Late state of peri question

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Has anyone gotten through the late stage of peri? Is it a roller coaster many ups and downs until it finally levels off where you begin to feel more stable, calm and normal? Do you feel more stable and calm when you finally stop menstruating during the first 12 months? If I don't get my cycle this week. This may be the start of stopping. I'm praying. Now I'm reading for many the anxiety comes back when you finally reach menopause!!! Did the brain fog come back for you at that time again? Tell me it ain't so!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! Freakin nightmare!!! Thanks to all for your support. This site has really helped me while dealing with this crap of an existence during this time ❤️ For anyone looking for more information regarding this stage. I came a cross a good website for information. If anyone is interested just message me. Always here to help if I can.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Great post! I have the same questions. I started perimenopause right after the birth of my last son at age 42 and have been dealing with worsening symptoms for the last six years. I am hoping I am near the end and approaching menopause - although my mom didn't officially reach it until 52. Is there a lessening of symptoms or do you continually have to deal with issues since your hormones are been impacted?

    • Posted

      Hi, Jen:

      Thanks! Yes, needing to know if you are continually having to deal with issues is what's on my mine too. For me it's just a wait and see right now but, scary to hear some go almost 12 months approaching menopause and then their cycle comes back. Peri hit me really really bad. I'm just trying right now to really eat right, exercise and take supplements to prepare for the worst if this comes around again. I'm not out of this yet but, for the first time this past week my symptoms have lessened. It's taken 8 months though for them to calm down. Very hard. I felt like I was dying when it hit. It takes your soul literally. I can't wait till my normal self returns!!!!!

  • Posted

    I went to ALMOST 12 months and yes, I did feel a lot better during that time. Not really any hot flushes, calmer, easier to think, etc. But BAM it came back and I've had around 6 periods this year which were more normal than any periods I've had in years but health anxiety is SKY HIGH and I'm a complete mess emotionally. I think my body was not ready...yet! I'm 48, BTW.

    • Posted

      Hi Sabrina:

      I'm 48 too. That's got to be hard all that time and BAM comes right back. Hang in there. I do feel your pain though. I've been going through Peri severely and I'm scared like you I might get hit with a second round of symptoms when I actually hit menopause. I know everyone is different but, reading different outcomes could possible help to prepare for what could happen. Thanks so much for your response.

  • Posted

    Yes tell me please!!!!!! My friend had her surgery (1 ovary still) in April and she feels awesome.. She only has hot flashes but had them before the surgery as well.. Loves sex and has energy!! BUT she is single and no kids so that could be why too.. I'm having my D&C next week and doctor thinks I will be in menapause after that or she said many of her patients do go into meno.That period was a mess so I already feel relieved about not having it anymore. But then in the same token I'm concerned what I will have to battle next.

    • Posted


      I hope all goes well for you after your D&C. Hope you come through feeling as good as your friend! You may get lucky and breeze through it. I know it's a wait and see. It's so frustrating! I have similar concerns. I really try not to worry about it and just do all I can to prepare myself for whatever more hits at this point. I figure if I get myself as healthy as I can right now. It won't be so bad if it continues.

    • Posted

      Thank-you!!! Yes, that's what a woman (PA that I saw) told be in a way-- She said it's a difficult time and just be really good to yourself--- She of course was 56 and in shape and said she felt great.. She had hot flashes in the beginning but not any more. Take Care!!

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