Left knee hit by nail gun every night

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Had a bilateral TKR October 7th and doing very well in pt until 2 weeks ago when I began experiencing trouble walking, severe stabbing pain at night in left knee, swollen left knee with Baker's cyst.  Thought too much pt so backed off but no change. OS thought it was my bad hip and I got scheduled hip injection but no change. OS's assistant said bursitis and have Meloxicam and pain killer. Swelling and cyst down, stabbing pain at 3 am continues. It's not phantom pain because creaming and plastic wrapping don't help. Am moving 900 miles away this Thursday and am worried. It's not hot or red and I have no fever. Anyone have any ideas? I sure wish I could get more than 4 hours of sleep at night.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Good to hear from you again but sorry its because of the problem. It could possibly be coming out of your back. There are certian muscle/nerve combinations that originate out off the spine and loop through the hip and into the back of the leg. Try a combination of heat on the lower back, an anti inflammatory and mild streatching of the back. Lay on you back with a pillow under your head for slight elevation. With your legs together pout your feet flat on the bed and pull the back toward your butt as possible with out discomfort and pain. Gently roll as far to the left as possible without pain and hold for 5 count then back to the right. Repeat 15 times each way. As the back loosens you can feel the movement increase and pain go away. As a precaution, a call to your surgeon would always be advisable
    • Posted

      Just did 15 of the back stretches you recommended and have a heating pad on my back now. Several weeks ago I noticed my back cracking every time I did the leg lift type exercises in pt. I mentioned it to my OS but he said not to worry about it. But it might have twisted something.

      The pain is incredible. Like someone is pounding a nail into my kneecap about every 40 seconds and it can go on for hours. I can shorten it with pain pills, moving to a sofa and propping my knees up on a large wedge. Thanks for your help. Fingers crossed.

    • Posted

      Hi BusterBeans,

      So sorry to hear what you've been going through. I didn't know that a knee replacement could get a bakers cyst! And the pain in your knee cap sounds horrible! It sounds like what you are going through might have a specific cause, though if it doesn't it may go away like it came. Being almost 10 mo post op my bilateral TKRs, I can say I have had so many sword and awful pains that have come and gone. Still changes and different aches continue though constantly improving too. Just wanted to let u know that u are early on in your recovery, a recovery that is plagued with ups and downs.

      Take care and please keep us updated.


    • Posted

      Can I butt in here... If the exercises are working on your back, please remember to work on your stomach muscles.  Strange as it sounds, your stomach muscles are core to the strength in your back. If you are not on your feet properly, there are lots of you-tube Pilates type exercises out there that show you. There even exercises for disabled or those like us that cannon stand for long periods at a time!  The nails in your knee are nerve ends mending. A good thing, but the way to combat the pain is to investin an over the counter TENS devices. Not sure if I'm allowed to mention names here, but if you are in the UK then the chemist that starts with Ll do a whole range.  Other chemist do stock them, but I've noticed they are more expensive. I sent my outlawed mother in Canada one when she had her knee done and had the nails hammering away. She said it works a treat.  It interrupts the pain receptors in your brain.  You can use it on any part of your body that hurts. There are pads; which are easy to use and other types of devices.  Whilst you are healing, please take you meds on a regular basis, even if the pain is at a minimum, that way it will help keep the agony at bay. 
    • Posted

      Thank you! The first night after doing your exercises, the nail gun switched to the right knee instead of the left. Not what I was hoping for but I knew you had me on the right path. After more exercises last night, the nail gun pain is finally gone! I'll share your solution with my OS's assistant at this morning's appointment. It has been raining/drizzling here in the East for a week so both knees are swollen, stiff and sore. We're moving to a barrier island off Florida where there's no humidity -- just sunshine. Hope to give my knees a better chance to heal.

      Arent you in Texas? Are you and your family ok after all the violent weather?

    • Posted

      And I didn't know that new knees could get bursitis or still have arthritis! I thought that's why I got them replaced. A very large Baker's cyst has been forming on and off behind the left knee for about 15 years. My first request of an OS was to remove it which of course they won't do. They just try to address what's causing it to form. Ten months and still so many sharp and awful pains? I went off my pain meds early so I could get on with life. 
    • Posted

      I'm in Kansas City where we are getting a light covering of sleet and freezing rain.this entire weekend has been miserable as far as the knee is concerned. The barometer change has been brutal. My son was supposed to leave to drive back to California this morning but the southern route is closed. In some area 5' drifts. The northern routes either are or going to be dangerous and the plains areaice covered. Fortunately , he decided to rent a vehicle instead of driving his own new Acura so he made airline reservations and will fly home Wednesday, leaving his rental car at the airport here. His mother and wife are greatly relieved. Its nice to see a kid who used to try anything, living long enough to grow up and make sane and sensible decisions. Looks like its going to be a long winter. The flooding and tornadoes in the South and southeast are devastating. Sometimes I'm happy just to be old and somewhat infirmed. Good luck on your move. I didn't realize there were humidty free places anywhere close to Florida.
  • Posted

    You didn't say whether the Baker's cyst was drained or not. Sometimes the synovial fluid from a Baker's cyst can move down into the calf region causing severe pain. Have you had an ultrasound done to rule out a blood clot?
  • Posted

    The stabbing pain could be a form of cramp.  If it only happens at night.  All day you are mobile. At night you are not. Try elevating the bottom of your bed or put something under your mattress. Your nerve ends are also healing, but pain at a specific time of night sounds more like night cramp.  When you move, look up a good PT or doctor.  Taking your meds on a regular basis will also help
  • Posted

    Hi, I had a L. TKR on 7 September (16 weeks ago) and every morning from around midnight to 3 or 4 am I experienced the most awful stabbing/shooting pains around my knee, which lasted for the first 4-6 weeks. Helpful people on this brilliant forum said it was the nerves etc trying to reconnect. Since then I have the very occasional stabbing pain lasting seconds.

    Be patient the problem will ease up soon.

    Also I'm the sort of person who, when told to exercise straightening/bending the knee, I would be doing it throughout the night/morning. Only because I have total insomnia and it made me feel I was really achieving something dhilstbunsblebto sleep. Believe you me, I would rather have slept throughout the night.

    I am doing very well now. Just a feeling of heaviness and stiffness, but so glad I had it done now. Good luck.

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