Last resort...

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Hello there, im 26 years old and usually very healthy i use to weight 80kg and im 186.

ive been belching and nauseated for 2 months now, ive tried every test under the sun for those 2 months.

it started like the flu back in 25th of march the symptoms of the flu went off and this weird stomach discomfort and nausea began, at first i thought something wrong with my lungs so i did an X-ray and they found nothing, then i did a regular blood work with H,pylori breath test and found nothing, in the beginning of April i went to the ER and did an extended blood work with another chest x-ray with a barium swallow test and still nothing, afterwords i did an endoscopy the doc found a red antral lining but said its nothing special but since i was sedated he wrote on the release paper that i have some sort of  gastritis and prescribed ppis.

moving forward  2 weeks and i began feeling better but the belching and nausea a specially at night started getting worst. so i did a ultra sound and they found nothing,

than i did an gastric emptying test with the eggs and toast for 4 hours and it came normal a celiac screen , parasites in the stool, thyroid  all negative. the only thing that came out positive is that im lactose intolerant.

ive seen two gastric professors and they basically told me to its all in my head. im trying to eat at least 3 times a day but in about 7 pm im starting to burp like crazy and it leads to a severe nausea im straggling not to throw up.

right now im talking H2 blockers but i never felt any heartburn.

my weight now keeps plummeting, i weighted this morning about 70kg,

im hopeless guys...hope you shine some light on my problem.


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    You may need ct scan... it mart be bladder acting.... ultrasound not always pick up stones... it could not even be realted to flu you had it was just waiting...

    But for now i would try probiotics and bland tea and extra virgin olive oil.... create yourself food diary and see what does suit you better.

    Avoid alcohol and smoking if possible.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the quick replay,

      bladder you say? its weird because i have no problem with passing urane what so ever, MRI might help?

      i ate so much radiation this past two months that im scared ill have some poisoning.

      might it be that i got a false negative on some of my tests? like the h pylori one or the emptying scan? 

  • Posted

    Hello, I say this because my son has had chronic abdominal pain for 4 years that was treated with acupuncture. While coming out of the pain, he moved in to nausea which is also now being treated and almost now to nothing. So I am Just writing  that nausea can be a parasympathetic nervous system thing and acupuncture may treat it. Especially if they cannot find a problem medically it may be worth a try. 
    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply,

      its funny you say that, thats exactly what the doctor said to me yesterday, ive already made an appointment,

      thanks for the help. 

    • Posted

      I weighted 72kgs it came down to 61kg and now its 65kgs
  • Posted

    Same thing happened to me doctor said its all in my head and told me that I have got anxiety disorder . mine started with nausea while in middle of eating and feels like throwing up,. Then I felt fullness in upper abdomen with little bit of whatever I ate ., went to my first GP he told its not gastritis its stomach infection gave me probiotics felt better for 3 to 4 days again the same. Went to another GP she told me due to anxiety gastric problem arises cause its all in my head she gave me rebeprazole sodium IP now the problem is I feel constant dizziness after having lunch ., don't even feel like standing up ., my bowel movements have changed they don't get cleared I feel but now I can eat better then before my Ultrasound came out normal liver functioning test normal, CBC test also normal ,. No pain anywhere in my abdomen ., I don't know why am I not fully recovered its been 2 months now

  • Posted

    Since you were diagnosed with gastritis, and the endoscopy proved this, continue to take PPIs to protect your stomach lining and try a food diary to see what foods could be triggering symptoms.  Gastritis causes your stomach to become sensitive to certain foods.  Avoid the foods that irritate your stomach and try lactose free milk.

    Your symptoms are not in your head since you have a clear diagnosis of gastrtis and lactose intolerance.  No one should tell you that your symptoms are in your head. When this happens, it’s time to change your doctor.  You will need to be patient because gastritis can take time to heal.  Sometimes it can be chronic which means you will have it long term.  I would accept your diagnosis of gastritis and lactose intolerance  and adjust your diet to manage your symptoms.

    • Posted

      ive visited a gastric professor afterwards that told me it might be just red lining caused by not eating in the day of the procedure. so she told me not to worry about the gastritis, mean while im taking the mads and i still feel sick basically every day.

      the belching are killing me and afterwards comes the nausea sad

    • Posted

      When I had my endoscopy, I didn’t get any redness from a delay in eating before the procedure. The redness was probably there when your symptoms began long before your endoscopy.  Gastritis takes time to heal and you will need to eat bland foods and avoid anything rich, fatty or spicy.  Try milk to soothe the inflammation. Try a food diary to see what foods could be irritating your stomach.
  • Posted

    I have the same problem, please we all need help what are we to do?.

    what doctor what site?


  • Posted

    Ive got some updates.

    Ive got tue best 3 days since the start of april, i noticed that a few weeks ago ny symptoms changed i was no longer feeling stomach discomfort and only felt nuaseated and burping, since that i started to take Ppis and ended up with H2 blocker only at night.

    Since i kept feeling sick i started to take the H2 at the morning, but surprizingly i was nuaseated more.

    So i stopped taking drugs and now i feel much better by the day.

    I hope someone in the future will read it and it will help him.

    • Posted

      I too have stopped taking PPI's and now am feeling less nauseated after meal now thats the thing am.not able to understand

    • Posted

      PPIs can cause nausea; this is a plausible explanation. 

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