Knee Tightness
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Hello All
I am nearly five weeks post op but last Thursday I woke up and my knee was the tightest it has ever been and is still like it; it feels horrendous and stops me from bending and is just not getting any easier. It feels like someone has bound my knee with rubber bands.
Has anyone else had this happen?
Thank you, Tracey
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No1nanny tracey71146
tracey71146 No1nanny
lynn08926 tracey71146
I am 13.5 weeks post op and this tight band/vice feeling is quite normal. Muscles and nerves adjusting to this difficult surgery. Something else we have to get used to, but it does decrease slowly.
Unpleasant sensation, but nothing to worry about. Please try to bend through the tight band though. It will help.
Any other questions, ask away.
tracey71146 lynn08926
Thank goodness thought something terrible was happening as I woke up like it! My bend is not good but do keep trying.
tracey71146 lynn08926
How long does this horrendous tightness last approximately - days or weeks as it is just not abating yet?
Did you find any medication helped in particular? I take naproxen and oxy norm when I have had enough but was thinking of asking TO for a muscle relaxant?
Thanks so much for advice.
What a nightmare it all is!
Best wishes,Tracey
lynn08926 tracey71146
Was paranoid at first about the six week window.
lynn08926 tracey71146
Truly is a horrible experience and I've got to get knee number 2 done.
Didn't find medication helped, just exercise. Easier said than done, but vital.
tracey71146 lynn08926
Am really suffering with this tightness in my knee - in fact it now feels like it's being crushed, seriously. Did yours get this bad before it got better?
Am seeing consultant next Monday but don't feel I can wait that long.
I called the consultant 's clinic today and they said it would be agony and to go to A&E if I wanted.
Spoke to a friend at the A&E who said they would see but would probably refer me to the consultant so am back at square one.
Nothing I do eases it; am now trying diazepam to relax the muscles but . . Am feelingvdesperate and so worried that something awful is wrong.
Thanks, Tracey
lynn08926 tracey71146
The weird feeling certainly comes and goes, sometimes felt like a vice on my knee but I didn't have real pain.
I suspect it is just the muscle and nerves adjusting to the surgery.
Do you have a temperature? Any pain in your calf muscles?
tracey71146 lynn08926
No temperature nor calf pain - I did experience terrible calf pain st the beginning.
I guess it is pain but the pain of my knee feeling like it is being crushed all day long every day since last Thursday - am thinking something must be wrong
cindy90071 tracey71146
I am 8 weeks post op, and I still have that tight band feeling. One thing I have tried recently is to put a very soft blanket on a couch and gently kneel on it holding alot of your weight with the back of the couch, then gently rock back and forth, you can feel it slowly working that tight feeling. I think it might be slowly helping me.
tracey71146 cindy90071
The thought of kneeling - wow! My bend is only about 60 / 70! Will give it a try though.
Thanks, Tracey
cindy90071 tracey71146
much easier
jennifer86104 cindy90071
betty07083 jennifer86104
It's your 10 week post op "pal" here again
I am fascinated every time I read your posts because we are at the same stage and you sound exactly like me, and it is such a relief to know I'm not alone! I am also still having stiffness and pain in the same areas that you are! In fact I took two pain pills the other day after I had been able to reduce them to one a day. I felt seriously depressed that evening & don't know if it was from the pain pills or because I feel I'm not progressing.
When I think about what all was done during the surgery, it's a wonder we are not in more pain, but on the other hand I thought we were supposed to start feeling better as weeks go by, not worse!
I don't see my surgeon anymore. He "let me go" at my 8 week post op check up, so reading your posts ( as well as others, but yours and Lynn in particular as we are all at the same time frame, Lynn being a few weeks ahead) is the only way I can moniter my progress.
Sorry if I'm babbling, but I just wanted to respond to your post to say I am feeling the same way as you, and I also get extremely tired from standing too long. Even a day out exhausts me where I have to take a nap as soon as I get home.
Thanks for listening my friend. Betty
lynn08926 betty07083
I believe I turned a corner at week 12. At week 10 I was blubbing at physio feeling I would never feel normal again, had lost my place in the family as 'Mum', the one who took care of everyone and everything. My physiotherapist was terrific in pointing out that my feelings at that stage were perfectly normal and I wasn't going mad.
Since then I feel much more in control, rather than the knee controlling me. So much so, that we are planning a visit to the US in November to see our daughter. Life was passing me by and I suddenly realised I needed to get a grip.
Don't get me wrong, I still have my wobble moments, especially when I know knee number 2 needs doing, but those moments pass and I realise I'm getting 'me' back. SO important.
jennifer86104 betty07083
Jen x
betty07083 lynn08926
Where abouts in the U.S. does your daughter live? I'm in California. When I was first desperately looking for a blog about TKR, when I found this blog I did not realize it was in the UK. It's been so informative and everyone is so friendly & caring. I feel like I've made new friends
Again, thanks for the encouragement. My heart goes out to you, knowing you have to go through this again. Has having gone through it make it less frightening or are you dreading it? I have a fear I may have to do it on my other knee as well, someday, but it's no where as bad as my right knee was.
Thanks for responding, Betty
lynn08926 betty07083
You and I corresponded a while back. I advised the v-pillow from Target. Remember?
I am dreading having knee no. 2 done, but there's no choice. Bone on bone again, I'm afraid. Holding out til next March when our daughter returns to the US after a short visit home.
jennifer86104 lynn08926
betty07083 jennifer86104
Your knee class sounds great! I wish we had something like that here! It would be tremendously helpful to the majority of us who come home from the hospital feeling confused about what to do, wondering if what we are feeling is normal, etc.
I can't really get answers from my physical therapist, as her patients come to her for so many different reasons. In other words, she's not an "expert" on TKR to know if I'm where I'm supposed to be as far as progress at any given stage. She's helping me, don't get me wrong, but it would be wonderful to attend a class such as yours, that focuses on TKR.
Your posts have been so helpful to me! Betty
jennifer86104 betty07083
lynn08926 jennifer86104
We visited our daughter in April when both knees were bad, and I found that wheelchair assistance at both airports was excellent. HATED sitting in one though, but needs must and distances at airports meant there was no choice.
betty07083 lynn08926
I wish you were coming to California as I'd love to meet you!
Your trip sounds brutal though
although hopefully you will be far enough along in your healing that it won't be too bad. I know that before my surgery, there was no way I could sit that long on a plane or in a car!
I know what you mean about having no choice about your other knee. I waited far too long before my TKR.
Good luck to you and thanks for your encouragement!
betty07083 lynn08926
Oldfatguy1 lynn08926
betty07083 Oldfatguy1
gloria29023 lynn08926
gloria29023 betty07083
jennifer86104 gloria29023
gloria29023 jennifer86104
jennifer86104 gloria29023
Jen x
gloria29023 jennifer86104
jennifer86104 gloria29023
tracey71146 jennifer86104
I do have an exercise bike, I did try today but can't quite manage to get on just yet so I turned it round and put my feet in the stirrups from the front whilst sitting on my bed - Lol!! But I did manage to stretch that way.
You are not alone at being frustrated, I have a few tears more days than not!!
Tracey x
tracey71146 cindy90071
Please see my post to Lynn above; was your tightness as bad as this like the knee is being crushed ?
gloria29023 tracey71146
cindy90071 tracey71146
My knee feels very very tight, so much that I dont want to move it at times. But I dont think it felt crushing. I sit in a chair and bend it then I masage both side of my knee cap--it usally makes it feel more relaxed until I stand-up. I thought it was my knee's way of telling me, that I am on my feet too much at that time. Like a swollen feeling in the knee cap.
jennifer86104 tracey71146
Jen x
betty07083 lynn08926
It IS a dreadful trip! Oh my gosh Lynn, please take old fat guys advice & walk the aisles every hour!
I know you have no choice having the other knee done. If any of us had a choice there wouldn't be this forum, ha. Seriously though, my knee was bone on bone too and I was walking inward with my knee bent. As traumatic as the surgery was and the healing process, I have to say that I was in more misery before the surgery, so if I have to have the other knee done one day for the same reason, I will do it too.
Oh, and you will always be "mum" and the one who takes care of everything
that never changes.
lynn08926 betty07083
Quite surreal for us, but we adopted ranch life - branding, rodeo , cook-outs, shooting, rattlesnakes, bears and mountain lion.
betty07083 lynn08926
Sounds like a fun visit though, so different from your every day life. I can see where you need two good knees to keep up with that life style!
lynn08926 betty07083
olive8 betty07083
Hello Betty
i had TKR on 16th November seven weeks ago - I think I am going backwards not better. I tried walking round a shop this morning and my knee was so tired and stiff..I felt I was doubled up or doubled over to make my knee walk. I get absolutely exhausted too and could sleep afterwards. My pain is not bad until I walk on it then it's stiff and uncomfortable. My GP says walking on it is the best exercise I don't know about that. I tried standing on the bottom step of my front steps and got my foot on the step but felt my knee wouldn't hold me up so my husband has made a step for me to use in the house for me to go up and down on to see if that helps.
What a moan I am