Lamictal - Seizure?
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Hey all so i was diagnosed with epilepsy at 8yrs old i am now 21 and last year i had some health issues which led me to change my medication from Epilim to Lamictal its been about 3 months now since i have fully swapped over to the new drug Lamictal or Lamotragine (same thing) and the other night when i was driving home i felt really sleepy and i wanted to close my eyes i thought maybe it was just the heater i had on so i turned it to cold to keep myself awake but when i got home i was sitting on my couch drinking some water and all of a sudden i got this massive head spin like really big and strong and i thought for sure i was going to have a fit but i kind of pulled my self back together and got up straight away and took my tablet. Since 8yrs old i have never known when my seizures were going to happen but now being on this new drug is it possible that maybe now i can tell when there going to happen ? i went straight to my GP the next day and he checked my blood pressure and checked my pulse and my eye reactions and he said they were ok so he sent me for some blood tests and i go back on Monday for the results but could this have been a seizure or do you think i was about to ? obviously like i said i have never known when they were going to happen although if i could i would imagine that would be what it felt like. Does anyone on here know when there going to have a seizure ? and what does it feel like ? any ideas or input would be much appreciated ! i really hope that this new drug works for me i would hate to have a fit now its been 6yrs!
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allen07303 amy71414
Hi Amy ,
i take the same drug as well as others.
since no two of us are alike I can't sat whether you were having seizure or seizures or not .
however I can tell a good part of the time when I feel one coming on or I am having one as well as a lot of triggers.
question....are you relying solely on a g.p. For a diagnosis?
its likely you could go see him everyday and the diagnosis would be neg.
id advise an epileptologist.
just my opinion cuz a neurologist was useless in my case.
amy71414 allen07303
amy71414 allen07303
Winnie143 amy71414
I am an old dear and had epilepsy start at puberty 14. In those days they gave me Phenobarbitones and valium. Then there was a scare about and went onto Epanutin after my Daughter was born. Taken off Epanutin !! Anyway when you feel worried it is best to get to safety ie bed or chair. You cannot help but panic as they are scarey things to have. Relax and try to think of happy times (which is hard to do) So I sing and make my family suffer xx.
Always see someone just so it can be put on record. I cannot say what it was you had as we are all different. But I wish you well and remember, calm does help.
All the best
Win xxxx
amy71414 Winnie143
Thanks again for your reply
jane75220 amy71414
linda61391 amy71414
Hi Amy , sorry to hear what you went through .. my dear mother is on this drug has been on it for the last 9 years it's great for her it does make her a little dizzy from time too time ,, so I believe that's the side affects may be but it's not all the time ,, since takeing it she's hasn't had a fit ,,, hers started outer ten years ago when she had a stroke ,,so she was given the drug,, it's really good pill I wish you good luck with it I am sure you will be fine just pop along to your Docter and tell him as well ,Linda ,
Winnie143 amy71414
Hi Again Amy,
Have you been under any stress of late or worried?
My hand jerks and my arm and then I go into panic mode and shout "Help me Mum" she died in 1976 xx But my hubby is always there xx. 2 minutes later I slow up and have a good cry, then a rest.
Take care of yourself and keep singing xx
I wish you all
amy71414 Winnie143
So i have been under alot of stress at work although the night that happened i was having a great night with my mum at the gym and then back at her place to see my little sisters
Then about an hour or so after i went home and then thats when it all happened so im not sure why but i go back to the doctors today to find out the results of my blood tests so i hope ill get some answers soon!
Wishing you well also x
allen07303 Winnie143
is this singing Winnie?
if so it's your old friend Allen in the states!
i don't know if you remember me or not but if so please respond!
i miss my uk friends
i didn't realize you'd been through as extensive as testing as you have.
triggers for me are stress,tension,getting out of the shower,some television programs,listening to others argue etc.
Winnie143 allen07303
Hi Allen,
Yes tis me as I always say "You cannot keep a good un Down for long"
How ya been pal xxx
Hope all is well Your end xxxx Meet Amy, Allen. Amy meet Allen xxxx
allen07303 Winnie143
Hi Amy,
im Allen and it's a pleasure to meet I just wish it were under better circumstances. I've known Winnie for a while and she'd be a great one to help you thru your situation...are you across the pond as well?
oh....she sings like no other as well
amy71414 allen07303
Winnie143 amy71414
I am in Kent in the UK Amy xx
Hope all goes well with you xxx
And now for my first song .. Hit it Win.. I cried a tear, You wiped it dry Anne Murray ha ha xxxxxxxx
amy71414 Winnie143
Oh ok im in Australia so a very different place haha lots and lots of beaches here and its always sunny !
i dont think i would live anywhere else i love it here ! and not to mention i hate the cold haha im so used to the hot weather here it was like 21 degrease the other day and we all had our jackets on haha im sure its a lot colder were you are.
Haha i hope you keep on singing
as long as it makes you happy thats all that matters
Winnie143 amy71414
Good Luck to us All xxx
amy71414 Winnie143
Hey ! Thanks I can't sleep so I'm still up it's like 1:34 in the morning here 😬 I had the extra tissue removed yesterday it's pretty painful again but I have the good stuff to take so I'll be sweet haha but it feels so bad because when it grew back it sort of grew from nothing to being really big and then it grew down behind my tongue so it feels like something is stuck back there ! It's so gross but the tissue has been sent for testing to make sure there's nothing serious going on and then I see my surgeon in 3 weeks. Hope all is well with you also thanks for asking 😊x
Winnie143 amy71414
Sounds pretty painful for you but be of good cheer and think every day is a healing day, and I wish you well. I wont poke tongue out at you in case you decided to do it back and you will cuss at me lol xxxxx
Get some sleep as it will help xxxxxxx
amy71414 Winnie143
Haha thanks your so sweet ! X
Haha definitely no poking my tongue out after that surgery hah just lots of ice blocks and water !
Yer I will try I suppose I have basically been asleep since 9am yesterday morning I was suppose to leave the hospital at 11am but ended up leaving just after 3pm cas I wouldn't wake up haha I have the best sleeps there ! Also my partner just got home from working away for the last couple months so he just went to sleep but now I'm pretty awake 😁 but I will try to get some more sleep the anaesthetic makes me pretty tired but like I say you can never have enough sleep 😉
allen07303 amy71414
It does sound very painful!
theres nothing like being home in your own bed though.
its more comfortable and you'll sleep better there and get as much as you can cuz you need lots of it.
always listen to Winnie , she has a beautiful voice and will have you up singing before you know it...
Winnie143 amy71414
You are brave xx Keep ice at hand xxx
Win xxxx (I'd be crying if it was me ) lol xx
amy71414 Winnie143
Haha well it's just past 2 in the morning and I'm already eating ice blocks haha!i do have a high pain threshold which is good for me I suppose! It was pretty good but last time I lost 3kg in 5 days so I suppose there's gotta be some sort of advantage haha the ice block diet works that's for sure!
Thanks guys I really appreciate it and I'm sure I'll be singing soon enough 😁xx
mo-jas allen07303
..oh, we're still around allen
..hope all's well with you!
allen07303 mo-jas
Been a while Mo...I made an unintended. Disappear act on all.
miiss the visits and hoping you're in good as health as can be.
across the pond Allen🙂
mo-jas allen07303
yeah.. it sure has, allen -
..if you've been doing a disappearing act, then if i say 'me too' you know the score! ..haha
i do look the place over most days, but being able to engage is an entirely different matter..
that said, the reason i picked up on your remark about missing your uk compadres was cos i was already following amy's thread.. (hi amy, by the way - sorry to hijack it for an old pals' reunion 'net knees-up ..haha)!
even tho not up for answering just then, being on lamictal myself (+ keppra) i was interested to see where it went. in fact allen, i'm inspired to have a go at amy's original question; i may have missed it but it seems the one thing that's not really been answered - foreknowledge, precursors and auras - what the signs are..
ciao for now chap.. love, peace'n woodstock at you from the uk! ..(not forgetting your tuned-in nephew ..hope he's still helping you with your shopping). >d(^|^)b<
Winnie143 allen07303