leg swelling

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Went to a and e the other day with a swollen leg and a achy pain when walking pain very bad was told i had pulled a muscle can anyone tell me anything different plz

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Maybe pop and see your GP if it's still swollen and sore tomorrow.

    Is it your calf? Have you noticed any redness? does it feel hot to touch?

  • Posted

    Well, I had a lower back problem but. even tough it was a siagnosed problem, I can completely relate it to perimenopause cause for a while I had been stiff and all sore.  I guess as the muscles are tight, it is easy to develope some kind of "real" issue, when we pus h hard or even strenght it, as a pulled muscle or so...  Just be mindful and take care. Xx
  • Posted

    Hi, I had a swoolen leg, very painful, went to doctors & sent for Xray but nothing showed up. The next week my other leg went the same, so sore I couldnt walk & did collapse. I had loads of test but they found nothing. All they gave me was Asprin. I rested for over 2 months & eventually it went! They did say it could of been an arthritus infection that can attack the joints causing the sweeling? Thankfully it never came back? I would go back to your doctor & request some blood test. You could try magnesuim spray oil to rub into your leg, which may help the pain & Ibrufen to take the swelling down. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Posted


    Replying as your symptoms sound exactly like those my sister had lat year. She just rose from sitting and heard a 'pop'. She then had a very hot, swollen calf. We talked about her Achilles tendon snapping but for me I was worried about how hot red and 'solid' her calf fuel - was it a bloody DVT??

    thankfully her GP said she too had torn a muscle but it was a bit scary as it came totally out of the blue.

    Hope yours is improving x

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