Left side abdominal pain

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I have been facing left side abdominal pain for the past two days with it starting from centre left to now middle and some times in

edge and on the back. Also some times the pain is in left bottom of the stomach but that is very less.

In the first day the pain was in centre left and on the second day morning I got loose motions (literally like tap flowing) and had to go about 7-8 times in the day.

Today is the third day now I don't have loose motions but sometimes I feel gas with strange sound after eating something.

Also I have a taste at the backmost portion of the left side of my tongue continously.

Very rarely the pain goes to the just the left side of belly button and also sometime on the right side.

I am a male 28 years of age with height 5 feet 7 and half inches and weight of about 80-82 kgs

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    The pain is bearable, the taste on the tongue also stays sometimes even longer than the pain.
    • Posted

      The taste in the tongue gives me a feeling of chewing something.
  • Posted

    I also gets some weird taste burps which were more when I had loose motions and are now less weird taster.
  • Posted

    Also I am not feeling hungry at all since my loose motions stopped.

    Taken apple cider vinegar about three to four times since this whole episode and it helps a lot.

  • Posted

    Try a food and symptoms diary since you have only had an upset stomach for a few days. It may have been a bug or food poisoning.  If no better after a week, see your doctor and ask about IBS because your symptoms sound like it.

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