Knee revision problems any advice please.
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Hi I don't know if anyone can give me advice I have RTKR 2012 in Jan 2017
I had a serious infection which resulted in the joint being removed. I had my
Knee fixed for 12 weeks and wore a leg brace I had IV and oral antibiotics for
8 weeks to try and irradiate the infection. I had the 2nd stage done on the 7th
April. My surgeon who informed me he is one of the best in doing revision
Surgery said the operation was complex as they had difficulty making the new
Joint replacement fit due to my very small bones especially the tibia. He tried
3 then settled for a standard AGC knee. I also had anti biotic beads put in around my tibia
Femur and around the knee itself( he has never done this procedure before in a
Knee) and gave me reassurance his college in America advised this is standard
Practice when the infection is severe) I am in the UK He said the beads last a few weeks
Before dissolving ( some actually are inserted then removed after time) . I have
Had to continue wearing the leg brace which is restricting the range of
Movement on the knee to 20 degrees as I have now been told the ligaments
Are unstable Ihave more varus/valgus laxity than he would like and he said
By continuing to wear the brace it will encourage the ligaments to contract
Down. My knee continues to 'give out 'even though I wear the brace
Continually I am still in quite a lot of pain especially the inside and across the
Front of my knee. The consultant says just take pai killers I started physiotherapy
1 hour a week which had now been decreased to 1/2 hour a week as she said
It's too much strain on my knee. I feel very worried and scared for my future iAm 52
Have a full time job which I am concerned I may not be able to return to. I am
Told to just sit and rest all day which is making me really depressed I am
Seeing my consultant 4th July when I will have X rays and to confirm if there
Has been any improvement.
Does anyone have a similar experience when I asked the consultant if this is going
To work he said we have to wait and see the physio informed me I will have
To have another operation if the knee joint does not stabilise. I did say well
If he had put the right size joint in maybe I wouldn't be in this situation now.
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jenny80029 denise63749
AAAAAAH!so sorry to hear you are having such a hard time! No personal experience, but is possible maybe some emotional and psychological help may be timely...because mindset is eve
rything andvthis clearly is a challenging time. Is there a project or something you can do that is non weightbearing, ? Its possible to get counselling on nhs.. this must be so hard for you 😕
denise63749 jenny80029
Hi Jenny 🙋
Thank you for your reply I do have a good support network but
As I am always so active I'm finding it hard just to sit and do
Nothing. I do knit so am knitting some baby items for the
Local hospital . My daughter and friends have taken me out just
Locally but I find it really difficult to walk especially with the brace
And crutch which I need for support so I sit in the garden instead
My GP said it is going to take time as it is not straight forward but
No one can give me any time scales my physio said I have to be
Patient and it will take a long time. I asked the consultant if there
Is anyone else dealing with this he said there has been but he
Also had 4 patients that ended up having their leg amputated as
Their infections / pain could not be resolved.😱 that's why he has
Used the anti biotic beads as my infection was so bad he thinks
I had it for many years but didn't have any obvious symptoms. I'm
Being as positive as I can and hope I get some positive news
When I have my next appointment. I will ask if there is any
Support etc when I speak to him.
Thank you again
lyn32416 denise63749
Hi Denise. What a huge challenge for you to overcome. In Australia they test us for staph or other infections prior to surgery. I do not understand why the surgeon was not aware of your infection or maybe you contracted it in hospital and they won't acknowledge this. I would never stop seeking a positive outcome if I was in a similar position. Research and if necessary, after some healing time, get another opinion. Sounds like a major stuff up to me and medicos are brilliant in covering up their errors. xx
Oldfatguy1 denise63749
I didn't have a couple of your issues but had 2 staph infections that resulted in the antibiotic
Protocol, prosthesis removal, leg brace and all the issues. I was fortunate inasmuch as I was able to go to a rehab facility for 21 so I had a lot of specialized care. No doubt, immobilization sets you back as far as time but not in t he long run. Just be patient and live day to day. I know you have to be worried but you are more important than any job or company. You have a long uphill climb but you'll get there. Stay with this group. They'll give too much information and encouragement.
denise63749 Oldfatguy1
Hi thank you for your reply so are you well now how long did you take
To pet back to normal? I understand this will take time but I feel
I am not getting any better can the ligament really repair itself
And go back to normal I am doubtful of this happening. I know I
Have to be realistic and initially my expectations of recovery were
High as the consultant told my husband I should be back to
Normal by 6 months. When I asked him last time he just said we
Have to wait and see. I also asked if the infection has completely
Gone and was told my CRP levels are within normal range he said
The risk of the infection re curring is higher and if it happens he
Will have to start all over again. I have tried to find some
Information on line but it's limited.
Oldfatguy1 denise63749
My situation is very unusual. My problems started in Sept. 2002 when a rare tumor blew up causing extensive and painful bleeding. Since then I've had 11 surgeries plus 30 rounds of radiation and 5 complete rehab. The tumor has reoccured and Unfortuately they cannot get all of it due location. Because of all of this and my age (I'm now 80) ill never experience a complete recovery. Its been 2 years this month since my last surgery. I have to continually push myself as I am also the caregiver for a spouse with advanced Parkinson's disease so I never have a chance to properly rest and had to take short cuts on the rehab.
I've know a couple of other people who have gone through the staph/surgery/rehab with success. Not sure if age is really a big factor but they were much younger than me and were able to rehab properly
denise63749 Oldfatguy1
Hi just thought I would give you an update after seeing consultant
Yesterday. He said the ligaments are not doing as well as he
Would like and is still a slow process I have to wear the leg brace
At night as well as day so to keep it on 24hrs a day until April next
Year that will then be 12 months from the revision surgery. The
Antibiotic beads have dissolved but will not confirm if infection
Has gone he said ask me again in 5 years and I may be able to give you
An answer!! He is talking about me having another knee if all else
Fails ( a small Bespoke one ) which they will have to have made for me explained
I have lost a lot of bone from tibia due to the infection and previous
Knee ops. I asked him if he is confident the ligaments will tighten
Making the knee stable by next year he said he's not overly
Confident but is optimistic. I am continuing physio half hour a week
To strengthen my quad muscles but am still told to sit and rest for
Most of the day as the more I walk on it the ligaments will not
Tighten. I still have a lot of pain on the inside and across the front
Of my knee initially he said it was the infection then it was the
Trauma from the 2 ops last time saying it was the antibiotic beads
Rubbing against the joint yesterday he said he can have a look
Inside to see what's causing the problem but it means another
Operation so I said no. I just feel so disheartened that I'm not going
To fully recover from this and he certainly hasn't given me much
Confidence that all will! Be well. Sorry for moaning and thanks for
Taking the time to listen to me.