Just Wondering....

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Hiya ladies I know you all are probably getting tired of reading my same ole post. I'm just wondering something a week ago today I started taking antibiotics for uti it seems that I still have it, is it possible that I might need another round of antibiotics can that happen? On my paper work from doctor I think it said cycititus I don't know if in spelling it right. I don't know why I said uti.anyway the part that annoys me the most is the burning and I'm not talking about when I pee. I have an annoying burning down there. I know you ladies probably think I'm nuts but thanks for taking time to read my post.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    You are not nuts. UTIs are common-cystitis can be a bit tough to retreat. Call doc and see what else can be prescribed. Also, probiotics are in order as antibiotics knock those out leaving way for other issues.

    Good luck!

    Annie x

  • Posted

    Hi Donna

    What name of antibiotics did doc give u.

    Yes always have a probiotic each day while using them, they kill all the good bacteria and some cause thrush too.

    I take acidophilus while on anti biotics, i them them daily now anyway ' pro biotics'

    So you may need to see if thrush like symptoms appear aswell

    Jay x

    • Posted

      Thanks jay the antibiotic I'm taking is nitrofurantoin mono/Mac 100 mg. I been taking two a day for 8 days now with two more days left and I don't think the infection is gone.
    • Posted

      Hi donna

      Hang in there until all course taken

      Long tome 8 days,normally higher strength for less days.

      If your two pills a day, thats one every 12 hours, keeps it properly spread out, instead of one in morning one at tea time then nothing for hours if you know what i mean

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Thanks again jay I was thinking that 100 mg didn't seem like much.
  • Posted

    If it's Interstitial Cystitis antibiotics won't help because it's a chronic condition that isn't caused by bacteria.  You can Google it and see if the signs and symptoms seem to fit with what you're experiencing.  In the meantime, before your next Drs appt you can try ibuprofen to help lessen some of the inflammation, and sometimes antihistamines help a bit too with some of the annoying symptoms of IC.
    • Posted

      Thank you just. Its so nice of you ladies to take the time to read and give advise. It sure helps ease the mind. smile
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      Just I forgot to mention there was a trace of blood in my urine
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      I would go back to doctors you may need a different antibiotic.
  • Posted

    Hi Donna,

    With cystitis, normally antibiotics bring relief fairly quickly, so if you've completed or almost completed the course and haven't seen any relief, go back to your doctor. Hope you feel better soon!

  • Posted

    Donna I have had this and it took 3 courses to ease symptoms and get rid of the infection.  However, I think I have irritable bladder syndrome due to the menopause.  It is just something to keep in mind if symptoms do not go as you will need treatment for that. There are many treatments/things you can do for this including a low acid diet and cutting out alcohol and caffiene all of which I do.  I now have it under control but I also keep a bit of a check as due to this and the meds I am on I am prone to UTI's.  Good luck and keep posting because there are many ladies who can support you as you can see.XXXX
    • Posted

      Thank you Margaret!! Its amazing to see that there are others that go through similar or same situations. Thank you for your input and advise.
    • Posted

      Hi margaret 

      very good point.. When i was in peri ( mid peri) i had bladder issues, felt like UTI, etc often, sometimes was, most times doc checked and wasnt. Had all checked, cystoscopy etc, all fine, was told to drink more as pee should be colour of straw so always have.

      In mid peri, i had urge to pee, felt like cystitis /uti, always looking for a loo, but never really urgent when i got to it ..

      would go out shopping, went to loo before and no sooner got parked i would be hunting for a loo, it was weird .. 

      doc then said i had hormonal sensitive bladder .. The muscle was going into spasm and causing / mimicking UTI.

      gave me some Oxybutinon tablets to take when this started and they worked great, only took one as and when and they sure relaxed the spasm.

      now post meno this has all gone

      jay x  

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