Keg to the knee

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It’s a stupid story but basically I was away and someone threw a metal keg which smashed off my knee on Saturday.  I was initially in so much pain and I couldn’t even walk and it was so swollen but it did start to get better after a few days. However it’s now getting worse again and I’m struggling to bend it and fully straighten it as well as pain when I walk. There is a kind of swollen lump on the side of my knee cap but I’m worried to go to a doctor in case I’m just wasting their time. The bruise has gone yellow now but there’s still prominent red dots on it. What should I do? 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Get to an orthopedic surgeon asap. Knee (joint) injuries aren't something that just "go away". You need professional advice to make sure damage is minimized. Hopefully the keg was empty but a. One was close by.

  • Posted

    Sorry Ellie, what a terrible thing to happen to you.   Don't ignore it and feel unworthy of attention. Go straight to A & E where they can xray it or (as the previous poster)  said - get a quick referral to your Knee Surgeon.  Good Luck. 

  • Posted

    You are not wasting a doctors time when you have a leg injury, see one right away. 

    Good to see Oldfatguy’s funny remark at the end of his advise.

    Hope you are keeping well OFG.

    • Posted

      Thanks jean but it's been a brutal summer. I finally had back surgery but progress is slow then had a severe UTI that nearly had me in ICU. Dr said a couple more hours and that's where I would have landed. They were main lining antibiotics every 8 hrs. But that was the least of my concerns as m y wife's

      pa r kinsons finally took such a drastic downturn that she had to be admitted to a skilled care nursing home. About broke my heart But I couldn't care for her safely any more. She is adjusting and doesn't hate it as badly as she once did but after 60 years of marriage, being apart just doesn't seem right. Fortunately she is only 10 mins away but that has its ups and downs as well. She would like for me to spend most of my time there making sure she is entertained, etc. The highs and lows w e have

      I n life that we never could dream of in our youth. Hope things are going well with you

    • Posted

      Hi I’m glad u r on the mend I’m sorry your wife ended up in a care home but I hope she is being looked aftervwell after 60yrs of marriage it must be breaking your hearts stay strong both sending love 💕 

    • Posted

      Thanks for the kind thoughts. It is indeed heartbreaking. I was sure I was going to be up to the task but 11 surgeries and a couple of serious staph infections on my leg /knee over the years and now the back issue has about taken a toll on this 81 year old body. Both of us now know the nursing home will be her home. The question in most of the families mind is how long she will be able to survive. She has become very fragile in the last 6 to 8 months and I'm afraid one serious infection of any kind will be more than the body can handle. It's all in God's hands anyway so all we can do is pray and accept. Thanks again.

    • Posted

      Sorry for your troubles, OFG. Yet despite your health problems and concerns for your wife, you still give your time and invaluable advice to others on this site. It’s the same humanity you show in caring for your wife.

      My best wishes to you both.

  • Posted

    Please call your doctor. Knees are nothing to mess around with. Then make the person who threw the keg buy you a full one. 

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