LEARNING NEW WAYS TO COPE.....................
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Thousands are suffering with all types of mental illness,& it's destroying family's relationships,are selfs more to the point....we have to live with are illness 24 hours a day.7 days a week .i have had serious mental health problems for years have been on every medication there is,ect the lot.hospitals you name it I've been there n got the t shirt.lol.
NOW I want to tell everyone about a course through mental health services called coping with your emotions,thought judgements,of yourself n much more......it's really hard work,if you take one thing from this then that is good.
.everytime you judge yourself.which could be 100 times a day eg...I'm useless I'm ugly I hate myself why me.....STOP.GROUND yourself!take a few deeps breaths then say to yourself that was just a judgement & let it go,it came into your mind now let it float out...
......try try over n over....
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betsy0603 Zenna
They throw drugs at depression and anxiety caused by life events. Most people are not truly mentally ill; they just don't have the skills to deal with every day stressors or major events. And, whatever happened in our pasts that led us to have negative self image, catastrophizing thoughts, etc., it can be undone with the types of skills you mention. We do develop negative mental chatter and feel we are victims, but all of it is "voluntary." It is possible to interrupt those thought processes, bring ourselves to the present with breathing, and be kind to ourselves.
I used to ruminate over the past, worry about the future, causing myself so much distress. I was depressed because of it. Our past is a story - there is no physical remnant of it other than in our minds. We can't predict the future and it is largely not in our control, so fretting over only creates more suffering. All we have is the present. Most of the time we can honestly say, "At this moment, I am ok." We dont HAVE to have our thoughts. That may seem "out there," but it's true!
When I catch myself ruminating, I tell myself "thinking, thinking, breathe"
Zenna betsy0603
betsy0603 Zenna
Zenna betsy0603
betsy0603 Zenna
Stinking Thinking
Stinking Thinking often leads people to feel sad, worried, and hopeless. To feel better, try to “freshen up” your thinking. Here are a number of ideas ...:
Misery is optional. Feeling miserable keeps you stuck in the past. The past is something no one can change. Focus on changing the things you can and accepting what you have no control over.
Emotions are not facts. Just because you feel a certain way, does not make it true. Notice when emotions are getting the best of your thoughts and check out the facts first.
The future is not set in stone. You cannot be certain about what tomorrow will bring. Try to avoid making negative assumptions about the future.
View “mistakes” as life lessons. Life is full of opportunities to learn new skills, make new friends, and try new activities. Learn from mistakes and do better next time.
Avoid seeking perfection. Instead, pay attention to progress. "