Late Period Help!

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Hello ladies. Looking for advice and reassurance. Im 41 have been in peri for about 2 years now. My cycle has still been consistently normal up until now. My period was Due Friday and as of today i still dont have one. I took a home pregnancy test which was negative but im so confused. I had really sore nipples that lasted about a week or so and my sex drive was in full force about2 weeks ago its starting to die down and the soreness in my nipples have gone. I thought i was getting ready to start my period i use a tracker but nope nothing. Could i be pregnant? Could this just be a missed period? I have no period symptoms I actually feel ok which is weird for me normally i get pretty bad anxiety but nope. Help!!! lol Thank you

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I am 16 days late if that makes you feel any better! I had an ultrasound and actually had an internal (all normal) and my OB/GYN (who I LOVE) pretty much said well, Heidi, you're just at that age (46). This is the first month I have almost skipped (not officially a skip until you hit 60 days) and I have felt like I am going to get my period for weeks. Fun times! Hang in there - we are all in this nonsense together! xo Heidi

  • Posted

    Hi Renee,

    If you aren't on any birth control than it's possible to get pregnant.

    I used to feel that way but I knew my husband had a vasectomy and I couldn't be pregnant, but that's exactly how my breasts felt. Like when I was pregnant.

    So either is possible. Take another pregnancy test to make sure?

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      im going to wait another few days and test again and if its neg ill see the doctor. Im so nervouse pregnancy at this point can be very high risk ugh but its like i thought since i started per that part was over gor me im excited and scared and thenthe disappointment ugh

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    I've been Peri for 4 years and my periods have been inconsistent but always here by 30 days or earlier but this month I was due on Thursday and still nothing. I've had a bit of period cramp and sore boobs but still nothing. I keep thinking could this be the first miss but not sure. just waiting.....

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    well i have been in peri for years my best description of peri is its like being pregnant and in puberty at the same time! my breast used to be sore the week before now it can be all the time nausea look up puberty and prego symptoms and you will see how its similar to peri

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    i was 3 months late !! no worries!!! all dreaded peri!!! ❤❤

  • Posted

    I'm 44 and been in peri for just over a year. I missed one period (August) but other than that, it's come like clockwork every 3 weeks. Except now. It should have come last Tuesday, so I am now a week late. No period symptoms and am wondering if this will be a missed one or if it'll surprise me out of nowhere. Actually hoping it's a missed one, since we're off on vacation next week and it would be lousy timing to get my period. And as I told my Gyn at my annual a couple of weeks ago - I just want to get on with missing more periods to get through this time!

  • Posted

    I have been getting my periods every 3 months (2 times already) then last month it came normal again and now this month I am a little early (spotting) and thinking I may get it again. When they did not come for 3 months it was Wonderful! Before this I got them every 28 days like I am feeling I am reaching the end maybe... It's normal for your body to do that, so try not to worry. Hugs!!!

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