Just when things seem to be going better!!
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I'll apologize first as this may be long
So I feel lately, and the last few cycles, I've felt and handled things much better!! However, just when I start to feel comfortable, BAM, some crazy stupid symptom or event occurs making me spiral into an anxiety frenzy all over again
I get much comfort in reading everyone's stories to confirm we are not crazy or alone. Although it helps we can come here and vent or share together, we also have to function in reality
I've had so may of the same pre and post menopause symptoms many of you have shared but the one that gets me each and every time is the weird head feeling, off balance, fuzzy eyes feel like I might fall down feeling!! The first big one that happened was about a year or so ago where it hit me so hard I had to sit on the floor from fear of passing out. Fortunately, my later episodes have not been that severe and they most certainly have lessened in frequency. Seconds only but feels like an eternity lol. The ones I have been having since then have been very mild in comparison and jsut a second or two of a slight "whoosh" sensation and then I 've learned to just go on and tell myself its just part of it.
Some times are more "severe" than others and has happened at work where I "just won't feel right, feel weird" and then the rest of my day is far from productive. Also afeter these episodes I tend to get hot and break out in a sweat, like a hot flash... maybe this is some sort of precurser to a hot flash?? I don't know as everyone I've asked has no clue what I'm talking about
So last night, I was going along fine, although I had noticed a heightened sense of energy and slight anxious feelings all day but in a good mood and had just finished dinner, helping my girls with their homework, gettting them ready for bed, took care of feeding the animals, etc... hubby not home yet... went to fix some coffee and felt it coming on .... almost feeling like it did last year where I had to sit down for a few minutes. I drank some water and called my mom who talked me through until I felt better. My legs felt like jelly too. I got hot and started sweating again and turned the air to 66 degrees LOL. However, I did calm down and felt normal again and was able to go about the rest of the evening although it stays in the back of my mind and I wake up this AM wondering if I'm going to have another episode again. Even though I've had these before, it freaks me out every time. And then mommy guilt sets in as I think I should be able to handle anything and be there for them 110%.
When I talked to the doctor about it... She's not too concerned about it saying it could be hormonal, silent migraine related, or inner ear related as one time it happened I did have an ear infection.(but I think that was just coincidence)
I have noticed a pattern during this journey... most of the time it happens mid cycle or right before my period is due. Doctor said fluctuating hormones can do many weird thigs throughout your body. So I've noticed that at the time estrogen drops at midcycle and then before period is perhaps when this occurs, maybe it drops faster some months than others and that causes the severity of the symptoms?? And then when estrogen is supposed to be rising, I tend to get the migraine starts.
Sooooo I was told by others if I noticed a pattern then plan for those days!!! Ex. plan to stay home, don't schedule appts or activities on those days! PROBLEM!!!! First, I have an 8 year old and 6 year old to take care of. Second, I have a job I can not just skip out on regularly. Third, my cycles range from 24 days, 26 days, some times 30 days since I've started this journey of hellish perimenopause so how can I PLAN??
And the problem we have during this time is that hormones are very erratic so it could happen anytime throughout the month and not just twice a month as I've noticed.
Ughhhhhh the life we lead!! This rant was mainly for my own release of frustration lol but thought I would share
Hugs to all of you going through this!!!
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Lolasmom ginger31734
I too get those crazy feelings. First kinda an anxious feeling with off balance and dizzy that lasts just seconds. I then go into a hot flash. Sometimes may stomach is upset too. They are precursor to the hot flash. AExcept I am 9 years post meno. And still getting them. So annoying and scary to
ginger31734 Lolasmom
Oh thank you for your response!! Literally makes me crazy when it happens!
Sorry you are still experiencing that 😔
I was hoping this would be an early symptom that would go away soon lol!!!
2chr2015 ginger31734
I've had this recently and sometimes I feel like caffeine brings it on. I have cut caffeine almost completely out, but every once in a while I might try about 1/4cup of coffee and then regret it! I hope you feel better soon!
ginger31734 2chr2015
Awww caffeine! Not sure I can give up completely but I have noticed increased amounts lately so maybe I'll cut back down ...
I used to notice too much caffeine and hot foods would trigger some hot flashes so maybe that's what it was!!?? I had chili for dinner last night too 😳
monique_93857 ginger31734