Leg tightness just before falling asleep PMR?
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I'm not sure if this is pmr related or not but it seems to be
what happens to me just as I'm going to sleep my thighs
front and back will start tensing up tight then have a deep
ache/pain.So irritating.
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mark9992 tory38006
tory38006 mark9992
feeling when it happens
andrea93419 tory38006
Hi Tory, I've started to get muscle spasms and pain in my legs! This hasn't happened before and I've been on prednisolone for 18 months! I also have difficulty getting my legs comfortable to get to sleep, but this has only been for the last month or so!
I think it's just all to do with the auto immune condition that's running around us!
Andrea xx
tory38006 andrea93419
autoimmune diseases are the pits.They seem to just run
a muck grrrr.
elizabeth20640 tory38006
Hi Tory
I first started off with neck pain, flu like symptoms and then pains in front and back of thighs, and was diagnosed with PMR, was on 20mg pred and when I was coming down the dose, I was on 12.5mg and then developed the jaw pain and headaches, I was admitted to hospital and had a positive biopsy, and diagnosed with GCA , I developed temporary eye sight loss, my dose increased to 60mg and then increased to 80mg that was January 2015
I'm down to 6mg but thigh pain has come back in last 4 weeks back and front strange, I think some say that thigh pain is more associated with GCA not sure if this helps
tory38006 elizabeth20640
Elizabeth,thanks for your input as well.I have had in the past
what I call icepick headaches.It is one spot on top of left side
of my head that literally feels like I am being stabbed with an
icepick jabbing.Thankfully that is not often.I'm sorry this is a
miserable condition having pmr but I'm so glad to know there
is support on this forum
and to know where the thigh pain
is coming from
Anhaga tory38006
tory38006 Anhaga
Anhaga,I had to reschedule my appt today as I didn't get
my referral,but we did discuss pmr as my symptoms.
The leg ache tightness feels like I have over worked them
in some way or like they have been wrung out like you would
a wash cloth.Just makes them ache
Anhaga tory38006
Anhaga tory38006
I get aching legs too, not like the pain before diagnosis and treatment, but definitely a very tired sort of sensation. Your description is pretty good actually! I also was finding my shins ached terribly at night but have discovered keeping them warm helps 100% so I guess it could be a circulation thing. Ageing is not for the faint hearted.
elizabeth20640 tory38006
Rory that's the feeling in my thighs like you have over worked them, I used to like that feeling when you would over work your muscle but after 2 days pain would be gone,
Where as this muscle pain in thighs just dosen't go away😣
tory38006 Anhaga
rushed me to er side of clinic and had a scan done to rule
out possible stroke.It is what it felt like though someone
stabbing me in head
tory38006 elizabeth20640
It seems to have a constant ache for sure, even if it is
on the lighter side it's still bothersome
tory38006 Anhaga
Anhaga do you find the weather changes effect them?
I live in a pretty humid environment for 6 or 7 months
out of the year then we get the low temps pretty quick
it seems like my body doesn't get the break it needs
and your right getting older is not for sissies ha ha
Anhaga tory38006
When I was quite young, in my teens, I used to get the eye-wateringly stabbing knitting needle in the side of my head, beside my eye. Strangely enough it was when my grandfather was suffering terribly from trigeminal neuralgia; didn't know that at first, we lived on opposite sides of The Pond and it was decades before families were able to share every little tic with one another. I haven't had it for a very long time. I don't know if these neuralgias can actually clear up and go away, but mine certainly did and I've wondered if there was some sort of sympathetic connection between us. The world is not only stranger than we know, but stranger than we can know.
Anhaga elizabeth20640
That's how I used to describe PMR pain, before I was diagnosed - the feeling you got when you'd exercised too much, only it never went away.
Anhaga tory38006
To be quite honest I don't know if weather really affects my PMR much. I'm just trying to think about that, really for the first time. I've just lived through my third summer with PMR, the first undagnosed, the second completely painfree as I was in the early days at my highest dose (15) and early in the tapering, but a great deal of stress as we dealt with various household issues. This past summer I've been very cautiously trying to get to the lowest possible dose, the weather has been lovely, and I've been getting quite expert at avoiding stress. Like the summers the winters have been different, too. The first undiagnosed and recently retired and it was actually hell, including the worst winter weather ever - we are still talking about it nearly two years later! Last winter was so much better in every way. So for me I think there are just too many variables to say if weather affects my PMR. The fact I had to think about it probably answers the question. So far, no. But give me a few more months or years....
tory38006 Anhaga
has an effect or not.I live in the southern plains in
the states and we get the jet stream from different
directions so it causes the barometric pressure to
change often.I do have fibro and that is probably
where my sensitivity to change to weather comes from
elizabeth20640 Anhaga
Anhaga elizabeth20640