Knee replacement
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Ive just had a total knee replacement 2 days ago due to psoriatic arthritis which caused my knee to go knock kneed. My consultant said as i am so skinny the pain would be a lot worse as there was no muscle there. I had a hip replacement in october of last year and that was a walk in the park compared to this. The pain is unbeleivable and the problem is i know its only been 2 days but i cannot lift my leg whatsoever because the pain is so bad the Physio basically said im not trying hard enough and im worried that if i cant lift it they wonnt let me go home my surgeon asked me to lift it and i couldnt but he said because i had lifted it the day of the op that everything was ok it was just a matter of time. I would be grateful to hear from anyone who had this problem and their experience. I know its only been 2 days but im really worried.
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jan77947 lisa11951
Oldfatguy1 lisa11951
Therapists LIE!!!!! How's that for a start. Their job is to motivate as well as educate and some of them still use that goofy reverse psychology. Ask for a therapy belt. One of those web straps the put around your waist to keep you from falling in a heap when they get you out of bed. Put it across the ball of your foot and gently pull back on it with both hands suddenly your leg will start lifting off the bed. Don't get carried away and raise it more than a couple inches. After this effort a few times, start tightening the muscles in the upper leg as you raise. Owly the leg will "wake up" and you be able to use the strap to wrap around the neck of the therapist. Be patient (no pun intended) and hydrate well. You'll be surpri ed how dried out your body gets during this surgery. You had blood loss and the anesthesia its self plays havoc with your body and brain. You've got a lot of retraining to do so don't be in a hurry to eat the elephant in one bite. This is going go be the race of your lifetime and its a marathon not a sprint. Stay with this group....everyone's been through it and some of us have bought new luxury automobiles for our Dr's. Ive had 11 surgeries on 1 leg and the healing has been different on everyone of them. If you haven't already read chicos advice columns, its well worth the time plus they are great for curing insomnia and other sleeping disorders.
Whatever else...don't get discouraged...everyone is different and progress happens just as differently.
Mkhp lisa11951
dont worry, it takes time. be sure to do your exercises regularly, keep your mind healthy (cause this surgery can get you down, its a tough one!). patience helps too. there is a man by the name of chico marx on this forum, he has a lot of good advice for tkr patients, if you read his blog, it may help you to better understand what your going through right now and why.
healthy healing to you, stay strong.... kathy p
cynthia89958 lisa11951
Bless you, you are just out of surgery in pain and they are getting onto you! i agree with the surgeon, your lifting WILL come - I'm 5 weeks out of TKR for osteoarthritis and could not straighten or lift leg well for many months. After surgery, the pain was terrible (in my case not due to skinny legs, in fact I have lipoedema - a condition that causes poor lymphatic circulation and excess abnormal swelling and fatty tissue) and I could not lift my leg at all, though it was finally straighter. After coming homeand lifting the leg with the aid of a dressing gown belt, or the other foot, I one day found it was lifting without help.
?The bend has always been a problem - in hospital it was not so bad but at home it has swelled and resists bending and very painful. I am told this will improve once the swelling gets better and this may take longer in my case. The physiotherapists tell me it is my fault for not trying but this is just not true, I have tried my utmost, but the surgery has taken a heavy toll on my body as I have been ill with other conditions and a surgery end of last year. I'm not convinced yet I did right to have this surgery on top of everything, but it is done and I hope it will turn out well, as most people's do - with time and patience plus hard work and rest too.
?Try not to worry and get lots of rest, sleep when you can, mobilise as you can and ask for pain meds. I hate taking meds, but they are needed in the early days or you cannot function well. It is a long recovery for most people (yes, a few lucky ones are doing cartwheels in no time but they are not typical). Take care.
Mary0987 lisa11951
LIsa I to could not lift my leg right after surgery. I had my surgery was April 11 and to this day I still use my other leg to help lift it. You will eventually be able to lift it. Pt tech are mean and barbaric. Do what you can and take it one day at a time. Sometimes I can lift it and others when I'm tired and in pain I can't. You got this and I wouldn't worry to much at two days nobody could touch my leg do to hyper sensitivity and I was screaming in pain. By day four the day I left the hospital I still could not lift my leg so I don't think they would keep you there. They want you to start trying things by yourself. Hang in there and heal on!
jenny80029 lisa11951
I couldn't lift my leg for four weeks, my quadriceps were completely out of it! Now at six weeks I can do straight leg raises and lift it when getting out of bed, etc. Still a bit painful. There could be lots of reasons but try not to worry.
jenny80029 lisa11951
martinarvelo lisa11951
You seem to have met up with some barbaric people in hyour journey. Not being able to lift the leg is quite common in the first few days, or even the first week or two. I think I probably managed to lift the leg on about day 14 . . My whole ankle and foot would not move. . .I seriously thought I would never walk again. But slowly it did come back, with a lot of perseverance and not a little pain. I'm sure they will let you go home. . most hospitals are only too pleased to see the back of us! Sometimes the inability to lift the leg, as well as being because of weak muscles, the weight of the new prosthesis . .can also be partly psychological in that the body knows it is going to hurt, and even though you put in all your effort into lifting, the subconscious is putting all its force into keeping it on the bed! try getting someone else to lift it gently VERY gently and see if after a few attempts you can sustain it for a secnd or two. I hope it will work for you, but PLEASE do not start getting oworried about progress at two days post op!!! It's a long, slow process . . as you say the hip replacement is a walk in the park compared to this!
martinarvelo lisa11951
Oh and PS . . if it's true that the day after the op you were able to lift the leg, that means there has not been any terrible damage to muscles or nerves. . I know my surgeon was worried that there was damage to a nerve when my ankle just wouldn't work, but in the end movement came back.
eileen88018 lisa11951
Lisa I was in hospital 6 days after I had my TKR they didn't want to let me out because I was only getting 55 degree bend and couldn't lift my leg at all it took me nearly 3 weeks before I could I was using a belt to lift my leg on and off the bed but all of a sudden it just happened so don't worry I'm now 7 weeks post op I'm doing ok except for the extreme tightness around my knee . Good luck and stop worrying.
CHICO_MARX lisa11951
All normal...
Also had the hip done and, yes, this is waaaaaaay worse. You have a long road ahead of you...9-12 months...maybe more. Be prepared for the full year. Welcome to the club..."Kneebie"...
lisa11951 CHICO_MARX
Thank you
CHICO_MARX lisa11951
Click my name...18 posts. I hope you find some of them helpful.
It's a very long road. My recovery got interrupted at 8 months by a case of spinal stenosis at L2/L3. Had the op a month ago and still coming back from that. Once I get neuro clearance, I can actually finish the knee rehab. Starting with the knee in December of '15, TKR in March '16, stenosis last October and now this surgery, it's been close to 18 months of nothing but pain. But we get through it...we set out mind to the task and do it. Stay strong...
marilyn10235 lisa11951
Hi Lisa
I could only lift my leg a fraction off the bed at 2 days po & was still discharged at 3 days!
Please, please listen to Oldfatguy, this man has been there, he knows. He gives good advice, look back at Chico Marx's thread he's left you a link.
You are SOOOOO early in your recovery, just concentrate mainly on recovering from the operation for now. You will still have to try to do the exercises as best you can, but don't worry too much if you can't do too many. At this stage particularly it's best to do them properly rather than do a lot. Quality over quantity. Once able to do them & your leg is a bit stronger, then step up a gear.
I cannot understand a Physio who would berate you at 2 days po for not being able to lift your leg???!! Can you ask the Sister of the ward to find a different Physio? In the. Treatment Centre ward I was on they 4 or 5 physios. Surely there must be another one who is more TKR friendly. Sister will know & maybe put in a word for you.
You are actually doing very well, so don't let it bring you down!
Keep in touch