Kidney tumor found scared to death
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after a CT scan with dye a tumor of 2cm has been found. i have just had a all saying i need a byopsy on it in the next few weeks. but that is all they told me. has anyone else been through this? im really scared and cant find any real information on this. if anyone can help id love to hear from you
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JoyKF53 turvell
Hi. If, and that's a big if, a biopsy shows that the tumour is malignant (cancerous), it will be surgically removed. If the complete tumour is successfully taken there is an over 90 per cent likelihood of a cure. It is a cancer with one of the highest survival rates so don't panic, if it should be cancer it's treatable. Good luck.
turvell JoyKF53
thanks for your comments. its really helpful to hear postive news. i had a private ultrasound for belly aches that i had for years. and this was found during that. im so glad i booked to have it now. or it may have been growing there for years and years. thanks again for taking the time to comment. i found your words of great comforts x
JoyKF53 turvell
I'm so glad. When I was diagnosed with lymphoma I needed to hear positivity from people. And then, when they found a brain tumour (meningioma) during a routine scan it was even more important. I'm nearly 2 years in remission now and am having gamma knife surgery on Tuesday to kill off the tumour so as I see it, my glass is always half full, never half empty. Please let me know how you get on. We're hear to listen.
turvell JoyKF53
and omg and here is me baninging on about my issues. you are a trooper and i cant wish you enough look with your procedure comming up. i wish you all the luck in the world and please let me know how you get on xx
JoyKF53 turvell
Thank you for your kind words but it really is no big deal. I'm having the gamma knife surgery tomorrow, got to get up at 3 to be there by 6.30, but home by teatime. I'll be sure to let you know how it went. Never think that you're "banging on" or that your issues are less important than anyone elses. Worry and anxiety is worry and anxiety, no matter what's causing it, we're all equal. Keep in touch.
turvell JoyKF53
JoyKF53 turvell
Surgery over and all is well. I understand that you're scared but I'm sure all will be well. People avoid you because they don't know what to say, you need to tell them that it's ok, that you feel better when you can talk about it. Let me know how the biopsy goes.
maja68564 turvell
turvell maja68564
thanks so much for taking the time to respond to me. cant tell you how much i appreciate that. and im so pleased to hear your positive story i truly am. im still waiting for my biopsy so in early stages. but im told its 99.9% will be cancer and as almost all masses are. i am struggling with my emotions at the moment and i am been really angry towards my other half. and i feel guilty about it. i know its not there fault and i am trying to suck it up. but finding it hard. i will ask for copies of it so i can read about it to. the internet can make it worse in some ways. but storys from people like you really help. as most storys i come accross are all doom n gloom. i hope that you are over this and your are forever more. and thanks again for taking the time to talk to me xx
turvell maja68564
maja68564 turvell
It was a partial nephrectomy - via open surgery - not keyhole - so there is less danger of stray cancer cells being left behind elsewhere in the body on route out. Took a while to recover from open surgery, but I'd rather the whole lot came out cleanly with better prognosis in the end.
turvell maja68564
maja68564 turvell
maja68564 turvell
turvell maja68564
turvell maja68564
maja68564 turvell
I think people differ in how they recover. I am a wuss and usually keel over completely (and I am 64) whereas other people just bounce back from operations. Because I had neck problems they made the incision on the left side at the front (abdomen) - so I had to sleep for quite a few weeks on my back. Scar is just a little larger than 6 inches. I think normally they make a cut from the side towards the back? You may like to Google: Abdominal Surgery - Caring for Yourself at Home? But anyway this may all be premature as your treatment plan has not been decided yet? Like you I was full of dread, but there was no alternative, I just had to bite the bullet. Once it's been excised and it's all behind you, things should look a lot brighter for you! During your recovery your body willl tell you how much activity to start engaging in again. After the first 2 to 3 weeks things started to pick up for me again.
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maja68564 turvell
turvell maja68564
maja68564 turvell
turvell maja68564
turvell maja68564
maja68564 turvell
turvell maja68564
turvell maja68564
maja68564 turvell
Yikes Steve, that is not the news you were waiting for... I can understand your worry. The uncertainty is so hard to bear. I found the American Cancer Institute website really good - I downloaded several PDFs from them - try Googling: National Institute of Health What You Need to Know about Kidney Cancer, and if you Google "We have kidney cancer a practical guide for patients and families" a very good informative PDF guide comes up too (by American Kidney Cancer Assn). Hang on in there Steve, the best thing you can do is prepare yourself for the operation. The first PDF suggests questions you can ask the doctors, etc. Good luck - let me know when you've seen the team, what they suggest and when you're going to have the operation. 2.5cm is not a large mass, mine of 3cm, so hopefully you can take heart from that. (I haven't put links in here as the monitor picks these up and has to approve them, causing delays.)