Laparoscopy can lead to early menopause

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Hi, so I’ve been doing some research to understand why I seem to be going through peri menopause early (1m 41) . I had a laparoscopy about 8 years ago to remove 2 large cysts from my ovaries, one being a dermoid, and there is research to strongly suggest that this can significantly reduce ovarian reserve - I guess it makes sense as they must also take quite a bit of tissue. I just thought I would mention it on here in case other women were wondering the same and had also had a laparoscopy, something to mention to doctors who dismiss symptoms due to being too young.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Karen, thanks for the info!! I am 41 too...bad symptoms since 40.  I have not had a Laparoscopy.  Just want to throw out there too...I stopped long term BCP (20yrs).  Then, became very symptomatic.  Don’t let a dr tell you at this age that your hormones will regulate themselves blah, blah, blah.  15 months post BCP for me...don’t think mine are regulating!  after 35...we’re all fair game to start peri as hormones start declining slowly and actual menopause on average is 45-51.  I’ve actually been laughed at for suggesting peri, erratic periods and bloodwork that has shown several times peri and post meno 🙄. Seems to me a lot of our fine doctors barely understand  Menopause .  Perimenopause, most do not even know what that is.  Stay strong ladies! 

  • Posted

    Hello Karen,

    in May 2016 I had an unpredictable  laparoscopic surgery due to a corpus luteum cyst rupture...

    Since then I in full perimenopause symptoms but still regular periods...

    Another doctor informed  me that a small part of left ovary was removed and now I had a cyst on my other ovary ( seems like endometriosis) that has to be destroys ovarian tissue

    I am younger than you..Iam only 32 years old

    It is true that before my surgery I Had awful PMDD symtpoms but after surgery 2016 I am constantly in a horrible situation ,..I cannot function I cannot go for work

    everyone dismissed me because I am  too young...and still regular periods

    I had a blood test and my fsh lh were found  too high for my age and estradiol too low


  • Posted

    Hey Evi, hugs to you going through all this so young, my situation sounds pretty similar to yours - 2 cysts on my ovaries removed and lots of endo discovered - which I had no symptoms of - I.e. pain, which was also removed. I had bad pmdd for the 6 months prior to my op, and shortly after I got pregnant, so it was causing infertility as well. I was well during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and as soon as my cycle came back 3 years ago - bam! the pmdd came back - which has turned into peri over the past 2 years. My FSH was at 15 a few moths ago, so it’s getting high, but oestrogen normal - yet I’ve had horrendous symptoms - absolutely everything ! And I’m convinced the cysts and their removal damaged my ovaries - it’s cool, I’m happy to go through memo now, I don’t want more kids, just wish I had been warned it could happen - and just be over it already!!  
  • Posted

    I had laboroscopic myomectomy about 11-12 tears ago. 2 years later I had ivf treatment and got pregnant. I am now 49 and going through perimenapause . So perhaps it doesn't always cause early menopause to everyone .

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