Lack of appetite

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Sometimes I have no appetite at all, like today, there is nothing, and I mean nothing that I feel like

this is truly out of character for me

does anyone else feel like this too?


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23 Replies

  • Posted

    This is happening more and more which is unusual for me. Normally say on the sea food diet - I see it I eat it smile
  • Posted

    I've never been a foodie but since being in peri i have no appetite at all and struggle to eat but have to cos i'm hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) so have to eat little and often so you can imagine how hard it is when you don't feel like anything.  I go round the supermarket and try and find something to tempt me but nothing does.  Yes its strange eekrolleyes i agree, just try and eat little bit or you'll get ill like i did by not eating properly.  take care hun x
    • Posted

      Hi anxiousface....i know how you feel...hard to eat when you look at food and your just not hungry but know you have to get something stomach has been soooo bad lately and when i do eat i feel so sick and stomach is so loud even when i do eat...then you just feel like crap all over... and im not sleeping again on top of that...uuuggghhh can this just be over!!!!????sorry for pity party but need to vent at  xxxx
    • Posted

      need to vent that is
    • Posted

      Sorry Little Miss Anxious,

                                                 had a GP visit and I'll be having blood tests done tmw folic acid etc...........................................................

      Fasting tonight from 10pm

      thanks for your advice cheesygrin


    • Posted

      I'm loving the little miss Anxious namelol

      Let us know how you get on when you get your blood results. sendingyou love x

    • Posted

      oh laurie its al lso horrible for us isnt it.  i too feel sick when i've eaten, i cant win i force myself to eat a little something then feel sick after itfrown and my stomach is so loud i'm sure theres a wild animal trying to get out. I have periods of not sleeping but i must say for the last few days i've been ok, i do wake a lot but seem to get back to sleep quite quickly which is helpful when you work full time and have to be alert at work. Dont be sorry at all thats what we need to do sometimes....vent away hun.sending you love and speak soon x
  • Posted

    will do hun,

                         nite xxx wink   

  • Posted

    I'm going through the not wanting to eat thing too - wake up with acid reflux and gurgling stomach. Apparently this is pretty common. Anyone had this as a symptom of peri and it eventually went away?
    • Posted

      Bonsoir Margbob cheesygrin

                                         I feel like I've been telling porkies, yesterday I felt just like you and (often do) nowadays but today I have felt hungry, went for an hours walk in the fresh air and have been peckish since, maybe that is the answer, fresh air......................

                              hope your soon feeling OK again, it's like being on a Bl***y roller coaster isn't it, moods, appetite probs, achey limbs eek

                              Nite hun xxx  

    • Posted

      I've been having this for about a year.  Wake up and my mouth feels burnt, GP says it is reflux and have tried different meds which made no difference (made it worse).   I am convinced it is linked to perii.
  • Posted

    It sure is MrsMerm! I've had the indigestion issue for several weeks now - think I definitely make it worse by all the stressing I'm doing. That, and getting hardly any sleep due to waking at night with all the other fun peri symptoms!

    The bloodwork I had yesterday didn't show anything untoward, so I'm just trying to stay calm, but it's so easy to convince yourself that you've got some horrible disease. I've had just about every symptom I've seen mentioned on these boards, but this reflux/IBS thing is by far the worst!

    Thank you so much for replying MrsMerm - hope you're doing well!

    • Posted

      Reflux is a bugger, and stressing doesn't help. Try to sleep slightly raised as being flat will make it worse.
    • Posted

      Hi Margbob,

                           maybe you should try Colpermin (anti-spasm bowel drug) I think it's a fairly mild medicine, see GP first though......................

      IBS, bloating and other symptoms, it's just awful

      Change diet too, good ntrition, I had to, and noticed that it got better

                  Bon Chance cheesygrin xxx

    • Posted

      Thank you! At the moment I'm taking omeprazole in the mornings along with Gaviscon followed by an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection, but I will definitely check out your suggestion!  

      Today was a nightmare, Acid reflux very bad and stomach not happy when I threw some salmon on it. Gurgling like crazy. I did buy a B Vitamin supplement and a probiotic to try but wondering if I should wait until I'm done with some of the other stuff. So confusing and feel that I've got noone to ask. Perhaps a pharmacist would be a good option? Has anyone had these kinds of problems and is now better? 

      Hoping we all have a good week ahead!

    • Posted

      Pharmacists are always worth asking as often know more about meds than GP's do and also what shouldn't take with them

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