Ladies help! Burning itchy scalp new peri thing?
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Like the crazy hair shedding wasn't bad enough. Now my scalp is crazy itchy almost burning but I don't have dandruff. And oddly the rest of my skin doesn't look super dry. I'm getting my thyroid checked and since I live in San Diego trying a shower filter. My current filter is cheapo so I got a $50 speciality one because they said we have chromium in our water and ammonia. My bathroom sink water does sometimes smell funky so I called the water dept but haven't heard back. Praying that is the cause, but then I have been living here for 7 years so not sure why would bother me more now unless water got worse or my skin just got fed up. I haven't changed shampoo or anything. Still using Revita shampoo this androgen blocker that was helping my hair shedding until the last month or so when it started up again. I just got my period so still in peri. Any help or ideas ladies? I'm going insane. I'm terrified to wash my hair because the shedding is like a horror show every morning. And if I don't wash it, it's even worse the next day. Now worried about things like alopecia tho know when else in my family has it. Wonder if there is such a thing as a hair dermatologist that takes insurance. Don't want to do minoxodil because once you start that you can't stop. My hair is still growing, it's just shedding like a mofo. And then the itchy burning scalp now. Thanks ladies for being out there. 😦
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klm1213 sakura26
It happened to me during head itched so bad I thought i had lice!! I have read that itching happens when estrogen drops
Rainbow976 sakura26
We should start the hair club for women, I'm not only the president but I'm also a client 😃
Yes, I get the horrible itchy scalp a few times a month, I seem to lose extra hair soon after. For many years I thought I must be sensitive to something I ate. Now, I think it's linked to hormones fluctuating or changing around ovulation and the estrogen drop about a week before my period. During pms, my hair is dramatically different now too, thin, dry and the natural wave goes away. So sick of all of this.
How long is your cycle? If it's shorter, your hormones could be prepping for ovulation early and maybe you are sensitive to it. I think it's called a short follicular phase. I would say ask your doctor but they know nothing about any of this apparently.
sakura26 Rainbow976
OMG thank you Rainbow. I needed a laugh. 😂 And you are so right about doctors knowing nothing. The odd thing is it doesn't shed less when I have my period. And up until now was no burning or itching just the shedding and the shedding seemed to slow down in the winter and then picked up again in April. You would think if my estrogen was low I wouldn't be getting a period or at least shedding would be better at some point in cycle. I guess also could be low progesterone tho I'm on progesterone birth control. My cycle is usually quite long but starts lighter, then gets heavier for a few days and then peters off. I washed my hair a second time yesterday and used this hard water leave in treatment. I couldn't believe I STILL shed the same amount of hair as that morning. My thought was, "haven't I at least finished shedding for TODAY??" But after my scalp felt a bit soothed and my hair was way softer. I also didn't use the Revita hair thinning shampoo I had been using for a year which originally did help my shedding until recently but is drying. Today I skipped washing my hair and scalp does feel better tho still bit tingly. Terrifed tho to wash it tomorrow. The water here is really hard so I ordered a better filter expecting a miracle but I dunno. I'm getting my thyroid and hormones tested again thursday. It would be miraculous if it was the water or my thyroid vs yet ANOTHER weird a@ss peri symptom NO ONE else I know in real world or my family has ever experienced. Just me. Gluten-free. Sugar-free. Try to hard to be healthy me. I ordered this stuff called Amla oil on Amazon that is supposed to do wondrous things for hair lol. And taking viviscal supplement for nearly a month. I also have a giant fibroid and my other dream hope is that if I get it removed that will have been the source of all the misery lol. ARGH. If I do get it out tho, if pandemic ever ends, will try hormone cycling thing if is hormone issue. Tho this one doctor was like even if you take hormones can't guarantee will help hair. Thanks for responding and making me feel less alone, and part of a club 😃
Rainbow976 sakura26
Glad you liked the joke! Yeah, I have the same issues, I always feel like it sheds more than usual and then have times it ramps up. I have read all people shed more in the summer/warmer months, maybe that's true.
Do or did you have very thick hair ? I did, maybe thick hair sheds more in later life or something.
There should be a manual for aging! We all see people age obviously but no one tells you what to expect or know what is normal or a genetic quirk, etc. I just hope the shedding slows or stops, I think my loss is very noticeable in the front around forehead.
Rainbow976 sakura26
Glad you liked the joke! Yeah, I have the same issues, I always feel like it sheds more than usual and then have times it ramps up. I have read all people shed more in the summer/warmer months, maybe that's true.
Do or did you have very thick hair ? I did, maybe thick hair sheds more in later life or something.
There should be a manual for aging! We all see people age obviously but no one tells you what to expect or know what is normal or a genetic quirk, etc. I just hope the shedding slows or stops, I think my loss is very noticeable in the front around forehead.
sakura26 Rainbow976
Yes very thick and curly/frizzy. I feel the same. Like receding hairline. Thinning on top. Whole hairs coming out Freaking me out. Scalp burning is better since switched to washing my hair with distilled water which was a pain. But still shedding. Ordered yet another similar but milder shampoo, Veta. And this pandemic is so stressing me out too.