Left arm and hand weak and numb
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Hi ladies. My anxiety is at an all time high this evening. My left arm all the way down to my hand has been weak and numb today. Do any of you experience this? I'll be 38 years old I'm January and i have tons of perimenopause symptoms. Is this a common one? Please help....im scared 😭😭
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dawnm1970 kellys38
klm1213 kellys38
beth12460 kellys38
kellys38 beth12460
maria76995 kellys38
klm1213 maria76995
kellys38 maria76995
Thanks so much Maria! I've heard that too but i needed reassurance. It always makes you feel better when you hear of someone else having the same scary symptoms as you. Not that I'm glad you're going through this either though. I wish none of us had to.
kellys38 klm1213
maria76995 kellys38
Me too Kelly, everthing seem to give me acid reflux worst now meno..when I lie down sometimes it reaches up in my throat I'm scared of endoscopes hate anything going down my throat and if they are not going to put you out I can't have it Lol.
renee_26767 kellys38
I had this happen to me last year. It lasted about 2 months . And as quickly as it started is as quickly as it stopped . To this day , I don't know exactly what it was . But I do know that I have had so many different things with peri menopause thst I can't name or remember them all! Try not to worry 💜
kellys38 renee_26767
Tha makes me feel better Renee. Thank you so much. And i know what you mean. I've had so many and i forget until somebody mentions something and I'm like "ohhh yeahhhh.....been there done that!" Lol. I'm trying my hardest not to worry and your comment has helped a ton. Thanks again so much
renuka58213 kellys38
Can any one help with some medication especially something with magnesium and also preferably if it would be some homoepathy
beth12460 renuka58213
Well these symptoms eventually landed me in the ER last night with an anxiety attack that felt like a heart attack. I knew it was probably an anxiety attack but i couldn't convince my mind that it was anything but a heart attack. Home safe and sound now and of course the doctor prescribed me anxiety meds. I already told myself i wasn't going to take anxiety meds. Does anyone here take them and do they help? It's not one that i take everyday, it's taken as needed.
beth12460 kellys38
I take them. And it does help. I am on my second bout of anxiety. Had it over 10 years ago due to PTSD. Got my head around it and swore I would never have it again. Boom. High stress situation and I have it full blown.
Xanax helps to calm you down so you can feel you are in control. I take them every once in awhile now. And I only take a quarter pill although if I was really anxious I took half. Very small amount but that was what I needed to calm me down. I know it can be partly due to hormones as I find so many women have anxiety during menopause.
Now I still have some anxiety. I have been able to stop a panic attack. I tell myself okay its just anxiety. You know what will happen. It will peak and then you will calm down and feel better. And I am able stop them. And it takes awhile to get that point. My first bout I ended up in the emergency room twice.
But start with a small amount see how you feel. No alcohol. Lots of people have used alcohol to treat anxiety but it doesn't work. I take alprazolam 0.25 MG and then I cut them into quarters. There is a very good book. Anxiety and Phobia Workshop Book. Really helped me. Don't worry Once you get over that hump anxiety will never be able to push you around like your first panic attack.
kellys38 beth12460
Thank you so much Beth! Your words of encouragement are way more helpful than you even know. I'm going to at least get them filled that way if i ever feel like it did last night again at least i will have them available. This is definitely tough and is taking a toll on me because it has all hit me out of left field.
beth12460 kellys38
Yep, that's what anxiety does just comes up and slams you in the back of the head. There is also a program on PBS about anxiety. If you google you can probably watch it online Its very good. Don't worry you will get your head around it. It won't kill you. But it feels like it will.
Don't drink caffeine. Take calcium and magnesium.
kellys38 beth12460
klm1213 kellys38
Do your symptoms get worse during your cycle??
I am taking Paxil now for anxiety (low dose 10mg) and I honestly can't tell any difference
Gong to see if she can increase dosage
beth12460 klm1213
There is no difference because antidepressants don't work on anxiety. I know they put me on an antidepressant and xanax for a year. It was the xanax that helped. Its helps you to calm down and get your head around it. Makes you feel you are in control not anxiety. Ask for xanax. If you take a very small amounts you won't become addicted. Besides people with anxiety have anxiety about pills and addiction.
klm1213 beth12460
I thought that too when she prescribed it for me but she said Paxil is for generalized anxiety disorder too. I have an appointment with her tomorrow and I'm going to ask if she can give me Xanax or something like that for when I have these episodes. She's just a general practitioner and I don't think she has any clue on what I'm going through because apparently she hasn't gone through it yet. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy
Did your peri symptoms become worse while you were on your cycle?
kellys38 klm1213
Yes my anxiety is almost unbearable about 5 days before my menstrual cycle and for the first 2 days during. I'm supposed to start my cycle in 3 days so it's pretty high right now.
klm1213 kellys38
beth12460 klm1213
GP's don't have enough experience for psych meds. I don't know why they think they do. You can't go off Paxil cold turkey. Ask for the xanax take it and see how you do. I find even a very small amount helps.
I have already gone through it. I know I still have hormones rolling around in here but try to the tell the nurse practitioner its like talking to a brick wall. I have learned more from this site than anywhere.