Just when I think I'm feeling better ........
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Recently I have been feeling better , apart from the odd anxious moment and migraine , but today I have a bad backache and stomach ache plus sore boobs . I am due on probably the end of next , as that will three and a half weeks since my last period and that seems to be my general pattern now . I was 49 last month . I am on citalopram , an anti depressant following a severe bout of depression , anxiety and grief following my mums death last year . This really has been my year of hell and I was hoping that I was gradually coming out of it . I had so many tests . I've never been to the doctors so much , even when I was pregnant . Before that I hadn't really been to the doctors for years . Sorry for waffling . The thing is as soon as I get an ache or pain I think the worst . Previously I was convinced that I had stomach cancer , as I've had lots of issues with appetite and sicky feelings . All this came about since losing my mum . Now this sends me into meltdown and I don't want to be in that place again and the constant health worries . Does anyone know where I'm coming from ? I hate all this . Advice please lots of love Jane X
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metamorphed jane63977
hi jane, I sympathise with you, it's awful to lose your mum and especially going through this too. I have also suffered health anxiety starting perimenopause and had the need to visit doctors in the past as much as I have had to during all this. It is very hard to accept that all these horrible aches and pains and the rest are not more serious, but you have had all the tests etc and we just have to accept that it is horrible meno symptoms. I had a few months feeling nearly fully ok and it hit again, now I'm feeling good again and a pattern is forming, good, then really bad, then good, and so on... When you're feeling good, you forget how bad you've felt for a while and then when it hits again, it's back to health anxiety. But this time for me, after being in this pattern for a while, just not letting it worry me. I have found that upping your vitamins during the bad stage works well. I get more vitamin C, D and Omega 3's into me and it helps, especially the vitamin D3.
hope this helps a bit!
Kris1012 jane63977
I had stopped having periods six months now. All sudden I'm bleeding alot.should I be worried? I also go to docs alot since all these menapause symptoms. My family has cancer on both sides of the family. Keep your chin up.
susan556 jane63977
Sue x
lizzymarie jane63977
Hi Jane. I've joined this group today because I have so many of the symptoms of menopause and I really just want someone to talk to about it.i was due on 9 days ago and have felt everyday like I'm going g to come on...terrible stomach ache backache and really full sore boobs...which I never have.i thi k were are just going to have to put up with it for the next god knows how many years!!!I'm so sorry about your mom.i have all that to come and I'm worried about everything at the moment and just see the negative in everything 😢😢😢.i came of cilitopram just before Xmas last year with side effects so be careful if you come off it....I'm thi k g of going back on it!!!!.anytime you want to talk just drop me a line..liz x
jane63977 lizzymarie
Thank you for your reply and welcome to the group . Hope you don't mind me asking , but what side effects did you have when coming off the citalopram ? I'm going to continue with them for a while as I don't feel that I am ready to come off them yet . I do worry about keep taking them , but then you wouldn't stop taking medication for diabetes or heart problems , so why worry about these . I am on the lowest dose of 10 mg . We all look after each other on here . Take care love Jane X
lizzymarie jane63977
Well I went to the docs a d they just said come off them....no advise or anything!.Come off them slowly.half a day for around 2 weeks then a quarter a day and just keep going until ur off them.i was really dizzy and kept falling over.it took me a few months but like you say if you can stay on them then why not.i really didn't want to go back on them so I'll have to see how it goes.just ask for advise from your doctor. ..mine were useless!or look it up on line that's what I did and found that my side effects were quite comments xx
debbie83588 jane63977
jane63977 debbie83588
pinkcatfairy jane63977
The health anxiety in peri has been awful, a roller-coaster of a ride, you think everything is fine and wham some other health worry. Sorry to hear about your mum, bereavement in itself is a hard thing to deal with, let alone throwing menopause on top of it. I loat my mum and sister twenty years ago and bereavement has many stages you have to go through. This stage of our lives is an uncertain and anxious time. I have had a snippet of every symptom I think and I too have had the anxiety and panic feelings. I take a multi vit with magnesium which has helped me with this. I say hang in there and take each day as it comes and come on this forum for advice etc, it really helps to know that you are not alone x