Leg and bone aches
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i am 6 mos no period (yay!!) but seems like every month mid cycle i get a new symptom. this month its my lower leg. i have random tender spots that feel like bruise but not. and they move from day to day. also my leg bone feels achy...like when its cold out. terrified its blood clots but dont wanna jump to scary conclusions if others have experienced this.
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unico31026 robin86
It sounds like blood clots. Get it checked out because better safe then sorry.
debra16694 robin86
hi Robin - i am 7 years post, and had numerous issues with my legs. i have had the sensation of leg clotting to extreme achy joints, tendons & ligaments to very heavy legs to my legs actually feeling like they are retaining water, but they arent. I have run to the drs, gone to urgent care & most recently am awaiting an appt with a rhematologist because of my severe achy legs - My suggestion is always to get things checked out just to make yourself feel better, but i will say this, i have had so many whacky symptoms from this time in my life that i truly think i am starting to become a hypochondriac - right now i am suffering with ocular rosacea and the worse case of blepharitis that it is affecting my vision with blurriness - WtF? This came out of left field, i have always struggled with allergies, stress & styes, but now this? & its chronic!!!! i pray for this time in my life to stop sending me curveballs, i cant take it anymore -
lisa95354 robin86
Hey Robin,
Welcome aboard, we all have. I am post menopausal three years and I currently, am having horrible pain, to the point of almost going to the ER, in my shoulders/shoulder blades, neck and top right spine. You’re right, it does feel like a bruise, almost as if we’ve been in a car accident. Actually I never thought about this till I read your post. It made me wonder if we that have the terrible aches and pains the worse, aren’t experiencing some type of bone loss? It struck me just as I read your post. I’m going to ask my pharmacist tomorrow, as he is into all things holistic, and has answers to almost everything. The pain can be very concerning, try to do an Epson salt soak. A lot of us are depleted of magnesium and its best absorbed through the skin. Try to stay away from sugar and caffeine, as it completely agitates these conditions. along with additives and preservatives, try to keep a journal and Mark 😃’s are frowns each day on the calendar to gauge maybe where the pain is the worse . estrogen is a natural pain fighter so I need to plead the pain is worse. You may find that this is at the time when you used to ovulate and used to get your period, since you said you haven’t had it in six months. you’re not alone, I’ll let you know what my pharmacist says;) Hang in there!
Gillian1956 robin86
if you have blood clots I think its get painful and the area goes hot and red