Knee 'goes' no injury- unsure what to do

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I'm 24 and not injured my knee. I am a runner but this started to happened when I was taking my week off due to heel injury. It's fine 80% of the time then it'll random 'go' and I get a severe intense pain near my fibula head and I can't weight bear for around 5 minutes, it's incredibly painful to try straighten my knee fully, then the pain will slowly ease off and it's like it never happened. Twisting makes pain worse, it's happened about 6 times now in the last 4 days and it's slowly taking longer to recover from the pain. 

Anyone got any ideas of what's going on? Does this warrant a visit to my GP? 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    It warrants a visit to a sports orthopedic surgeon for an imaging study to see what's going on in there.  Your GP can do nothing but give you pills...stay away from the pills...

  • Posted

    Get to a sports medicine Dr asap. Some of these injuries seem incidental and start multiplying. Long term consequences can be avoided by early treatment with a competent specialist. Most primary care Dr s are in the category of advising ice and rest. A ything else is over their heads. Sports med guys see injuries from a different perspective.

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