left back side abdominal pain

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Hey everyone first post on here so pardon me if I've fluffed this up.

About a month or 2 ago I went to nth doctor with stomach pains that lasted weeks I was told by my doctor I probably had IBS as he couldn't find any other issues (he didn't do any test par bloods) that pain eventually went away. Now ive got this really bad pain in my left abdomen round the back I've had it for 3 weeks now normal painkiller aren't working to take the pain away I've tried IBS meds just in case to no avail and it gets worse when I'm walking or laying down so I've had very little sleep.

I went back to the doctor and he said there was no sign of anything very bad no bleeding no vomiting no trouble with the toilet so sent away for an ultrasound and then sent me on my way. The pain is bad enough it spread a few days back to my whole stomach and I ended up going to A&E they have me gas and air some pain killer and sent me on my way once again. Any ideas? sad

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    have you looked at stomach ulcer or kidney problems ?
    • Posted

      Yeah the doctor said he couldn't see any issues my skin and eyes aren't yellow no tenderness around the area either so he just sent away for the ultrasound which ive to go get done on the 7th but it can tale a month for the results which just sucks
    • Posted

      aaaw, thats not good hun, hope you get some answers soon, sorry i cannot be of any help
  • Posted

    take a good look at what you are eating and drinking, you could have an allergy to something in your diet, processed foods, milk, sugar, flouride and alcohol are some of the worst offenders
    • Posted

      I'm a guy btw just a heads up lol

      I'm an immensely picky eater so I've never deviated from my usual diet

    • Posted

      Yes it happens to me all the time if I eat or drink the same thing for any length of time
    • Posted

      Maybe that's your problem you mY have become allergic to something g I. Your "usual"  diet or you could be lacking something, stop being so darn pickie you are missing a lot of great food 

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