Last period end of February is this the nearly the end!
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My last period was in Feb, I have had insomnia coming on 4 yrs where i am surviving on 3-4 hours a night which is now really taking over my life. I have a wonderful supportive husband and he is getting use to me bursting in to tears for no reason having no energy. My question is how many of you have gone this long without a period and then bleed again? And once you have finished all this am i likely to go back to not being so emotional and sleeping better?
Thank you for taking the time to read this ladies
Karen x
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Guest karen07486
I have gone 2 1/2 years with NO period and then had a flooding period that ended me in ER and biopsy's and such!
karen07486 Guest
oh no did they say what caused you to bleed so long after a period?
jane66356 karen07486
Hi Karen,
I'm only on day 99 without a period although this is the longest I've gone and I'll be 53 soon so I'm hoping I'm also at the finish line. I just wanted to give a suggestion on what to do for the insomnia. I was also having that and/or being waken by my heart racing at about 130-140 bpm. I started taking melatonin in the form of tart cherry capsules.
I posted about this on another discussion and mentioned that if you are in the UK that it looks like the only way to get melatonin is through a prescription although the tart cherry supplement are available over there.
Living on 3-4 hours of sleep is not good 😦 No wonder why you're crying and tired! That's how I get with a lack of sleep. Some people handle it better than others...I do not. I am just awful if I'm lacking sleep.
Best of luck to you!
Vylent_Fyre jane66356
I've been on beta blockers because of my sudden racing heart rates going into 170s. no one can tell me why it happens.. I've also been wearing an implantable loop recorder since December 20, 2018 and most episodes are sinus rhythm just extreme supraventricular tachycardia. Multiple events of PVCs and PACs but they're benign I've been told... I'll also get heart palpitations 30 minutes after I eat and am starting to think it is something going on with my blood sugar levels. it isn't any fun that's for sure!! I was told back in May 2018 I'm in perimenopause. I have not had one month skipped yet but each month seems to be a little lighter. a drastic change from 2 years of heavy flooding that had me severely anemic and needed iron infusion. I will see what I can do about that cherry tart melatonin as I'm lucky to get 5 hours of step and that's been going on since I was 36. I'm 43 now. Big hugs!!
jane66356 Vylent_Fyre
I was prescribed beta blockers too but felt so tired and awful I decided to try something else. I would stay on the beta blockers if I were you having your heart rate up to 170! That would definitely be scary. I had a 48-hour holter monitor that came back fine...normal sinus rhythm and a few PAC and PVCs. Not many. I started with the racing heart when I was about 45 years old.
I personally think it has to do with cortisol/adrenaline spikes from fluctuating hormones. Sets off the flight or fight response. My resting heart rate has also come down over the 3 weeks that I've been taking the tart cherry. I know from my "fitbit" data 😃
If you research, the beta blockers also reduce melatonin which is not a good thing. You produce melatonin to sleep....when you get older you make less.
Here's from a website:
Beta-blocker drugs, such as atenolol and propranolol, are a class of drugs that seem to lower melatonin levels. This might cause problems sleeping. Research suggests that taking a melatonin supplement might reduce this side effect.
Best of luck! 😃
jane66356 Vylent_Fyre
one more note on the tachycardia....i did have a ECG while my heart was racing at one point and the diagnosis was sinus tachycardia.
Guest jane66356
You are aware that Melatonin is a hormone itself! It caused my daughter to be nervous, shaking and other symptoms and it gave my son full breast! We stay away from it completely now!
jane66356 Guest
Yes, I am aware that it is a hormone. I have done extensive research on it as I do whenever I consider taking anything. Sorry to hear about your bad experience with it. I only take a small dose as some of the manufacturers will have you take 10x what is really needed.
I just know that it has been working for me. I must have needed it. Everyone's body is different. I can't take medicines my husband can take without getting a bad reaction.
Melatonin generally works as an anxiolytic but some people can have a paradoxical reaction to it such as your daughter getting nervous from it.
I've never heard of anyone growing breasts from it?
Beverlys1 jane66356
Hi Jane,,, I take melatonin instead of xanax,, so as far as I'm concerned you are better off,, just monitor yourself, see how you feel and if it helps you it is more natural then pharma drugs so good for you sweetie for looking for an alternative!!! Hugs Jane always go natural if you can!!! xxxx
sabrina1971 karen07486
I went almost 12 months to the day and started again with quite normal periods every other month (maybe only one ovary doing all the work?). That went on until late summer and nothing since. Given up thinking about counting this time!
karen07486 sabrina1971
Thats one thing i dread but i am like you i try my best not to think about it to much but every stomach cramp i get i do think to myself im going to come on.
Lets hope we are both on the right road
Karen x
Beverlys1 karen07486
Hi Karen, have had insomnia my whole adult life and it has been horrible actually since I was 36 now 53 almost 54 and still have pretty regular periods melatonin plus L Theanine supplement/ Has helped me get alittle back on track has gotten very bad the last 3 months I wake up every 2 hours everytime I start to go into dream cycle....I also have to take 1 low dose xanax per night which I hate to do because I am getting to used to it and it does not work,, but I have to sleep as I fell it is making me more sick with all peri symptoms we all have, on top I get sweats and hot flashes sometimes all night long... I am so sorry you are have this as I know how you feel,, no sleep is a medical condition and Im getting ready to head back to the doctor for some additional help maybe... Hugs to you.. xxx you are not alone hun!!!
karen07486 Beverlys1
Hi Beverly my doctor has never really been worried or tried to help me with my insomnia apart from giving me sleeping tablets which i only take half a one if i have got to a hit a brick wall stage which is probably every 6 weeks, i have noticed if i have a real bad night i suffer with a lot of flushes through the day and night sweats which is not helping my sleep at all. I have been on BP tablets for 2 yrs i get palpatations a lot recently but try to calmly breath through it. And of course because im so tired all the time my appetite has gone and im wasting away.
I feel for all you ladies that are suffering any kind of symptom going through this chapter of your lives.
Keep strong Karen x
Beverlys1 karen07486
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR INFO KAREN... You are the bomb!!!Hugsxxx