Just when I thought........

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I've been on evorel conti patches now for 9 weeks and also taking 10mg of amitriptyline at night for my fribromyalgia. From tomorrow my patches will change to evorel conti as my consultant thinks I will feel better with these, as I currently still feel very low and weepy. It's as if I think just as I've turned the corner and am feeling more "myself", any small, pout of the ordinary event comes along and shakes me to the core. Naturally this makes me feel twice as worried as I'd begun to think I was on the mend.

My new patches will cause me to have a bleed once a month......so I'm now worrying about this as I haven't had a period since June 2014. Do any of you ladies out there worry about things like I do......I used to be able to take everything in my stride, but not any more. I can honestly say I HATE this menopause.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I worry all the time Pam, too much, I analyse everything. Do you think the patches have helped you? How is the amitriptyline? I've been on that for two weeks, it makes me dream a lot but I think it is taking the edge off my aches and pains.
    • Posted

      The patches have stopped my hot flushes completely, but it's the weepiness and anxiety that have only been helped a little, hence why consultant is changing my patches. I'm not looking forward to having a bleed every month, but that will be a small price to pay if the anxiety and weepiness stops and I return to be more like myself. I've never felt so rotten as I do when I'm feeling low.

      The amitriptyline seems to help me sleep better but as its only been a week I need to give it longer to really kick in to help my fribromyalgia! I'm 56 and really thought I'd be "living it up" at this time in my life......I'm most definitely not! I've said before, it's as if someone has taken the life I had before and given me this one......and it's horrendous! I know I'm not the first woman to experience menopause and I won't be the last, but I'm hoping things settle down for me soon because at the moment there is no light at the end of what, somedays, seems like a very long, dark tunnel. I thank god for this forum every day! 

    • Posted

      It's the anxiety and depression that are hard for me too. I can totally identify with you feeling like a different person, I. I am overwhelmed by how different I feel mentally and emotionally. I used to be so positive and resilient but often feel as weak as water since all these changes started. I am not on HRT but am now willing to try anything if I thought it might help with the gloom and tears so will be very interested to know if the new patch helps you as I'm sure many other women here will be.
  • Posted

    Sorry that should say "change to evorel sequi"......can't you just tell the sort of rubbish morning I've woken up to!

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