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Has any one been on these ?
How do you think they are any bad side effects ?
I tried them a year ago found them to be the best for flushes but had bleeding/ brown discharge for 3 weeks so was changed to a different one I don't think a really gave them a chance
Thinking about trying again
Flushes getting me so down
Every 2 hour's awake last night
I'm so tired
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sue58256 rose33977
bobbysgirl rose33977
Yes, I was on Kliofem. They worked a treat - until the bleeding started! I'm now on an assortment of, good quality (not supermarket) vits and mins and found sage leaf works quite well. Not as good as Kliofem but better than the alternatives!
I tried Black Cohosh,but it made me feel weird.
rachel333 rose33977
bobbysgirl rachel333
Just be careful where the Soy is from. So much of it now is GM. Which means, in this case, it is herbicde (Glyphosate) resistant. Glyphosate has been found in breast milk. It is an endocrine disruptor. You don't need THAT!
maisie05 bobbysgirl
Hi Bobbysgirl. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I too have used soya milk and soy isoflavens as in meno pace.
How do we find out if GM and do you know of any that are organically grown?
It seems a shame to be put off using soya products when a lot of menopause help books recommend it.
bobbysgirl maisie05
That's a difficult one! If it is from the US (as most of it is) it is safe to assume it IS GM.
I think all you can do is look to see if it carries organic certification and hope for the best.
It is not the soy itself, it's the stuff it is sprayed with. It is highly toxic, I know, I am a gardener and I used to use it!!! I feel SO bad about that.
julesmsw rose33977
maisie05 julesmsw
julesmsw maisie05
Hi! I use capsules, but i also carry the tincture.