Late for Period
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Hi Ladies! I just turned 47 and my periods for about two years went from 28-30 days to 21-24 days. Since September being all over the place. 24-34 days. My last period I got was Mother's Day and it was a light one that lasted 8 days. I normally bleed heavy and it lasts about 4-5 days. I also had a light and long period in August. I am now on day 44 and no period. I have had cramps, sore breasts, and all the lovely pms symptoms, but no period. I feel miserable and exhausted, When did your periods start getting longer in the cycle or start skipping? This is the longest I have gone (since I was younger) and of course I am freaking out about everything! Lol! I hope everyone is hanging in there!
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marie17440 laurie19311
hi i just turned 50 and i'm working on my 24 th day late (no period)3 negative pregnancy tests so i'm assuming it 's the start of menopause. i feel pregnant though sore breasts and nausea all day. my last period lasted 14 days off and on and it has been changing for the last 3 to 4 years just like yours aren't we just LUCKY!
laurie19311 marie17440
So lucky! LOL! Day 17 for me today. In the back of my mind, I am like "Am I pregnant?", then I remind myself I have my tubes tied and at our age it is very difficult to get pregnant naturally, but then it goes back to "But what if I am one of those rare ones who do" and then I think I will have an eptopic pregnacy because of my tubes tied. I am a mess! LOL! My boobs have been on and off and no nausea right now, which with my children I had severe morning sickness. I know I have been really stressed and my periods for the last three months have been furthur apart, but at this point I just don't know. It's funny how we want our periods to stop, but when they are late we freak out! I appreciate your reply, and thank you for letting me ramble!
serena11274 laurie19311
i am 44 and recently went a 41 day cycle which has never happened before in my lifetime, now last 2 cycles have been back to 28 days however since last period 2 weeks back i have had continued night sweats , where as before was only getting flushing some days during month, my period lasts 2 days quite light then disappears, i guess we just ride the roller coaster, frustrating as my bloods keep saying im not in perimenopuase.
laurie19311 serena11274
I am on day 17 and it's the longest in 20 years! Your bloods won't necessarily show that you are in perimenopause since our levels are all over the place! I started peri about 3 years ago, so at your age. It does sound that you are in it! I will keep you in my prayers!
mercy21172 laurie19311
You are not alone dear. I will be 42 Sept my peri started 4 yrs its been crazy sometimes you are ok other days you are not. I had my last period April 2020 nothing in May, i did not freak out bcos it has happened before. But OMG it has not been easy for me last few weeks couple with Covid 19. my throat has been irritating me, i have taken some remedy still there comes & goes, my nipples too are sore, neck pain etc. Peri can reck havoc in our systems. Just this afternoon I saw my my peri symptoms have lessen.
we just pray one day we will over come this.
laurie19311 mercy21172
I appreciate your reply! No period since May 10th. I am late 25 days now. I have had all the symptoms, but no period. It's funny how we pray for them to stop, but pray for it when it's late! Lol!
mercy21172 laurie19311
so funny really. God will continue to help us.
bev27429 laurie19311
I went 101 days without a period, and that was the first time that I have ever missed a period. That was in July of 2019, and since then, believe it or not, I haven't skipped a period! My cycle is now between 20 and 36 days. Some months are heavy and some are light. I feel like I have perpetual PMS, at times, but I just do my best to weather it all. I will be 52 in October. Hope this helps:)
laurie19311 bev27429
Bless your soul! 101 days! I finally got my period yesterday and it is a rough one. My cycle lasted 54 days amd I was 26 days late. I know this is to be expected, but when it does happen it's like woah! Lol! I appreciate your reply and it helps A LOT!