Knee still swelling up after 7 months post tkr

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I had a tkr on my left knee on 17th August 2015, I only had 6 weeks physio at the hospital afterwards, but have been doing my own at home every day. My flex is only 105 at the most and after walking around for about an hour it starts to feel swollen and I seem to lose the bend so I have to rest the knee. I still seem to have a little swelling to the outside and above the knee that feels like fluid but it's not moving. My consultanat has told me that I probably won't get any more flex now, has anyone had a similar experience, and is there a chance it might bend more in the future.



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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Susan I had mine dow a week after you my flex is a but more not much .. Mine is not painfull just aches and if i sit getting up takes me time to get moving its really stiff most of the time and i cant walk for long either without stopping to sit ... Its been a nightmare journey I thought i would be nearly running around by now !!! But i surpose slowely slowley does it !!! 
  • Posted

    Hi, I had mine the end of June and I'm exactly where your at. I've just paid for 2 private physio sessions and have been given more exercise to do as my muscles that support the joint arnt strong enough. I'm doing squats,leg raising with ankle weights and lunges. Also I have a bakers cyst on the back of my knee. I'm finding the pain and ache. is very slightly easing, but only been exercising a week also I was told to keep icing behind knee to take swelling down. My knee doesn't seem to bend any further but it is a little stronger,
    • Posted

      Hi Chrishappy and Delia, Thank you so much for your quick replies. I thought it was only me going through this situation, and I couldn't understand why as I have been doing exercises on a daily basis and swimming once per week. I was really looking forward to a new life with a new knee, It 's looking like time will tell. My consultant said he is really disappointed that my flex is not better, as I had a better flex before the operation, well it's not for the want of trying !!!



  • Posted

    Yes I had better flex before surgery too!!! And I also swim once a week !!! I don't have the arthritic pain in the knee now though just the muscle ache, so maybe in time this will get better for us both, I'm due to have my other knee done soon too!

  • Posted

    My revision was done 5 months ago - 27th Oct 2015, & I too have swellings but only on one side! The left side of my right (TKR) knee feels normal - the other side has 2 lumps, which tingle all the time, & are probably fluid, but if I overdo it, that side reall swells & aches.The whole knee is stiff if I sit for any length of time. I see my surgeon in 2 weeks, but I already know he is going to say it's normal. The one good thing is that it is far better than this time last year, with the mechanically loose, misaligned replacement knee!

    My life revolves around knees now!

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