Kalms to help come off Venlafaxine?

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Has anyone taken kalms to come off Venlafaxine? Any replies welcome as I can't take diazepam. Thank you

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I doubt kalms will do anything if you’ve been on Venlafaxine but worth a try. What mg are you on & how long you been coming off for? I’m debating going cold turkey. Are you in the uk? 

    • Posted

      Hi. I'm on 37.5mg after dropping from 75mg 5 days ago. Yes I'm in the UK.

    • Posted

      Yes. A few times. A swift head zap or vertigo would soon remind me I’d not taken it. Getting them now. Day 1 cold turkey 🙄

  • Posted

    havent tried kalms. have tried benedryl anti histamein, and original nytol. both contain the same medical sedative, they do work, but you feel a bit groggy next day. recently tried melatonin and that worked as well, didnt feel groggy, but need to work out when best to take, as feel tired when i get up.
    • Posted

      Thanks Nigel. Coming off ven because I shouldn't be on it. Been on Aripirazole (Abilify) for 13 days but have really bad emotional blunting which is making life feel unbearable as have no joy/sadness etc. Don't think Abilify working either to lift me. Has anyone any suggestions/wisdom. See my psych tomorrow after lunch so would be good to have as much info from everyone as I can. Thanks in advance.

    • Posted

      Hi Jackie, I have been expecting emotional blunting since end of April and it’s been depression. It’s the most horrible experience that can happen in life... will you be put on another antidepressant? I think  You can still take antidepressants if you are bipolar to keep low lows at bay. I have a friend who is bipolar and she is on antidepressant and a mood stabiliser called Lamictal, but everyone is different so you and your doc know best. X
    • Posted

      They may not be doing anything, feeling groggy could be part of your withdrawal
    • Posted

      im not withdrawing, just gone up a dose. benedryl and original nytol contain the same chemical that sedates you, they work quite well for sleeping, but effect you the next day. its the same chemical you get in cough medicines, that make you drowsy. absolutely work, but give you a sort of hangover next day.
  • Posted

    As far as I can tell, there is absolutely nothing that is in Venlafaxine that is in Kalms, Venlafaxnes min ingredient is Hydrochloride, 

    Like wise I doubt benedryl etc will have any effect on withdrawal, it may or may not effect venlafaxines being metabolized by liver and be dangerous. Lowering dose slowly enough to limit withdrawal is what I bet i the only

    thing you can do

    I'm on 75mg, I would love to come off it, but accidentally missing just one dose makes me ill, which has never being the case with other anti depressants I have used.

    Never suffering withdrawal before I once stopped taking my medication and for 2 weeks was bed ridden with with

    could be described as flu like symptoms, my bed was soaked through with sweat, I was delirious and the nausea was unrelenting, I knew it was withdrawal when I took my pill and felt better within hours, 

    I expect the Drs will not realise how slowly people need to withdraw off this stuff

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