Lacking libido.....
Posted , 8 users are following.
Any recomendations for foods/medications to boost libido during menopause?
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Any recomendations for foods/medications to boost libido during menopause?
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Sassyr12a michelle08733
Hi Michelle
I never found a natural solution, but hrt, yes OG lubrication have helped. I used to be on a small amount of testosterone which can be helpful with this xx
sue38546 michelle08733
Michelle - snap ! mine has just completely vanished - i have to make a real effort these days as i just cant be bothered and when we do have sex i just dont climax either - i get fed up and fake it just to stop - i then feel really guilty - and despite using lubricant intercourse is really sore too - I'm at the docs on monday for a review - this is top of the agenda. x
michelle08733 sue38546
Oh dear, I havent got that bad so far, but can feel im heading that way so really want to get there first with a remedy! I hope you get sorted, it is very difficult. Best of luck.
louise25018 michelle08733
hiya sex drive is zero for me. just nothing at all ! I do try as my hubby is amazing and it hurts me so much that I just dont have that energy now. i also suffer horrendous pain even trying anyway and am taking vagifem at present to try ans help but its absolute agony which jund of " kills the moment" too!
Just started hrt again so maybe that will help?
its so upsetting really as I just dont feel like a women or very feminine as I just dont get those sex drive feeling at all anymore.
Seeing my Gp yet again on 20th so maybe she can suggest something. ?
michelle08733 louise25018
bless you, sounds very difficult for you. Glad your hubby is a star. At least you care enough to worry about it, so im sure things will sort themselves out for you. Good luck.
kate_evans michelle08733
YES! Around age 48, I was experiencing the same drop in libido, and after some research, I learned that Maca tablets are a natural hormone which could help. I ordered a bottle on Amazon (couldn't find it in stores, although I've now seen it a few times at Walmart). Within the week I was feeling MUCH better!
Full disclosure: I also am on a low dosage of estrogen/progestin, but I was already taking that when I found my libido slipping. The Maca has been a GREAT supplement to these. I take one in the morning and one at night, and I find my body is much more responsive and my interest level is heightened.
Good luck!
2chr2015 kate_evans
i am very interested in trying this!
michelle08733 kate_evans
I will give the MACA tabs a go, thank you
kate_evans 2chr2015
Please let me know how it goes! I've not had opportunity to recommend this to others. If you have similar experiences to mine, I'll try to get the word out about its effectiveness! Good luck!
sue38546 kate_evans
I'm at the docs on monday to discuss HRT so I'm going to discuss this problem - if i dont get anywhere ill try the maca 😃
michelle08733 sue38546
Hi, I have bought a huge tub of the Maca tabs, will let you know how i get on
sue38546 michelle08733
just back from docs - said he had never heard of testosterone being diagnosed to women for this condition - he had a good look in his pc while i was there and said he would seek advice from a gyny specialist and let me know - but i dont know when he plans on getting back to me tbh - think im going to try the maca route x
michelle08733 sue38546
Go for it Sue, I took my first tab thismorning. Going on holiday Weds, so fingers crossed! 
jude84900 sue38546
Hi Sue,
General docs don't seem to know much about hormone replacement. I've was on compounded testosterone cream for about three years made for women and have now went to pellet therapy that has testosterone pellets made for women too. Doctors don't have time to update their education from med school. Many are still living under the rules of all hormones are like synthetics which have proved to be dangerous. Going to a alternative or holistic doctor is where you will find the information you need on updated hormone replacement for men and women. I too tried to spell it out to my general doc who was a women. They just don't know about bio identical hormone replacement. Their patients know more about it than they do because they are reading the information available to them online. Good luck.
sue38546 michelle08733
my doctor rang me back y/day afternoon to say he had researched and sought advice - he has left me a prescription of something 'off licence' for me to collect this morning - not sure what it is - when i get it later - i will report back........
2chr2015 sue38546
thanks sue. please let us know