Lactose intolerance

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has anyone with gastritis become intolerant to lactose? I'm waiting to be tested. Had a lot of different stomach issues. Had cameras and CT scan and bloods all clear. 

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4 Replies

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    Hi Jayne

    100% I had loads of stomach issues, had a gastroscopey and bloods which showed up nothing, I did a lot of reading and the symptoms were exactly like lactose intolerance. I stopped all dairy and replaced everything with soya and I have never felt better, took about a week to start feeling the benefits- good luck with it all

    • Posted

      100% lactose intolerance can cause gastritis it's exactly the cause of my symptoms
  • Posted

    Lactose is broken down in the small intestines where lactase is produced. If you have an acute infection, you could have that enzyme production temporarily halted until your body heals (like if you have the flu or a "bug" that's bad enough). Is gastritis just the stomach?  If lactose is troubling you, the docs should probably check your intestines, too.  While my son's gut was healing, the dr. said to cut out dairy, but he's on such a restricted diet already that we stuck to cheese like cheddar that is naturally lactose free and when he had milk or butter, he took a lactaid tablet.  It helped at the time and now he's fine (my "healthy" son still takes the lactaid, though).  In his case, it took months for the intestines to heal to the point that the small intestine's villi could regenerate and produce lactase again. 

    If your stomach looks clear but this persists, have the drs. go further to see if it's intestinal. Good Luck!

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