Late period

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My period was 3 weeks late, does anyone know if periods start coming closer together or further apart at the end of perimenopause? x

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    I can go 2-3 months and not have a period and then have one that lasts a day so I would like to know that also!!
    • Posted

      It’s so frustrating not knowing where you are in this process, there must be some sort of pattern x
  • Posted

    Hi Caroline, I think everyone tailor off slightly different some people like myself went further apart but I know some people own just stop sudden for good congrats your in the last peri stages..I'm 1 year 8 months with out any thank God with out coming back good luck into the next phase ((((((HUGS))))))

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Maria, it’s so frustrating, I think I have been in perimenopause for around 5 years some of the symptoms have gone now but others just appear out of nowhere x
    • Posted

      Hi Caroline, like me 5 years after my periods stop the MENO hit me with vengeance..I still have hot flashes cold ones has stop, I'm still going through it but just reach the other side but it does come to end I was told just takes time..I hope when your periods end you won't go through it to long after that.

    • Posted

      OH Maria so 5 years after your periods stopped MENO hit. How awful. What symptoms ? everything? xx

      amanda xx

    • Posted

      Hi Amanda, yes hot flashes and feeling weird as ever my head was heavy and couldn't stay still and the Anixety along with it, I think most people MENO hits them after periods start to stop hit me like tun of bricks damn evil hormones I wouldn't wish it on worst enemy it is how it makes you feel half of the time..

    • Posted

      Yes mine stopped in December felt great until April then it hit like a ten ton load !! 
    • Posted

      Hi Caroline,

      I'm 49 and have been having obvious peri symptoms since 45. This last year I've really noticed the changes with my flow, timing -etc. I didn't realize how much I appreciated the consistency of my cycle!

      I was clockwork every 28 days. My flow was always the same. About 4-5 days prior to my period I would ALWAYS have the same symptoms. This all changed starting in June - started having a LOT of symptoms that are on that 66 peri list! Had a period for one day in July. Then nothing in August when it was due - and now today - 16 days late; I am having a full blown period day. Noticed I was really having a rough mood day 2 days ago but it wasn't lining up with my typical cycle - now it makes sense - my period was coming! 

      I started keeping a daily journal logging all of my symptoms - I've noticed a lot of patterns with all of the new symptoms I started having in June. So hard to get used to the inconsistency - I took it all for granted. 


  • Posted

    4 years ago mine  stopped for 2 months then were pretty regular for the next 4 years. I prayed like hell that it wasn’t the ‘time’ for me as I was going through such a hard time at home .... i couldn’t have handled one more thing. I guess the praying worked 😀

    So yes they can be all over the place for years doesn’t mean they will stop just get a bit erratic . Mine stopped in dec at 51 which is the normal time that most women do .... so now having to handle the ‘horror’ of this. 

  • Posted

    Mine started getting later too. For someone who had a 28 day cycle to the hour it was tough, and I felt like I constantly had pmt. I think any variation, whether closer together or further apart means things are changing. I found it helpful to keep a diary of it over a few months to note the changes over a period of time.
    • Posted

      I have the clue app on my phone and it sent me a message saying my periods are very irregular, I’m just hoping I’m nearly at the finish line x
  • Posted

    Hi Caroline,

    I started having peri symptoms about seven years ago. My periods started being inconsistent almost immediately after I started having symptoms. It is common for them to be later sometimes and then again closer together. It's hard to discern what your period will do these days. Mine was late this month after a period of being consistent. The symptoms have come back with a vengeance after having tapered off for a while. So just hang in there. I heard it does get better. It just takes time. Take care and hugs to you! 😊

    • Posted

      I had a blood test at the doctors and she said my fsh level indicated I was in perimenopause, it just seems to have been going on so long, it’s so disturbing the way the symptoms come and go at first I had really bad heart palpitations then that disappeared then came back! I’ve also lost both my parents in the last 5 years and I think times of stress definitely increase symptoms x
    • Posted

      Oh, stress mostly definitely can and will bring about the onset of these and it can make already existing symptoms worse. When mine really kicked off in full swing was right after I had my daughter at age 39. I'm 44 now. I had a c-section. I went threw a see-saw of emotions. I went through the worst post partum depression and right after that I lost two loved ones back to back. I immediately started having anxiety and heart palpitations. I was running back and forth to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. Always came back normal.

      Try drinking chamomile tea. That usually calms me. Try to avoid caffeine. That will only make your anxiety worse. I even had this meditation app on my phone which helped me to breathe and relax. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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