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Dear Ladies - i have posted before about achy knees, but i am started to get very concerned here...obviously my anxiety is on overload. About 5 weeks ago I woke up with a sore right knee, kinda passed it off that i slept weird on it, then about 25 days ago knee pain really ramped up to the point it hurt to stand on it, sleep comfortably etc. i went to Urgent care to rule out blood clot etc. Dr suggested an MRI, (my insurance wont cover it & i am tired of paying out-of pocket for Dr bills) i thought at first i had a torn meniscus since it hurt to touch the right side of knee. Then my knee started to look "puffy" below knee (not on knee). Advill & aspirin dont really help & pain is worse at night & morning. Now my left knee aches & has the same puffiness & it just feels like the front of my shins, tendons ache...i also have a burning sensation going on in my legs - OMG! i really cant cope anymore...has anybody else experienced this or do i have something else going on? Help i am freaking out -
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Shana_P debra16694
Hi Debra,
Have you had blood tests to rule out vitamin Deficiencies? Have the dr. run as many tests as possible....I know your insurance situation is difficult....but the burning is or can be a B6 thing and the aches can be a vitamin D deficiency....Hopefully this has helped you in some way.....Things will get better for you
debra16694 Shana_P
hi Shana Thanks for responding - in the past i was low on Vitamin D, & now i am on a RX Vitamin D that i take weekly & level is back to what it should be - at my last physical in SEPTEMBER - i had my dr also test my B Vitamin levels & i was good - i just cant help but believe this is all tied into probably having zero estrogen left, because i am post meno now 6 years & all my meno symptoms really ramped up these past few years - its also interesting how the achiness is moving around my knee joints. i think if i had a torn meniscus the pain would be isolated to the same area. UGH!
Shana_P debra16694
well Good I am glad your vitamin D is good as well as your other B vitamins....
andrea05399 debra16694
hi there. My husband has had difficulty with his knees and not sure this will help you but the first time he was running on a treadmill and tore his meniscus in his right knee. Had surgery healed up fine. Then he started having pain and aching in the other knee. He didn’t injure it but it turns out he also has a torn meniscus in that one. he has no clue how it happened. it is also very painful at night and morning for him. he is using CBD cream and it helps a lot. i think the only way to tell is imaging unfortunately. but of course it could be rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis too. good luck. this time of life is the most awful thing...my joints are cracking and falling apart all over my body as my estrogen goes down....
debra16694 andrea05399
hi Andrea - Thank you for the input - yes, i suppose i will have to bite the bullet & pay out iof opocket for an MRI, i suppose what keeps me from thinking its a torn meniscus is that the pain moves around and is not centered in one place - curious if your husband also has leg tendon pain both in his shins & thighs from his torn meniscus...its like the pain/burn travels - my anxiety keeps taking me to a bad place also - i used to be a work horse...so physical, how did i get here? UGH!
may69987 debra16694
hi debra i have the same issue it started 2 years ago same think with right knee pain and some times i could not even climb a stair and i had a puffy spot too and then moved to my left knee i had all kind test everything came normal i belive it is due to hormone ,my sister had the same think and my friend too ,it is getting better i noticed walking and excersice made it way better ,and if u can take turmreuck t does help alot good luck hun .
debra16694 may69987
oh hi May - well thats bloody reassuring - thank you for that! I am beginning to think with this knee pain my exercise/walking career was over.... i think we are somehow thrown these zingers to help us appreciate life and what we should be thankful for....right now i am praying for full use of my legs again -
unico31026 debra16694
i have the same aches , pain and burning in my right knee with pain in my hands and right knee. I was diagnosed vitamin D defficient
claire38123 debra16694
hi debra there is so many symptoms with the menopause aching bones is just one of them our bones and ligaments loose mass due to lack off hormones like arthritis and osteoarthritis try boosting your vitamin and calcium levels i have this constant pain in my shoulders i have had one operated on but pain has come back with menopause but unlike you i live in the uk so dont have the cost of health care i also find heat patches and heat cream helps or ice packs,also try good knee support that helps keep the swelling down. good luck in feeling a little better soon xx
debra16694 claire38123
Hi Claire - Yes, i am constantly icing, heating pads, epsom salt baths etc. i really cant go anywhere without putting a icy/hot patch on my knee. i am fortunate that my son studied kinesiology in school & worked for a physical therapist, but even with his help the pain remains. Thats a great idea about boosting my calcium, i have been taking extra magnesium, but not calcium - Thank you for your kind advice -
doris28535 debra16694
Hello i get some of those pains in my right shoulder and in my neck I bought me a tens unit to help with the pain and heat pack moist heat. O" feels so good on my pains
debra16694 doris28535
hi doris - oh my, i had never heard of a tens unit so i looked it up &i am ordering one today!!! thank you for that! i really dont like taking over the counter medication or any medication for that matter so i hope this helps relieve the pain. i find my pain is worse at night & in the morning...whats up with that? also, now i have some swelling below and above both my knee caps (almost looks like fat deposits) not hot to touch, but just looks "puffy" to me. i just looked on the 66 menopause symptoms & it states the edema effect as one of the side effects of menopause along with joint/tendon aches - i guess this is an actual thing called "menopause arthritis knee" - now i have officially had all 64 symptoms of menopause - Oh brother! thank you again for the tip-