Ladies who started perimenopause early...
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Ladies - I just wanted to see what your experiences were if you started perimenopause early like me. I am 39, and this started at about 38. It's awful. IF you started early - how long did it take? Does earlier mean faster or longer in your case? Any experiences would be helpful so I have an idea of what I might be in for. I'd rather be prepared and not have something happen than surprised if it does. =)
Currently my most bothersome symptoms are the hot/cold flashes or days and th back/sciatic/shoulder pain.
My period started being insanely irregular - some cycles 20 days, some 40, then I skipped one month, then 4 months... this cycle has been about 45 days so far! I often feel like my period might be coming - cramps, sore boobs... then it goes away and no period. Then it eventually turns up. I am doctor diagnosed as perimenopausal, so this isn't an underlying condition or a self-diagnosis. I have another ultrasound coming up in February to check on some simple fibroids, but my one ovary is so tiny now it's clearly giving up on life lol.
So anyway, any input would be helpful! =)
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staci88515 julee15466
Hi Julee, I just turned 44 a few days ago. My symptoms hit me like a brick wall a few months ago (migraine aura, vision issues, cold flashes, anxiety, etc.).. But, in hindsight I really started around 37-38. That's when I first started getting menstrual migraines, rage, and wonky periods. For the past two years I have had periods every 21 days and they are very heavy with clots. I thought I might miss my first period last cycle, but it just came late and stayed two days longer (spotting). I have no idea where I am on this crazy journey. Good luck!
julee15466 staci88515
Thank you!
Yeah the anxiety for me is the worst symptom. When it's here, it's DEBILITATING. Then when it leaves, it's replaced by extreme irritability. Like, EXTREME. lol I think I'd rather be irritable, though, than the anxiety. That is absolutely suffocating.
Guest julee15466
Hi Julee, I am not through yet...but I also started around 38. Symptoms very bad at 40 when I stopped BC pill. My FSH showed post meno once my periods became irregular. My estrogen is near zero to normal. progesterone next to nothing. GERD, fatigue, heart palps, migraines, dizzies, insomnia, aches, pains and more. My longest time without a period is 57 days. Then, from 21-25 days and very light. My symptoms wax and wane. I am 41 now and currently dealing with migraines, dizziness, disequilibrium, fatigue, and a new one...night sweats (which could be because of my medication). I have been diagnosed perimenopause and vestibular migraine. I take meds for the vestibular migraine. Tried getting back on hormones, but it made my migraines worse.
I have no predictions. All signs seem to be pointing to me being done by 43-45. I hope some ladies are still on here that went through early as I am curious too.
Nettie261962 Guest
Lou, I too have vestibular migraines. What are you taking for these. I too have these and they are debilitating.
Guest Nettie261962
Hi Nettie, I am under the care of a otoneurotologist and am on nortriptyline since Nov, Also, Diet modification (no caffeine, msg, chocolate, etc) and Vitamins coq10, B2, omega3, vitD. Finding and controlling triggers as best as possible. Dr is titrating me up every 2-3 months until the migraines and dizziness is under control. Currently, when I do get a migraine, they are not 4 day long skull crackers! Having terrible night sweats now, which could be med related or just entering another phase of peri. Overall, having some more better days than not. Feel free to message me if I can help. Take care!
Nettie261962 Guest
Thank you foe the info. The dizziness ans balance issues sue to the migraines scare me terribly. I need to get them managed. Did yours start in menopause or did something else trigger them?
Guest Nettie261962
Hi Nettie, ALL of my issues started in July 2017...I had gone off 20 years of Birth control pills the month prior. In prior years, I had occasional migraines. Within 6 months of stopping the pill, my periods went crazy, then, my migraines became chronic and painful. Then, the fatigue, off balance, neck pain, tinnitus, pressure in head, my would head hurt daily.
My otoneuro told me he sees a lot of women in peri with vestibular migraine. It is not lack of estrogen or progesterone necessarily, but the erratic ups and downs. Example, my FSH has been post meno several times, My estrogen will be normal, then tank to practically zero. Also, HRT or Birth control pills might make things better for some...worse for others. I tried going back on a low dose BC pill, and my migraines sky I stopped them. I decided to treat the migraines vs hormones, because I do not want to come off something again and deal with this all over again. Some women get migraines post meno too.
He said migraines will ease for many women when they are post meno...I hope I am one of those women. Good luck to you...please find a dr to help you. I was so bad, I had to close my business last year. I am not 100% yet, but a little better. I just got diagnosed after over a year of suffering.
Guest julee15466
oh, I wanted to add to mom had a fairly easy menopause at 51. However, my aunt went through early and had a harder time. See if you can gather evidence from other women in your us not true that our menopause will mirror our mothers.
tebrown96 julee15466
This sounds a lot like me. My most significant peri symptoms started when I was 43, although after reading the 'menopause and asthma' post, maybe earlier than that. My first big symptom was heart palpitations (skipping beats), and along the way I've experienced so many others: my chronic high blood pressure became worse, bouts of GERD, anxiety, tingling feet, wobbly legs, achy joints, minor night sweats, insomnia, random bruising. Seems like one symptoms resolves itself and something else comes along. I currently take meds for my HBP (that's nothing new) and a low dose SSRI to keep the anxiety at bay. My cycles are still pretty regular, but also only 21-25 days and I hardly bleed. I did skip a period back in the fall, and around that time, my insomnia was off the charts bad, so my GP sent me to have my FSH tested. It came back at 57, so she diagnosed me as perimenopausal. I will be seeing my GYN for my annual next month and I am going to ask if I can go for more thorough hormone testing, I'm very interested in how/if my FSH level has changed and what my other levels are.
amanda59745 tebrown96
Hi tebrown, can i ask you about the random bruising thing. I keep getting random bruising and cannot remember hurting myself. What causes this ? could it be hormone related? xx
tebrown96 amanda59745
Hi Amanda, I have no idea what causes the random bruising. It's basically only on my legs. I'll just out of nowhere notice that I have bruises and have no idea where they came from/don't remember bumping into anything. I've gotten them from my ankles to almost my hip. Never anywhere else, just my legs. I also feel like my veins are much more noticeable now, but that might just be because it's January and I'm super pale LOL and paying more attention to all these little things that I may never have picked up on before.
sabrina1971 julee15466
I started peri in my late 30s and in February this year turn officially menopausal with no period for a whole year. Sad news is I will be 48 this year so it was around 9-10 years. Some were better than others so don't expect to be stuck in some hell because it's always changing. I developed Hashimitos over the peri time and that along with meno has been very aging on me.
julee15466 sabrina1971
I've had Hashimotos for about 15 years, so perhaps that's what helped push me into perimenopause so early. And yes, I feel like I've aged 10 years in the last 6 months.
It has been weird hearing a doc tell you you're no longer of "child-bearing age." I don't have kids, and have never wanted them, but I dunno... It just feels funny knowing it's not even on the table at this point.
Meh. Such is life. =) It happens whether we want it to or not!
sabrina1971 julee15466
Yeh, I agree that is feels so odd not being able to conceive when I don't even want to. It feels like this huge part of me is missing and I've become completely invisible to society. Well yes, my energy, youthful clear skin, vibrant shiny hair, toned body have all gone missing. Hah! It never used to bother me but now I look at young 20-30 somethings with envy because I feel so decrepit at 48!
amanda59745 julee15466
Hi julee, TBH i dont think there is any rules re early or late start and how long peri lasts. My mum was early lasted 2 years and periods all ended at the age of 39. I am 48 been in peri 2 years but, the last few month periods are now missing more. I have had no hot flushes at all. My mum had worst hot flushes 6 years after having stopped her periods so it is all very unpredictable. xx