Left knee pain

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Hi I decided to try to get healthy I use to work out 4days a week after a surgery 2,yes ago ,,,,,problem I quit after a tragic death sent me into major PTSD now 30 lbs heavier I hit the treadmill trying to live again but I noticed a week into it that my knee felt tender and swelled up it seemed like it was shifting I heard popping along with intense pain 5weeks later still slightly sore I can place my hand on top of my knee cap and feel the popping sensation I'm to scared to tell my PCP I'm not ready for any surgery anesthesia renders me unable to wake up in a timely manner example 4hours after my surgery once before any idea on what might be the nproblem before I make a call to Dr

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Your weight gain and loss of quadriceps strength has most likely altered the tracking of the patella. I recommend you see the Dr. Or P T for advice on which exercises to start with in rebuilding quad strength
  • Posted

    Sorry to hear your sad news.

    When you went back to the treadmill did you start of slow, walking or running. You really should see a doctor, otherwise you will receive all sorts of theories and end up scaring yourself silly. Do not worry about surgery anesthesia. I that's ok for me to say, but I too have that, pre surgey you are always scared in case you dont wake up (I am a jelly case every time), but these days you can have an epidural. Knowing your concern they can also give you a lighter anaesthetic and monitor you throughout, waking up can also be scary, but you will have a member of the surgical team with you the whole time.

    Go and get checked up, if surgery is needed, then so be it, but a word of advice; tone up your leg muscles as much as you can, not by walking/running (which you cant do anyway) but cycling, weights and squats, but not lunges, that may also just "cure" your popping sound. Again if I start theorising........

    Be brave

    • Posted

      Thank you for b your advise yes I'm scared there are days b I only feel the popping but it feels week andvis c extremely tight when I bend it which I can't fully bend it crossing my legs feels good until I un cross oh lord talk about tender I'm only stationary cycling to keep it strong
    • Posted

      Crossing your legs, though comfortable is bad for you, it interrupts the flow of blood.  I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we ALL do it. But as soon as something goes wrong with our legs (normally the knee) the first thing we are told off for, when caught, is do not cross your legs. If it feels weak, then it IS weak, It can take an absolute age to work on your thigh muscles, but don't forget there are other muscles that need waking up. You need to be able to control your knee movement.  If you can relax and ignore the tightness in your leg, it will go, even if you feel your leg cannot get any tighter and it is about to burst, these are incidentals.  Before you op really work on the muscles, it will stand you in good stead afterwards.

      Try to stay positive, it is on the down days that you feel more pain and all the odd sensations.  Carry a small phial of diluted essential oil (neroli, patchouli or ylang ylang)  around with you, when feeling stressed either take a whiff or dab the minutest drop on the end of your nose. It will last for ages and help you relax

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