Left stomach area pain for years

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hello all,

so hoping someone can help me here because im really starting to run out of ideas. For about the last 3 years i have been getting pain in my left side especially after eating which is dull and achy. I also get pains in my liver or right side behind my ribs after taking any kind of medication or just randomly.

About two months ago i noticed the pains were getting much more frequent so decided to make an appointment with the doctor. I told him everything and he arranged an ultrasound and some blood tests which included:

Diabetes, white blood count, liver, Glandular fever, kidney blood tests, and i think a pancreatic blood test. I got my results a week later and to my suprise everything came back normal apart from glandular fever that seems i contracted it sometime in my life.

I then went for my ultrasound and again nothing came up.

My doctor then told me it was probably the glandular fever and gave me an anti inflamitry called omeprazole which is doing nothing but giving me aches in my liver and my left side is still getting really painful after i eat and im getting constant headaches that dont subside with medication .

Ive done a bit of research on glandular fever but noticed the symptoms only last 6 months to max a year so dont believe thats the culprit.

I am still awaiting results from a chest x-ray in two weeks.

If nothing comes back from the chest x-ray i am not sure really what to do. I feel like the doctor has just dismissed it all for glandular fever plus on the other note he has done multiple blood tests and a ultrasound.

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    might i add this pain is the far left side of my ribs not exactly in the middle stomach section

  • Posted

    Have you tried a food diary and do you have change of bowel habit? If your pain moves about and your stools have changed, it could be IBS if all your tests are normal. Omeprazole is for heartburn, not pain so I don't know why your doctor prescribed it. I wouldn't describe it as an anti inflammatory.. It is a powerful PPI. Have you had stool tests for h pylori and has gastritis been mentioned? Maybe ask for an endoscopy to check this.

    Perhaps see a different doctor for a second opinion since you have had these symptoms for so long.

    • Posted

      hey thanks for your response. I have never keept a food diary to mention but defiantly certain types of foods can make the trigger worse. Yesterday evening i ate an apple and my left area was really sore to note off the top of my head. I have never had a stool test done before and gastritis hasnt been mentioned so I will take this information along to my next appointment. I had assumed it was coming from my pancreatitis or one of the organs in that area before my appointment as it was really far to the left side of my ribs and often radiating to my back but nothing showed in the tests. I never really have problems directly in my stomach but more to the far left area behind the ribs and occasionally the right area.

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      Do you have pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) or are you talking about the pancreas organ itself? Hopefully, an endoscopy will show something.

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      sorry excuse my typo, the pancreas organ on its own its what i meant to say. This is the area i believe i am having pain, well where i origanlly thought i was getting pain, but the ultrasound and bloods showed nothing so is it still possible ?

    • Posted

      If nothing is showing up, I wouldn't worry. Has your doctor mentioned a possible pancreas problem? I would ask your doctor about this to get an accurate answer. However, take one step at a time and focus on stool,testing and asking for an endoscopy to check for gastritis.

    • Posted

      my doctor never mentioned it but i had just assumed so due to the area of where the pain was coming from. As it was so far to my left side almost crossing over to my back area and it got worse after certain foods or big meals, through google research i put it down to the pancreas but i am probably thinking too much at times. I also put it down to my spleen as pains came from my liver area too but like i said nothing showed. Just been frustrating though as i have been back and forth from my doctor with no real answers. Now for the last few months i have been suffering worsening migranes and brain fog which has been making me very anxious and believe it is all in some way connected. Will take your advice to my next appointment. If it was gastritis what is the treatment plan?

    • Posted

      They usually put you on a PPI and tell you to avoid anything rich, spicy or fatty and stick to bland foods. A food diary is helpful to identify trigger foods because everyone is different with that. Don't google symptoms because you are unlikely to get accurate answers and you will stress yourself out. Only a doctor can diagnose you.

    • Posted

      okay thank you very much for your input. I will have another talk with my doctor and hopefully get to the bottom of things.

  • Posted

    Did anyone ever check for a hernia? Suggest you take a CT scan.

    • Posted

      hey thanks for your response. I never checked for a hernia but i have already had an ultrasound done so wouldnt it show alone on this or is a CT scan more accurate ?

  • Posted

    The scan which only takes one minute is probably the most accurate.

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