Knee has been weird for awhile but it's getting worse

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I am a 15 year old female. I do gymnastics twice a week and swimming every weekday. The past few weeks I have been experiencing pain more often than usual in both my knees(usually only one knee will hurt at a time). For the past 2 years I've had occasional knee locking but it would only happen maybe once every 3 months for an hour. but now it's many times a week and even though it won't completely lock up like before, it will still hurt and the pain will get worse as I walk on it to the point of where it will completely lock. I will try my best to sit down before the pain gets worse but sometimes I am not near a chair or bed. The pain usually lasts for an hour. I've noticed that if I pop my knee either by accident or on purpose, it will cause it tohave pain later that day.Even when I sit down my knee will still hurt until it's had an hour to rest. I don't know what's going on. I know that gymnastics is probably making it worse because swimming doesn't hurt it at all. I know it would be good to quit gymnastics but it's my passion and I would like some other options before I am o my left with the choice to quit.i just want some answers on what it may be so I could bring that up when I go to the doctors soon.

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9 Replies

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    The best advice I can give is to rest it for a few days, particularly no gymnastics. Your doctor may order an x-ray of your knee in order to diagnose the problem. It may only be damage to soft tissue or tendons but you can't know without a radiological test.
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    I am so sorry you are having issues with your knees and at such a young age. I would make an appointment to see an orthopedic doctor and have them take a good look at your knees.  I would try to do it before you go any further in your gymnastics.  I know you love what you do. But if the issues are correctable before any damage is done that might mean you could have a very long time with your gymnastics.  Don't ignore the signs your body is telling you.  It does that for a very good reason. Let us know what you are going to do. Would like to keep up with your progress.
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    Although more common in boys than girls your age there is a situation commonly know as growing pains. It is basically a problem caused by joint development not keeping up with body development. The simple sounding diagnosis doesn't mean it isnt painful. 1st, I would give it rest and 20 minutes of ice as often as possible. Get to a sports medicine doc or clinic and get a professional diagnosis to make sure you aren't creating more of a problem that would create long term difficulties. Much research has been done by the medical profession in the last 15-20 years. When I was your age they just told us to rest and use heat. All that has changed and some actual relief can be prescribed in many cases. Good luck and let us know what you find out and how you are getting along
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    Thanks for the advice , I will rest as much as possible and put ice on it but I don't know if I can get to a doctor. My mom tells me that muscles heal on their own and that it's useless to see a doctor.
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      It isnt muscles it is ligaments and tendons that are too weak to hold the leg in proper alignment and that causes the inflammation. Muscle strength and usage are much different. I certainly won't advise you to go against your parents and wouldnt suggest you go to a general practicenor but do recommend the specialist. Personally, all of us on here are speaking from real, honest experience not from guessing. I have had 11 surgeries on my leg, 3 artificial or prosthetic joints and had to rebuild the leg/knee 5 times. Using a joint that is in severe pain without professional diagnosis can lead to permanent damage when the issue can be avoided with proper diagnosis/prognosis and plan of treatment.
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    I totally agree with the others. Better to be safe about your knees then to continue. Medical intervention is needed. Resting may help but if it is ligaments and tendons when you go back from resting you probably will experience the same issue almost straight away.  Good luck keep us in the loop with what is going on.
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    Sweetie,listen to Oldfatguy...what he describes is correct. You are growing and your joints/ten dos/ligaments  are trying to keep up. By all means see a sports physio, but preferable a pediatric physio would be much better as the know what is happening to your body.  In the meantime, if you don't want to go down that road is..... Let your knee get over the last "lock" then concentrate on strengthen your knees (and ankles, they to have a tendency to give way , for the same reasons) use gentle weights to start with and work your way up.  Put in the effort now and you will reap the rewards later. Xxx
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    I had problems with both my knees dislocating alnd locking when I was your age. I am now 65. I was not allowed to do any sports at school.

    I think that seeing a sports physio is probably your best bet.

    Take care and keep in touch



  • Posted

    Oh sweetie bless your heart! I am about to give you some very real and honest advice based on my personal experience. I was active as a kid and teenager myself. Ballet, gymnastics, cheerleading, modern dance and more. I know how much you love it! Ballet was my passion. I couldn't live if I couldn't dance! I just had reconstructive knee surgery last week. My cartilage was all damaged and my dr made a graft from my hamstring to stabilize my kneecap since was so unstable. It came from years of wear and tear from all my activities. Its important that you get to a doctor and get seen about! I complained about pain to my mom too and she didn't take me to a dr when I needed to get taken care of. If I had went, and worn a stabilizing brace as a kid, I wouldn't be in this situation. It has been a very painful surgery. And I may still have to get a knee replacement at 35 if this doesn't work. And it's a super long recovery. I'll be in an immobilizing knee brace and on crutches for at least 6 weeks. I just got my staples out today. Five incisions had staples, and four incisions have stitches. So please get it checked out now! And if you have pain, rest! You can either miss a few classes, or if you keep getting worse and require surgery, you'll have a long recovery. And believe me, I understand how much you love gymnastics. I dislocated my knee in ballet class once, went and sat down maybe 10 minutes, put my Pointe shoes back on, and went back to class even though I was in excruciating pain. I always got the leads and best roles, and if my teacher thought I was weak or injured, someone else would get my role. But I'm paying for it now! So tell your mom that's it's very important to rule out something serious that could be a problem later. I hope you feel better soon! Also rest and ice as much as you can.

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