Ladies only please
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Hi all. Thanks for reading. I haven't been on for a while as been feeling good. I went to South Africa over new year and had a wonderful time. When I was away I started getting hot flushes and feeling spaced. However I still pushed myself to enjoy my holiday.
Anyway back to reality now and feeling really down in the dumps. I am 48 and been told I'm menopausal.. great just what I need ontop of anxiety. Anyway... I'm on sertaline 50mgs which was working but I'm now back to being anxious along with feeling really low and completely demotivated. Spoke to my go on Monday and she has given me a very low dose of hrt cream. I asked her about upping my sertaline as im really struggling but she said, no and to wait and see how the hrt cream goes first. I just feel so low and I have to really push myself to do anything.
I have been on the sertaline journey since July last year and I do feel it has worked but I'm almost back to where I was before. I take care of myself. I don't drink or smoke and try eat as healthy as I can so I dont know what I'm doing wrong.
Guess reaching out to hear others stories and hopefully make myself feel better.
I really hate feeling this way and at my end now with it.
Thanks for reading
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lesleysharp1966 jay98357
Hi Jay98357
I am in exactly the same position as you but further on on the Sertraline journey!! I am menopausal and I think you will probably find that, like me, your anxiety is hormonal. I started feeling anxious a couple of years ago but nothing too major and it only lasted a few days at a time then settled down again. Then in July last year I started getting panic attacks and not feeling myself at all. My father was then admitted to hospital and although, thankfully, he was fine afterwards my anxiety levels then hit the roof. I had some time off work to see if this helped but ended up having to visit my GP as I was really suffering with panic attacks and anxiety. My GP put me on HRT as she thought my symptoms may be due to the menopause. I took the HRT for a week but couldnt cope with the anxious feelings and tearfulness (I dont think this was depression but just couldnt stop crying) so a week later I went back to my GP and she prescribed Setraline 50 mg.
To say the next few weeks were hell wouldnt be an exageration. I took the first 50 mg tablet and had a real reaction to it where my head was spining contantly and I just felt awful - I telephoned my GP and she suggested taking 25 mg for a few days then upping to 50 mg. I continued on 25 mg in the end for 5 weeks as I was too scared to up the dose again!! I neednt have worried as when i did finally pluck up the courage I was fine on the higher dose. I think it took me about 3 months to feelmyself again - I had good days and bad days but now (4 months down the line) I'm feeling great although still once a month I havbe the anxious feelings for a couple of days and the bloating etc so I know my problems are definitely hormonal and based around the time of the month (although I dont get periods anymore).
Sorry about the looooong reply Jay98357 but wanted you to read my story so that you know you're not alone and that the menopause is more than likely behind the anxiety. My GP told me that it is the massive shift in hormones that takes place at this time of our lives (I'm 50 by the way).
Keep going you'll feel better within a week or two I promise. I never thought I would but I can honestly say after 3 months I felt back to normal - I know that sounds a long time to wait but before that you will have some really good days but then be disappointed when you feel rough again for a couple of days - I never thought I'd get there but as lon as you are having good days after say about 3 to 4 weeks then Sertaline is working for you and keep going - as I say I'm 4 months down the line so am an expert!!! If you want to know anything else I hope I will be able to help you along the way xx
jay98357 lesleysharp1966
Thanks for your reply Lesley and its good to hear I am not alone. I have been on sertaline 50mg since July last year and yes it has made a huge difference but I feel it's stopped working now so think I need to move up a dose. I'm going to give the hrt cream time to work. Two weeks every day the one dose twice weekly.
Great to hear you are doing well. Keep it up lady. X
kerr2017 jay98357
You have been on the sert journey before and it will take time to get into your system, I don't know much about HRT or menopause (only that now and then I find my mum head first in freezers in Tesco! Lol)
Just take it a day at a time and try and relax as much as you can,
Maybe try some practical stuff at home like baking (or my recent hobby, colouring in for adults)
Contrary to my name I am female!!!
I keep telling myself it's ok to feel like crap, it's normal, and I have stopped putting pressure on myself to get better!
Think most of us put so much pressure on ourselves to get better and be normal!
You know everyone is supportive on here, keep in touch and let us know how u are doing!
P's I am having a s××t day too but I'm just cuddled up on the sofa watching TV and trying to not care about anything!!
jay98357 kerr2017
Hi Jerry. Thankyou for your advise. I'm not new to sertaline. I have been on it constant since July. It was working but seems to have stopped now. So I think my dose needs reviewing.
Days on the sofa are great. I had a few hours on the couch this morning and loved it.
Thanks again. X
Don't know how Jerry appeared on the message lol I meant Kerr
kerr2017 jay98357
As if having the name kerr isn bad enough! Ppl come to my office all the time looking for Mr Kerr ______ they get a suprise when I appear!
I kept thinking that I needed to increase my dose too. I'm on 50mg for just over 2 weeks but the advice I have had on here is to stick either it for the moment and see how I feel in the next couple of days/weeks
I hope you feel better soon and just take each day as it comes!