Just want to know I'm not alone in this nightmare.
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Hi Everyone,
I started having night sweats approx 4 years ago, they seemed to follow my cycle and last 4/5 consecutive nights per month. As I got to know they were only temporary I wasn't to adversly affected by them, although these nights were virtualy sleepless and extremely uncomfortable. I did consult my GP and had a blood test and was told I wasn't eligable for HRT as I wasn't then in full menopause. However, things have taken a dramatic turn for the worse. I haven't had a period since November 2017 and about 6 weeks ago the hot Flushes started. I have them day and night, at least one every hour. I can't remember the last time I slept all night. I am so exhausted and I just want to cry all the time. I am also experiencing headaches, nausea, memory loss, confusion and just about every symptom in a severe way. I have a very busy life, I work part time, have 3 sons, 2 step sons, three grandchildren, a husband, oh and a dog. I had to cancel work today because I feel so unwell, so am also upset because I am now letting people down. All I have done today is drag myself out to walk the dog. In a normal day I would be doing a million and one things. I have tried to explain all this to my Husband, who I think tries to understand, but just says, go to bed Honey, if your'e tired, (at 8 o'clock in the evening). I can't even talk to my lovely Mum as I lost her 2 years ago. I don't see my friends very often and none of them have had a bad time of the menopause, so I don't think they realise just how debilitating this is. My children think I'm boring, and I have to ask people politely not to phone after 9 pm as I will be in bed!
I am seeing my GP on Thursday and it can't come soon enough. I'm thinking HRT is now the answer and am praying she can help me. I know I'm not the only one going through this, and my sympathys are with everyone sharing my symptoms. Any helpful words of advice would be very gratefully recieved.
1 like, 10 replies
karen77710 julie74885
julie74885 karen77710
Hi Karen
Thank you for replying so quickly. Its so sad that so many of us are suffering, but at the same time its comforting for me to recieve such lovely support from some one who knows exactly how i'm feeling. Thank you Karen xx
CarolKelso julie74885
Hi Julie74885.. I am hearing you. Its very hard to explain how you feel. I've had similar and feel like I'm losing control of my body especially at night. Please know that you are not alone in any of this. Years ago women we sent to asylums as they thought they were going mad. I've been at this for four years now... So I know the effect it can have but conforming to knoupu are not alone and sharing your symptoms and feelings can help. Hang tight... This too shall pass... In time.... Even if it feels it never will. I've found taking a meeting with myself and resting is the only way through it fir me.. I'm on Hrt but I still get an awful range of synis. I have a head massager on me her while drinking a gin... Lol.. And I'm not even a bug drinker... Our bodies are changing so we must go with it. Hope this helps. Xx CK
julie74885 CarolKelso
Hi Carol,
Feel truly overwhelmed with the lovely support I'm recieving. It means so much to me at this time, Funnily enough I am not a big drinker like you, but did find that a little glass of wine helped me relax the other night. Its my first time posting on any type of forum but I am definately going to stay in touch! Really lifted my spirits tonight.
Thank you Carol xx
tina00239 julie74885
Hi Julie I think you are being very sensible about this. Remind your sons that they will one day be dealing with this with their wives! That might make them a bit more tolerant. I take HRT and it may not cure all you may need a good menopause vitamin supplement aswell to strengthen the effects of the HRT. I'm so sorry you are like me, suffering really badly, but you will find support and useful info on all of these menopause related forums. Keep in regular contact and someone will always respond to you. Hugs at this horrible time. XXX
julie74885 tina00239
Hi Tina,
Thank you for your speedy reply and kind words. I'm just so sorry there seems to be so many of us suffering. Thanks for the advice re supplements, Holland and Barrett here I come. Right now I am willing to try just about anything! And your'e so right about the boys! The trouble is they think I'm super woman, but unfortunately they are about to find out I'm not!
I will definately keep in contact and hopefiully will have a good outcome from GP?
Many Thanks for your support Tina, and wishing you well xx
anetta94863 julie74885
julie74885 anetta94863
Hi Anetta,
I hope your'e right about the temporary part! This has been going on for six weeks non stop now. I have my appointment with GP tommorow, so am praying she can help. I fully sympathise with you re insomnia, it is a killer. I tend to think that I can cope with all that life has to throw at me as long as I can have a good nights sleep.
I live in South East England and can't say I've noticed any difference in my symptoms season to season, although I'm not looking forward to experiencing night sweats during the warmer weather!
I'm following every piece of advice thats coming my way, so today I've been getting plenty of excercise and fresh air in the garden. Also started taking multi vitamins and vitamins specifically targeting the menopause. Hope you find some relief from your horrible symptoms very soon Anetta. x
tina00239 julie74885
anetta94863 julie74885
I thought you are from the US-the South here is warm and allergies are very widespread there. I know that insomnia is a killer, I can't even use sleeping pills. It is a nightmare, and I hope this ends somehow.