Lack of diagnosis since 9 months ;/ Any advice?
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December 2017 pressure started in the area below my liver/ribs. I did blood tests and a US but nothing came up. Doctor said its a "muscle". Continued up to March, got a MRI with contrast and colonoscopy - nothing again. In June everything changed. I started getting terrible pains after eating as well as constant pain/discomfort during the whole day. Went to ER, stayed in the hospital for 5 days. Had a endoscopy and a MRCP - nothing found again. Started feeling a little better, but got diagnosed with Gastritis. First couple of days after getting Pantoprozol I felt better. Then suddenly I started getting huge heartburns. Now in July I got a CT scan with contrast as well as an EUS - NOTHING AGAIN. Any idea what it can be? Bloods are all good, and I already had an MRI, MRCP, CT, colonoscopy, endoscopy, an 2x EUS. Nothing explains my pain/discomofort 24/7. Overall, my sympthoms:
- Abdominal Pain discomfort under right rib/sometimes left
- Sometimes I feel like my colon under ribs has loads of gas
- Gastritis
- Soft stool
- Pain when I press a rib on my back ( only one rib, behind stomache)
BTW - I am 26, non smoker, used to drink 2/3 times a month. Not excessive. Trying to diagnose this since 8/9 months, have seen many doctors, been to the hospital. 0 idea what is going on. I dont think Pancreatic or Pancreatic Cancer could be missed by so many tests. Would appreciate any help.
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pippa58442 marcus1992
marcus1992 pippa58442
pippa58442 marcus1992
Sam080907 marcus1992
Hi Marcus,
I've had this feeling and suffered from it for a good 9+ months a year ago. It was a horrible feeling under my lower left rib cage (as if there is a bubble of trapped air) that can really cause a lot of pain and discomfort. It would often radiate round to my side and back sometimes too. I always felt the need to belch a lot but it wouldn't really help.
After going to the doctors several times and all tests also showing clear, my doctor said it could be something to do with my diet so I self explored that avenue. I started with a bland diet and built things in over the course of a few months. Sure enough, really fatty/greasy foods triggered it the next day so I now try not to eat as much of those foods and it's much better now.
I figured it's basically very bad indigestion/heart burn caused by (for me) fatty foods causing my stomach and also probably my colon (it folds very close to your left rib at the top) to react badly.
I'd recommend eating some very bland foods for a week then adding normal foods back in until you find a culprit. It could be the same as me with fatty/greasy foods triggering it.
Hope this helps, I know how bad the pain can seem and its also very stressful having a pain in that area so I hope you find a solution. If the tests are clear, try not to worry its probably nothing too serious
marcus1992 Sam080907
Hi, thanks for your post. How many days did you eat "bland" and very clean to notice an improvement?
Sam080907 marcus1992
I eat bland foods for a week and then after the 1st week I started adding foods back in. It took me a good month to realise what foods were making the pain worse, but well worth the wait and lack of interesting food to make it manageable.
I really think you should consider trying this, its easy to follow and if all your tests are coming back clear (which is what was happening with me) its very likely to be diet related.
marcus1992 Sam080907
Sounds interesting - willing to try it. I have one more favor to ask. Would you mind telling me with what foods you started (bland foods)? What are the top 3 causing pain (is there a pattern)? Also if you eat a "culprit" food, when does your pain occur? Would really appreciate it
Sam080907 marcus1992
I started off with really plain soups, such as tomato and other easy to digest foods, such as rice for example. This gives you a good reference as to what to avoid:
I eat the most basic and plain foods for a week and then I started adding things back in. The idea is to eat plain and bland foods that are easier to digest and then add foods back in and use the process of elimination rule if something triggers it and find a pattern. As ive said, for me it was fatty and greasy foods.
Top 3 - Anything rich in fat is the biggest no. Such as Fish and chips, anything deep fried really. Greasy foods such as burgers are also pretty bad.
If I do accidently eat a culprit food, the pain usually builds up the next day (16-24 hours after). It will then be pretty bad and ware off again. Unless of course I eat trigger foods for several days, then I'm going to be in for a bad time for the whole week after. It completely depends on the amounts eaten and the length of time I was eating them for.
Try it and let me know how you get on, I think it will help
DogMom35 marcus1992
I don’t think you mentioned having a hida scan done. I might have missed it. But, if you haven’t. I’d ask if it’s possible to have one. To see how your gallbladder is functioning! When I had my hida scan done. I had such bad pain, I felt like I was going to pass out! I went for my follow up with the surgeon. He asked how I felt during the test. And I told him. He said my gallbladder was functioning & there was no visible signs. But, severe pain with the test told him something was wrong.
I had extremely bad acid reflux, stomach hurt. I couldn’t eat a lot of things. I felt a pain/discomfort under my right rib. I would have to adjust my seat in the car at a decline. Because it felt like something was living under my rib. I had my gallbladder taken out. And it has gotten much better. And I don’t t have the pain/ discomfort or the feeling of something being under my rib!
marcus1992 DogMom35
DogMom35 marcus1992
DogMom35 marcus1992
Corvette007 marcus1992
HI marcus1992.
I get also have started getting pain in the front of my body under my left rob/flank.
I also suffer extreme dehydration due to my other illnesses.
Not sure about the back..I am told that's where your kidney's are.
I would think your labs would have shown signs if your kidney's were failing.
If you are vommiting alot from your gastritis like I do. Try drinking more milk.
I have end stage sigmoid esophageus is why I am unable to drink water or pedialite. Only thing keeping me alive right now is milk. I drink 1/2 a gallon to 1 gallon a day.
I am NOT a doctor as you can tell..just a conspiracy theorist..
Try sleeping on the couch or another place to see if it's your bed too for back pains. But I know what you are having is probablly just beginning and too low on the radar to be diagnosed yet. No worries you will be happy one day when you find out your NOT crazy. it's just your dying.