Leg giving way??!!

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Really having problems & at almost 15 weeks too! Yesterday whilst coming downstairs one stair at a time (can't manage the normal way at all) from my top floor, where the kitchen is (the little loiunge with the woodburner is 3 floors below) my leg gave way. The jolt of pain was dreadful - worse still - the carefully prepared sandwiches flew into the air! After that - the knee began to swell, so I'm back on ice & being careful once again. This is the 1st time the leg has actually given way, but that pain is something else. Does anyone else have this problem? I swear I'm going backwards.

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    You're going backwards/.....Well that explains it...you really ought to try coming down the stairs forewards!!...hahaha...Sorry, I couldn't resist.

    But I know what you mean...my knee hasn't exactly given way, but coming down stairs (in my home, they're steep and narrow), it always feels like it might...Even now (about 10 months on).  Sometimes I force myself to walk down them 'normally'....But I do it very gingerly, but most times, I revert (through habit) to one step at a time.

  • Posted

    Hi Veronica, I think you need to talk to your physio guy and explain in which way that the knee gave way and perhaps he can give you some exercises to strengthen the muscles that will stop it happening, that's the only thing I can think of sorry if that's no help. I used to get that before the TKR  and the physio but since then it hasn't done it. 

    Regards Paul

  • Posted

    Hi Veronica poor you after 15weeks you expect more from the new  knee. I would defiantly speak to your physio. Having to go up and down two flights of stairs is a to contend with especially if you are carrying something. I have a stair lift which I can use if I feel shaky. Also I have rails on both sides of the staircase which makes things ok. The trouble for you is having to carry food ect so you only ever have one hand to hold on to. When I go to the cinema or thearte I go up and down sideways so can hold the rail with both hands, its a bit slower but a whole lot safer. Because the knee has been cemented in we don't expect it to giveaway under us. But of course they are not inflatable neither are the other muscles we rely on. Hope you feel better soon, these setbacks are so annoying when all we want is to get back to normal. I am 6months I week and still struggling .
    • Posted

      Thanks Tucks - I see the physio next Wednesday, so I will tell her. She was going to make that my last visit, but I hope she continues with me, as I am very far off walking like I should & the bend is still uner 100.


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    my leg still gives way and I'm 21 weeks ...still doing the stairs your way  but luckily I have two handrails 

    my knee gives way all the time ...I'm really fed up now 


    • Posted

      Gosh Jean, that's really worrying - I was hoping mine was a "one-off" - I'm being very careful, so it hasn't happened again yet. Looking back, it felt like the whole leg gave way, so my husband is convinced it's still the weak muscles/ligaments messed about with on the operation. I can understand you being fed-up - me too - at this moment in time, I really regret having it done. Last night was a "no-sleep" night, the only comfort I get is reading others that post, who say they turn corners at various weeks etc. It's been a nightmare from day 1 as far as I'm concerned.


    • Posted

      Hi there, hope you are feeling a little better. I think we have all had these feelings that the magic corner has been turned but unfortunately we soon go backwards again. It was my 83 birthday yesterday, and my family took me out for a meal. I was feeling a bit apprehensive because it was so cold and dark, and damp. The short distance from the car to the resturant had me clinging on to my son and grandsons arms, my legs were like a wobbly jelly and all through the beautiful meal I was worrying about that short walk back. Being out in the dark affects my balance anyway so it was a double whammy. When they dropped me off at home afterwards my son put his arms around me and said ,hey mom you really are suffering with this I hadn't realised exactly what it has done to you emotionally, where has the old you gone!. I went straight to bed, put my electric blanket on and wept for 2hours, my knee was hot and sore and my hips hurt every time I moved. At 6months post op I thought I would be way over it. I so bitterly regret having it done because it has taken away my joy of life. Take care my freind let's hope the physio can come up with some answers for you.


    • Posted

      Happy belated birthday for yesterday - I'm glad you got taken out for a meal - but sad that you ended up tearful. One of the posts I have read was from someone who is now at almost a year, & has now forgotten all the pain, tears & difficulties that went before, & like us, had posted at about 6 months, that she regreted having it done. I'm still a way off 6 months (15 weeks) - but I'm now not expecting a smooth ride - everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong - I'm just going to grin & bear it & hope the spring, & the milder weather it will bring, will help the depression! I understand how difficult it is to walk on cold, icy streets - today I had to go down a slope to get to a hospital appointment (for my husband) on time - & I actually told him how unstable I felt, & would he please go slower! Unless you go through it - no-one understands! Keep hanging in there, we're all going through it, & only a few manage those "text book" recoveries!



    • Posted

      Thank you for that roll on spring and summer take care
    • Posted

      A very HappY Birthday for  Yesterday Tucks 


    • Posted

      Oh! Tucks I just read your post with tears in my eyes ...I really do empathise with you.

      please look after yourself 

      we will both find our old selves ....they are in there somewhere

      take care my Friend 

      thinking of you 

      Jean x


    • Posted

      today has been a good day for me ...that's only because I've had a lazy day

      yesterday I drove to a writers group I'm a member of 

      only a ten minute drive there and back

      but sitting in the group for two hours and when I stood up I could hardly move.

      last night was a painkiller night as my leg hurt so much 

      it just goes to show how each day it different with this bloomin TKR 

      I often say I wish I'd never had it done ...but that's just when I need to blame something for the pain 

      we all get there in the end ....fingers crossed 

      Jean 😄


    • Posted

      It certainly seems to be good days, then more bad days! I'm hanging on in there & trying to be positive! Did a lot of walking yesterday, so expecting pain today. We need to encourage Tucks - I am younger, & have a husband around (although that's not always a helpful thing!) - maybe small excercises to strengthen her legs would be useful. Tucks - if you're reading this - let us know if you want us to send you any useful, but tiny leg strengthening excercises!
    • Posted

      Hi there thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts.. I am still doing my excersises and I go on the static bike but not for long. My daughter in law is taking me to see my GP on Monday, he may be able to give me something to get me through. I suppose because I've always been in dependant and active I am finding the immobility so hard to cope with, I worked full time till I was 77and at 68went back into education, went on to get a degree and then went on to get a masters. On the day of my masters ceremony which was my 77th birthday I decided that was working life finished. As you can see my freind I am not a quiter but this op has really floored me. Thank goodness for people like you and jean to be able to talk to. I will post on Monday after I have seen DR. Have a good weekend  x from tucks
    • Posted

      Hi jean, I know you too are suffering so thank you for your empathy I am going to Gp on Monday  to hear his thoughts on my recovery at the moment, hopefully he can come up with something posotive. It's just a long tim isn't it? And it takes over your thought and reasoning, and highlights your fears. Hope you have a good weekend x from tucks 
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      Jean forgot to say I was a member of writing group absolutely love writing and I really want to get back into it.
    • Posted

      Hi tucks . .i know exactly how you feel and I'm only one month after the op.  If I had had any idea how bad it was, i would have put up with the pain and difficulties and bought myself a decent wheelchair.  Like you, i have problems with balance, feel unsteady if i move my head or look up . . tired, scared, in pain . . it is no fun at all, and as you say, it seems to have sucked all the fun out of living.  We can only hope it will get bettter, and I do hope it does for you soon. (and me!!!)  Congratualtions on your 83rd!  I'm only seventy, but believe me at the moment I feel about a hundred!  Years and years since I've cried like a baby, and I thought I was quite a tough old stick, but this has proved me totally wrong!  
    • Posted

      I love writing too, although at the moment I just couldn't get my head around it!  Like you i did a degree after the children were born . (but I was only about 40!) and then a teaching qualification . . but working life is definitely over for me (thank heavens)  there's a lot to be said for retirment!


    • Posted

      My sister is still doing OU courses, at nearly 70 - as soon as one is added to her huge list - she starts another! I was in the world of entertainment & broadcasting, where age is something no-one mentions if you are a male - but reach 60 & be a female, & your world stops turning. I've been retired for 4 years now, but seem busier than ever. I was convinced I would cope extremely well with the TKR - I've been "bone on bone" for many years - shows how wrong you can be! I've just walked the dogs for the 2nd time since the op. - I had the one that pulls the most ( 2 x 7 year olds we only adopted 5 days before my op.) as I realise now that I need to strenghen up the operated leg - when she pulls, I stand still & feel all her weight (5 stone) pulling agaisnt me - best excercise I have had for weeks! As the sun is set to shine over the next few days - I intend to do this every day now. Have a nice weekend.


    • Posted

      Hi Veronica I find your post so interesting , my 25year old grandson is an actor and what a cut throat profession it is. He works so hard to find work both stage and film but it seems if you haven't been in a soap you haven't got a lot of chance, he has recently played henry 5th for a small new theatre group in London and his reviews were fantastic but he is yet to be discovered and so he battles on. There is so much nepotism and ageism through out the entertainment profession I'm afraid and no matter how good you are if you haven't got the keodus they are looking for you have no chance. How sad is it that when you hit a certain number age wise you are no longer deemed to be talented. As you say you lead a full busy life so fair play to you and give your sister a big thumbs up from me. I did my degree at b,ham university and was in a class of 19and 20year olds. And they were the greatest youngsters you would ever want to meet. My learning years were the happiest days of my life x from tucks
    • Posted

      Hi there thank you for your post, you seem to be on the same emotional plane as me. Deal with the balance problem as well as everything else is very troubling and as it gets to twilight and darkness I am in bits. To even try to get down my one porch step when its dark my legs refuse to move, panic grips me and have to hang on to something solid. I feel so sad and angry that I'm like this and I have struggled with the dark for a few years now, but the op has made me so much more vulnerable to everything. Take care I know just how you feel.
    • Posted

      hi Tucks 

      i hope you get some decent answers on Monday 

      i couldn't face the thought of going out today so I just sorted out my files and did some more tongue in cheek poetry writing,

      you take care and look after yourself.


      ps... I've not even attempted to go out in the Dark since I had this op I'm too scared of falling.

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