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I'm not sure if anyone suffers from this terrible thing but I suffer from something called laranxspasm, it's when all of a sudden your throat closed up and you gasp for breath and struggle to breath it only last for a minuite or 2 but it's pure hell, I've had it for years and it comes and it comes and goes, exercise and stressful situations make it worse but it can also just come on with no reason, I was just driving home 1 night and it came on suddenly, it is so frightening. what makes it worse is I suffer from health anxiety and have googled this, and you can get it with mnd, I also suffer with muscle twitches which again is associated with mnd. needless to say I am now scared to death. does anyone else suffer with this x
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sandra01720 lisa17089
I suffer from laryngospasm,, Maybe t's the same thing. It sounds very similar and it is terrifying. I am usually praying, preparing to die. It leaves me traumitized. It has happened to me when i was driving. It seems to happen more frequently when I am stressed. Choking on a drink can set me off too... I hate it so much and wish i had answers. When i was 8, I was hospitilized for it. Since then, I get it occassionally... seems to go in streaks.
What does mnd stand for?
i can usually shorten the attack if i try to relax. i feel for you. it is nightmarish to have this issue.
sabrina1971 lisa17089
I have something similar but I have always figured it was a hangover from having whooping cough as an adult. I wonder if it's the same thing? I am terrified of it happening alone and not having any help to breath out of it, or call an ambulance if things got bad. Do you have other neck and throat issues? I have Hashimoto's and a large goiter so that doesn't help either. 😕
sandra01720 sabrina1971
i also have hashimotos and a bulky inflamed thyroid, however i had these spasms off and on since i was 8...
thanks for the replies no I dont suffer with any other throat or neck issues it also happens in my sleep sometimes and I jump up gasping for breath. my throat literally closes up and I make like a rasping noise until it passes it can literally happen anytime. I've been talking to people and it's just happened and they are clueless because it's not as if I'm eating or anything I'm literally choking on fresh air. mnd stands for motor neurons disease, what Stephen hawking h had. a truly shocking and terrifying illness
mamamia03 lisa17089
Hi ladies, I've suffered with this, absolutely horrible. It got so bad my gp sent me for endoscopy, turns out I have chronic acid reflux brought on by digestive problems because of Peri! She put me on stomach tablets and it was like a miracle, it just stopped. Hope this helps.
pamela2016 lisa17089
i dont know if this is the same thing as i haven't experienced it but as far back when i was a kid my mother got these episodes where she would start choking and gasping for air out if nowhere. and have to keep something to drink with her at all times she still does this. she has explained it as if like a lump comes in her throat out of nowhere causing her to feel like she choking and gasping for air. her eyes will water and everything while having an episode. we never found the cause of why she does that