Knee has been weird for awhile but it's getting worse
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I am a 15 year old female. I do gymnastics twice a week and swimming every weekday. The past few weeks I have been experiencing pain more often than usual in both my knees(usually only one knee will hurt at a time). For the past 2 years I've had occasional knee locking but it would only happen maybe once every 3 months for an hour. but now it's many times a week and even though it won't completely lock up like before, it will still hurt and the pain will get worse as I walk on it to the point of where it will completely lock. I will try my best to sit down before the pain gets worse but sometimes I am not near a chair or bed. The pain usually lasts for an hour. I've noticed that if I pop my knee either by accident or on purpose, it will cause it tohave pain later that day.Even when I sit down my knee will still hurt until it's had an hour to rest. I don't know what's going on. I know that gymnastics is probably making it worse because swimming doesn't hurt it at all. I know it would be good to quit gymnastics but it's my passion and I would like some other options before I am o my left with the choice to quit.i just want some answers on what it may be so I could bring that up when I go to the doctors soon.
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jemma33320 katie.lov
vanessa95917 katie.lov
Oldfatguy1 katie.lov
Oldfatguy1 katie.lov
vanessa95917 katie.lov
sueisobel katie.lov
sarah87162 katie.lov
I think that seeing a sports physio is probably your best bet.
Take care and keep in touch
ash-cotton katie.lov