Lactulose or Movicol/Miralax?

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Lactulose or Movicol/Miralax, which one do you find better?

Anyone plan on taking stool softener for life?

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    they are all the same......I use COSTCO brand as well as cold milled flax powder which can also be had at Costco..........and yes, for life.

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    I tried Miralax and Lactulose both.

    Lactulose (Duphalac) was more faster to work than Miralax. Sometimes Miralax gives me bloating and stomach cramps which was not issue with Duphalac

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      how much duphalac would you take and what time?

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    I only did lactulose.

    After about six months, diet with lots of fibre, water, raisins, grapes, salad, olive oil, sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruit, didnt feel I needed lactulose anymore.(too sweet anyway)

    Consulted naturopath for balance diet, also she recommended 1 teaspoon of slippery elm powder in my oatmeal breakfast just to help replace lactulose.

    Also some dried herbs called Calendula that you put in boiled water that once cool you add to sitz baths 2 -3 times a week.

    Vitamins and 1 teaspoon of olive oil Twice a day.

    hope this helps.

    it will heal bit it takes time.

    • Posted

      thanks for that advice helps a lot.

      how do you have the oatmeal without adding dairy to it?

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      Make it as usual.

      Add maple syrup, chia seed and some fruit.

      you could add almond milk

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      how much lactulose would you take and what time would you take it?

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      I took 1 tablespoon after supper.

      Not to late because it's really sweet and kept me awake.

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      I have been taking Lactulose late at night and struggling to sleep. maybe thats why

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    ive used a few and not been very successful and my surgeon now prescribes me glicerin suppositries. theyre fab. maybe ask your doctor for a box x

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    sometimes I switch it up by mixing raw oatmeal with almond mild and a bit of maple syrup and leave in fridge overnight.

    excellent cold breakfast.

    diet is key in healing fissure

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    lactulose did nothing for me took ages to work

    movicol works next day

    yes ill be taking them

    all the time

    the thought of pooping without it scares me

    that pain is worse than childbirth

    • Posted

      thank you - what time do you take movicol and how much ?

      And how did you heal your fissure?

      I plan to take stool softeners for life as well.

      My fissure was caused from childbirth

    • Posted

      i take 1 satchet in a bottle of juice throughout the day

      1 before bed

      it was a hard slog to heal...

      at my worst i got myself a bowel that goes over the toilet ( sitz bath ) water as hot as you can cope with with epsom

      salts and coconut oil , drop of peppermint oil

      and when i needed to poop i poop in that was so much easier .... then cleaned bowl filled again to bathe

      sitz baths when i poop after i poop and whenever i needed pain relief

      retogestic cream atleast after pooping and bedtime , morning

      bert bees lip balm peppermint one so keep areas soft ( heals cracked lips why not butt!)

      suoppsitries proktis M - and mayinglong musk cream also

      lots of fliuds


      try to poop once a day

      hot water bottle

      zapain x 2 for pain

      everyone different

      buts thats what worked for me

      i still sitz bath

      no toilet roll - toilet wipes tesco do nice one with cocnut oil

    • Posted

      mine was when i was septic in hospital the antibiotics sent me loose for 3 weeks

      when my poop finally arrived as normal i got my fissure !

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