Lack of vitamin D?
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Hi all lovely ladies I have just received a phone call from my doctors, receptionist says the doctor wants to phone me tomorrow in regards off my recent blood test results. Lack of vitamin D? Should I b concerned about this? I had 2tests done in regards of been peri?. I'm concerned does anyone have any idea if then relates to been peri?
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cazjaz16 Shelly0069
susan556 Shelly0069
found this which may explain more, would be quicker to give the link but it will probably not be allowed hear so:-
What is vitamin D?
The "sunshine" vitamin is a hot topic. You may have recently found out that you are deficient or know someone who is. It's shocking for most people when they have never had a problem before and believe nothing has changed to make it a problem now. The truth is that a lot has changed, and vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is now a global public-health problem affecting an estimated 1 billion people worldwide.
The most well-known consequences to not having enough vitamin D are rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. These are far from the only problems associated with a vitamin D deficiency. The consequences are numerous and include skeletal diseases, metabolic disorders, cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, infections, cognitive disorders, and/or mortality. The majority of our knowledge about vitamin D has been discovered over the past 15 years, and with the growing issue of deficiencies, more health connections with vitamin D levels are being made. Correcting vitamin D deficiency is not as simple as taking a pill or getting more sun. This article will teach you all that you need to know about the benefits of achieving and maintaining optimal vitamin D levels.
Vitamins are considered essential nutrients because either your body cannot make them or they are made in an inadequate amount. This means you must provide them through your diet or by taking a supplement. They are essential for your health, and when you are lacking in them, there may be health consequences and diseases.
Vitamin D is one of the four fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). There are two forms of vitamin D, D2 and D3. Vitamin D2, also known as ergocalciferol, comes from fortified foods, plant foods, and supplements. Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, comes from fortified foods, animal foods (fatty fish, cod liver oil, eggs, and liver), supplements, and can be made internally when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Structurally, these two are not the same.
jayneejay Shelly0069
i am the same hun, i need Vit D also, as insufficient in Vit D.
i am post meno age 50
Did they say what your result was at all
Shelly0069 jayneejay
jayneejay Shelly0069
hope your having a nice weekend..
hope you finally get your Vit D result on Tuesday.
ask what your level/reault is ..
mine is 28 .. ( insufficient)
good luck my lovely
let us know how you get on, and what the prescribe for you.
jay x
Shelly0069 jayneejay
jayneejay Shelly0069
Oh acid reflux not nice, i got that when i was in peri menopause., and only omeprazole worked for me from the doctor.
Weather good yes 😃.
Only prob is i keep getting reoccurring shingles and this month had it twice, just come back again.
Soo painful and always in same place on buttock, deep burning pain for 3 days then a few blisters ..
Baffling me, but may be worse due to D problems
Take care hun
Jay xx
Shelly0069 jayneejay
Shelly0069 jayneejay
jayneejay Shelly0069
good lord that is deficient.. 7.7
mines just insufficient
yes i have just got some D3 cholecalciferol 2200iu for me sol gar do it .
what strength have they put you on hun, blimey you should feel better soon keep taking the D3 daily, did the doctor prescribe it for you ..
good luck hun
thanks for keeping me up to date and sharing
jay xx
Shelly0069 jayneejay
bobbysgirl Shelly0069
Vit D deficiency is more common than you think and is not related to the menopause. A lot of children have it. Our modern lifestyle has a lot to answer for in this respect. We sit at keyboards all day and when we do go out we are covered in sunscreen!
The current EC 'Recommended Daily Allowance' MAY be woefully inadequate. (1000mg is 500% of RDA). A friend who tested deficient in D3 was on 2000mg for a while. We are only just beginning to see how important vit D is!
deborah73991 Shelly0069
I found out today that i also have a vit D deficiency, Dr is sorting out a prescription for me, I will pick it up in the morning. I do not know the dose but thought she said my result was 30, it was a telephone conversation so do not know more than that.
I am 53 & peri menopause.
cazjaz16 deborah73991
jayneejay deborah73991
please let me know what the doc precribes for you, my D level is 28 ..
jay x
deborah73991 jayneejay
Dr has prescribed 3200mg of vit D for 90 days then further blood tests to see if i need to stay on them or dose altered.
D x
jayneejay deborah73991
good luck
keep us posted
jay x
deborah73991 jayneejay
D x
jayneejay deborah73991
i live in spain and having reouble finding the correct Vit D for me..
like ( similar ) you my result is 28.
i keep getting re-occuring shingles like every few weeks.
can you tell me what the box name is of your Vit D .
and its 3200MG .. not MCG ..
vit D is normally in IU ..
maybe you have a calcium mix with it ..
i currently take Natecal but its not strong enough
thats Calcium and Vit D3 .. As calcium is required for D absortion.
thanks hun
jay x