Left Breast pain and ranting.

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Let me start with I am 50 (51 next month) and what I guess is post menopause. I haven't had a period since Oct 2017. I always thought that was menopause but I see that the term menopause is used interchangeably with peri menopause. Whatever I am, I haven't had a period in 17 months.

I have had for the last month or breast pain issues intermittently. It started with my right breast but was more the breast muscle. The pain/ache moved from inside to outside to bottom etc. I had a 3D mammogram done and a thorough (ugh) breast exam. Results normal. It does say that I have scattered glandular tissue. I ask myself why I keep focusing on the negative instead of the good. I am my own worse enemy.

My mammogram is normal, but I focus on the scattered glandular tissue, and worry. Especially when I have breast pain which has been on my left breast now. It aches. My upper arm and my armpit ache on my left now too. I am sick of it. Go away pain, I am tired of it.

I feel like I am alone. Peri menopause was hell for me. Years of hell. I feel it damaged not only my health but my spirit and personality. It changed me irrevocably. Which makes me really depressed and angry.

I had all my hormones tested (I kind of regret that now). FSH last year was 86.4 about 2 weeks ago 78.4 progesterone is .28, testosterone 16.00, LH is 43.5 just finally got my estrogen results yesterday 124.3 . They said my results were normal and I called back about the estrogen and one of the NP called me back and said it is normal because we could test it again and it would be another result entirely. I get it, hormones fluctuate... she then asked me if I had any lower back pain or kidney issues. I said not yet. lol. Now I worry more. She said that I am only 17 months in menopause (post) and my hormones will fluctuate. She said it will take time for my hormones to "settle". Why do I feel I was verbally patted on the head?

She also said my testosterone is low. Well my chin "whiskers" beg to differ lol.

I am worried I have estrogen dominance. I am overweight and fat produces estrogen. Lovely. I keep putting on weight.

I digress,

The left breast pain/ache. I am tired of it. It went away for a few days and now it's back. I have aches and pains all over my body. Randomly, like twinges. Back aches. I can actually deal with all of that, but when I get a continuous or reoccurring pain, ache, twinge, etc. My worry kicks in high. I am so sick of focusing on every little thing my body does. But I can't stop.

The "symptoms" (is it really symptoms when it seems more like a way of life?) have lessened to a degree since I have stopped my periods. But they are still there. The thing is I seem to be alone. I read all the post of all the other women and they are peri/menopause or menopause but still having periods. So it compounds that there is something really wrong with me. I am a freak or/and have cancer or some deadly disease. None of my friends or family has any issues with menopause. How can that be? I live hundreds of miles from my friends and family and have never felt so broken and alone in my life.

I have been to the ER, Dr, Nurse Practitioner, I have had all kinds of test run and they are fine....so far. I get so as I think, maybe they missed something. Because this all can't be right. I am not a horrible person. Not really. So why me? I lash out and am short tempered because I feel like an animal who is caught in a trap. Trying to gnaw my way free. My husband is just....a man, which makes me an alien in his eyes. I am trying to let go of my anger, but what is left is me sobbing.

I am not eligible for HRT because I have had heart issues.

Sorry for the long windedness. I don't know how to be any other way, honestly.

Wishing you all normal days.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Keljo48,

    I am so sorry for your struggle. I can definitely relate to absolutely everything you said. I get it! You think, how in the world can all of this be caused by hormones? You think that there is something more sinister going on even after they tell you that you are okay. The mind is a cruel place sometimes. But rest assured that you are most certainly not alone in this. I don't know what your personal beliefs are but this is the time to really try to pray and or meditate with some breathing exercises. I have found that 10% of what I am feeling is my hormones and the other 90% is actually anxiety based on my reactions to these symptoms because I'm usually responding to the thoughts I'm having about these feelings. We need to try and change our thoughts. No I'm not having a heart attack. No I'm not dying of cancer. No I'm not going crazy, etc., you get my point. If we don't lift up ourselves, who else is going to do it? And I'm speaking to me in this also because I can throw the biggest pity party when I feel like this. But be encouraged and draw your strength from trying to do more things that make you happy. Hugs to you, dear.

  • Posted

    Hey, you are not alone, I had left breast pain on and off for the past year, I turned 50 this year and struggling to understand why my body decided to do this to me now 😣, I noticed that drinking coffee made it worst, so I kicked the Coffee for a 10 days now and the pain actually gone.

    I use a heat pad at night to help me sleep.

    I also suffer from frozen shoulder left shoulder of course, so my pain is intense at times.

    when my left arm and breast start acting up, I feel like my left rib cage under the fleshy part of my arm is swollen. ugh, I had all the test last year and all normal TUG 🤗

    but nevertheless I understand your concerns.

  • Edited

    Keljo I too had a breast examination due to a lump, after reassurance from the consultant and a scan it was showing a blocked milk duct and very common, nothing sinister, but like you I focused on the negative rather than the positive, I have breast pain on that side where the lump is but it goes when my focus is elsewhere, our minds are very good in creating aches and pains!! and like me you have been given the reassurance that all is ok

    A lot of us on here are suffering from this accelerated anxiety and it's stopping us getting on with our lives!!

  • Posted

    Hi all; I can echo most of what the other ladies are saying. you are most definitely not alone or going mad. I am 51. I am post menopausal; haven't had a period for around 4years. I have had numerous aches and pains; frozen shoulder in both shoulders and extreme pain in my left side/ribs/breast. I actually felt I has broken ribs the pain was that intense. I had an xray and all showed normal. it must all be related to hormones as no other logical course could be found. I would agree with the breathing exercises and meditation/yoga/ long walks. I feel diet plays its role too. I am not taking any medication and by plan is to try and get through this day by day and as naturally as possible. I know we do not know each other but we are a support network. and you are never alone x

  • Posted

    Hi Keljo48, As everyone else, I'm really sorry this has been so difficult for you. Since all your tests are just fine (a blessing) I'm sure it's just a matter of time till things settle down. There are a few things that I wanted to mention. The term perimenopause, refers to the 10 year period where our hormones are changing, we're still having periods albeit at times irregular. Typically, women can feel these changes starting around age 42. It may be small things at first, like longer or shorter period cycles, color changes for period blood, clotting, or just feeling a little off throughout the cycle. If you're one of the unlucky ones like I was, my first symptoms were aggressive hair loss, brain fog, odd circular patches of intense heat, and drenching sweats at night. (What a treat!)

    By definition, you are officially in menopause once you haven't had any periods for a full year. The thing about all this that surprises many women, is that we are still producing hormones. Not enough to create periods, but they are still there. For many of us, it's a slow decline, not a "fall off the cliff" sort of thing. So it's no wonder, seeing your lab values, that you are having some issues with breast pain. You're getting some stimulation with estradiol to that tissue.

    Again, I'm glad your tests were all fine, and as your body adjusts your pain should calm down. That may not help you emotionally at this moment. But it should subside.

  • Posted

    Thank you all for your compassionate, encouraging and informative replies.

    My breast pain/ache (knock on wood) has gone for the most part.

    I apologize for my ranting.

    It is just frustrating to know that for some of us post menopausal women that we are going to have to deal with menopause symptoms for years. Some days are good and some weeks are bad. Most times I have it under control (as well as anyone can) but pain/issues gets to me and the whiny, complaining poster comes out.

    Again I am sorry and thank you all for listening to me. It just feels like sometimes my hormones control me. I completely agree with the comments about 90% is reaction to symptoms and also with the mind is good at creating aches and pains-- or at least making them worse IMO.

    I will notice my left breast aching and then it seems to make my armpit ache and then my shoulder... Mental state can make things so much worse.

    Luckily spring is here in FL and I will outside yard chores to help keep my mind off my issues plus get me more active, in touch with the earth and some vitamin D.

    I have also am going to try some new recipes for hormone balance. We will see.

    Again, thank you for listening to my whiny tirade. 😃 I appreciate every single one of you.

  • Posted

    hi keljo48 i actually thought i was going insane until i read your post and i would gave written every word you wrote to describe myself. im 47 and havent had a period since i was 39. my symptoms seem to get worse by the day hopefully this hell ends soon for us all. x x hugs and kisses

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