to push through it. So sorry you are getting to miss out on this outing.
jamie37119 susan39015
Oh no hun.... I know it is hard, but the last thing you want to end up with is agoraphobia because of the symptoms, sounds to me that you may have a lot of anxiety. The best solution to deal with anxiety is go beat the fear, to push through it. So sorry you are getting to miss out on this outing.
I wish i could reply to each one of you individually but my stupid phone keeps freezing and this is taking me forever. I swear my patience is being tested and im plummeting faster then the titanic and my boobs. Thank you all of of you and for the beautiful words and words of god, I do pray everyday. It does help so much to hear from all of you, you are all so comforting and give such hope and Bev you truly have been a rock with all of your support. Im just so afraid im only 48 is this going to last through my 50's. I know i have no way of knowing and can only hope and pray for the best and pray for all of you as well. Wish i could hug each of you. ❤ xoxoxo
rebecca_68782 susan39015
I started when I was 44. I am 51 now. I think as we go through this mess, we learn so much about ourselves and caring for ourselves. I hope you are having good days. Remember to take care of yourself and know that this will either pass or we will figure out how to work with it. I have had a much better year this year than the last 6 and hoping 2020 is even better. Many blessings!