Left arm pain during anxiety like heart attack symptoms
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Hi everyone,
Would like to know if anyone suffers the same things as me. And what did you do to convince yourself its not a heart attack.
I went to the ER many times when i feel sensation down my left arm. Like a sore muscle and numb feeling. I thought its a heart attack and call the ambulance or walk in to the ER. ALL times , everything turns out as nothing. They did ECG, blood test, urine test, x-ray and all turns out fine. They discharged me with Kefentech plaster for the discomfort in my arm and painkillers.
Some nights i fight against myself and force myself to sleep but i cannot and i feel like why is this happening to me ? im scared the doctors missed something. but i have went to the ER 5 times in a year.
i finally got a appointment with a mental health doctor but not until 2 months. in the meantime, i dont know. i feel like giving up
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jan34534 mai71267
i’m very sorry this is scaring you so much. First of all if you are young, the odds of you having a heart attack are very very low! Also, anxiety has harmless symptoms that mimic symptoms of other more serious conditions.
That’s why people get so scared when they get anxiety symptoms such as pain in the chest, or like what you are having with the sore muscle and numb feeling in your arm. There are many other non-serious reasons you could be having that. Plus all your testing was normal.
you ask yourself why is this happening to you. if you have a history of anxiety, it could be happening to you because of that. Anxiety symptoms also include strange feelings in the arms, chest, neck, etc.
the doctors did not miss anything because if anything was wrong it would have shown up on the ECG and other testing you had done. Remember you have gone several times.
instead of focusing on your arm and thinking it’s something serious , turn it around and focus on positive thinking and the fact that your testing was indeed normal and the fact that anxiety can cause the symptoms. you may have used your arm in a unusual way or a nerve might be pinched causing the numb feeling. Don’t automatically jump to heart issues because your heart is fine.
here’s what I do when I can’t sleep because of anxiety. I listen to some great meditations for sleep or for anxiety or overthinking. They are very reassuring and soothing and I fall asleep before they are done. there’s all kinds on there. There are Nature Sounds, relaxing meditations, positive affirmations, etc. Find what works for you! You don’t have to lay there and think negatively and be upset. This will help you relax and think more realistically that everything is OK!
mai71267 jan34534
Thank you so much for taking your time to reply to me. I appreciate it a lot.
Some nights i really close my eyes and think that this is just in my head and that all the results is normal. some days i curl up in bed crying.
I cannot find my trigger and that is worse because it can happen anytime.
I will try out your suggestion to listen to soothing meditations before sleep. thank you once again so much.
david77329 mai71267
Left arm pain is a telltale sign of potential heart attack. It should never be ignored. Before a situation arises when an emergency room visit remains the only way to save your life, you need to to keep yourself destressed and enjoy restful sleeps to keep your heart in a healthy condition. You can consider using MINUTE31. a CBD product that keeps you destressed and well rested without giving you a high. I have been using Minute31 to keep myself and my heart in a healthy, relaxing and really hearty condition.
natalie23195 mai71267
yes I suffered this months and months had loads blood done chest scan and 2 chest xray and it was my anxiety
mai71267 natalie23195
Hi Natalie. I hope you are doing well today.
How did you manage when the symptoms arise ? Do you still go to the ER or try to console yourself that everything is fine?
The horrible thing is this can happen to me for days, the arm pain and then i go to sleep and wake up to a new day and feel it again. I try to google how many days of getting the arm pain will a heart attack happen but no definite answer.
I know that going to the ER will be just a wasted trip.
Hope you are feeling better.