leg still not straight ???

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hi all im 14 mths post revision ,my revision was because of lack of bend and extreme pain ,i got revision outcome of it was the last knee i had was  misalingned and my kneecap needed resurfacing , well that was 14mths ago ,my knee bends to 95 deg last one i had only 75 deg ,i put alot of work into my bend and i did my straightening excersises but maybe i was too obsessed with the bend that ive neglected to work as hard on my straightening ,its weird really as my last knee had the perfect straight leg but no bend ,now well i dont have a brilliant bend ,its enough to say its improved .what im asking is are there any of you after either tkr or revision had still pain from not having a straight leg and did it stop hurting ?if i never get to fully straightening it will it eventualy get used to being in that position and stop paining me or am i going to have to put up with a certain amount of pain for life .i never want surgery again if possible  !!!!

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    I am 9 1/2 weeks post TKR and feel at a standstill. I have severe pain on the inside of my knee, and not quite as severe on the outer side. When I work on my extension it takes extreme effort to bend. When I work on my bend it takes extreme effort to straighten. Today at PT she vigorously massaged my knee, I could hardly stand it. At the end of my session she used electric stim and ice. My knee was still hot even after the ice. I could barely move off the table.

    I often feel I cannot take this pain anymore!

    The thought of this going on for 14 months is unbearable.

    I am able to get just over 100 bend on my own. I am one still having pain and wondering why I had the surgery. Seems I was better off with bone on bone and walking with my cane. Still in pain, still using my cane.

    No comfort, but seems we are in the use boat.

    • Posted

      hi debz i could nearly feel that massage you had ouch !!!! i remember when i was at your stage ,being exactly like that its an awful feeling .the way i got around that was do your bending we will say in the morning and really consentrate only on the bend ,ice after and of course rest up .later do your saightening and only your straightening before you start use a hot water bottle under your knee (not too hot or you wont stick it ) when your leg is well warmed up then do your stretching slowly and only work on that ice after and rest ,by doing it this way you will get a better bend or straightening ,it makes sense ,as when i was in physio like you we did both and its much harder and disheartening but they do it that way as they only have short time to see what you can do .at 9 1/2 wks 100 bend is ok and there is plenty more coming as your working on it ,give yourself a break your doing very well believe me as ive had enough things not going my way .please try doing it this way im sure you will be amazed how well your doing cheesygrin  im just back from the gym and exausted but happy i went there im working really hard on strenghtening ive had to change alot of what i do in the gym to suit my knees gym instructer has helped me find the best way to improve strenght in my legs one in paticular (3 major ops have made that leg soo weak) im not giving up on getting that leg to behave ill get there some day ,keep going debz some of us do not recover as quick as some people do ,i must say i envy them but not point on dwelling on the negatives .im upbeat today gym dose that to me thats why i go 3 times a week
    • Posted

      Thanks for the suggestion Linda! I will definitely give that a try. I don't see my surgeon until the 5th, and I am thinking about giving him s call and maybe see about getting an MRI.

      Keeping my knee moving seems to be what keeps some of the pain at bay, but that just isn't possible for 24 hours a day. But when I wake up in the morning I am going to work on the bend!

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      good luck debz i think it should work ,i swear by it ,because when you do both one after another you end up with more pain ,this way the body responds better (abit more co operative )
    • Posted

      Tried it today, going to keep at it. The pain I feel on the inside of my knee is a killer though, but not giving up on your idea. It makes sense.

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