Leg Ulcers. Excruciating Pain. Dr. Refuses to help.
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Hello everyone,
I suffer from painful lower leg ulcers. It has been more than three years now that the sore on my right leg has been festerring. And several others have developed on the left leg since. I currently have 4 painful lesions two of which are getting larger by the day it seems. I have been hospitalized for then three times for several days each visit.
During the visits they had me on IV Vancomyacin, a strong antibiotic, and percocet for the pain. At the time, I did not have insurance and emergency Medicaid helped me with the costs. A couple of months ago, I had two heart attacks and again found myself in the hospital. I had to undergo a heart procedure known as cardiac abation.
During that visit, a social worker sat with me and was able to get me Medicaid Insurance and a plan was set up for me to finally get on track with addressing these wounds, my heart, my blood pressure and my overall health.I left the hospital with a prescription for Percocet for my leg pain and BP medications and Heart medications. ach with one refill, all meant to hold me over until I could choose and get in to see a Primary Care Physician.
Today, I finally had that appointment, and I was excited that I was on my way to developing a relationship with someone to team up with me to finally address the pain I have been experiencing.
The appointment was nothing more than a collassal disappointment. She was not even a Dr. she was a P.A..And she refused to address the pain that I was experiencing. When I asked her why, she said that it was a policy that they do not write pain prescriptions. I asked her what I was supposed to do about the pain. She inquired as to what I have been doing about the pain up until now. And I told her the truth, when the precription pain medications that I have been prescribed have run out, I get on facebook and ask friends and family members if they can help. And most of the time, they have come through for me. Other times, I take about 4 Aleve PM and a Glass of Wine so that maybe, just maybe, I can fall asleep and escape the pain that way. She looked at me like I had three heads and said, that is exactlky why I won't write you a prescription for pain medication.
I said, "now wait a minute, you are telling me that you look down upon me for trying desparately for methods to aleviate my pain when the person who can professionally address my pain is sitting before me refusing to help me deal with my pain." Then she said "yes , especially with how agitated you got when I told you no" I then asked her how she would go about dealing with excruciating pain. Her reply was, "I am not going to sit here and argue with you about it" I said, I am not argueing, I am asking my Dr. for advice, again, How would you go about dealing with the pain if you were in my shoes. She told me she would give me a referal to "Pain Management" I asked her if her office was going to call ahead to help me get in to see pain management asap. She told me that the front desk would give me a list of Dr.s to try. And when I asked her what to do about the pain between now and then, which as it turns out, I can't get in to see the PM Dr. for three weeks. She told me to go to the emergency room for my pain.
I am so discouraged, disappointed and defeated. This Physicians Assistant looked at me and passed a judgement on me. At one point in the conversation she referenced people that she had written Hydrocodone for who as it turns out had sold them to make money. I was flabergasted that she took that experience and used it to pass judgement on whether or not I was worthy of a prescription. That person was complaining of severe back pain. Well that is unfortunate, but she could SEE MY PAIN. The back pain lady she'd just have to take her word for it. I am in severe pain and I am not looking to make some quick cash. I am looking to aleviate the pain.
I can not understand how this can possibly be the way this is supposed to work. This pain that I am experiencing has affected every aspect of my life. I can't work. I can't sleep without sleep remedies. I can't leave the house right now because the heat multiplies that painful effects of the wounds. I get no recreational pleasures in life. No sunshine on my face. I sit in the dark in my home day in and day out. A grown man, crying from the pain at times.
Today was a collassal waste of time. I geot myself showered, dressed and took an uber, since I can't drive, to a Dr.s appointment. Which cost me money and caused me to be in more pain than if I sat at home and did nothing.
I give up.
Brett Collins
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VeeWat Brett_P
michelle21436 Brett_P
michelle21436 Brett_P
This link provides some further details of the protocol for DMSO and leg ulceration.
pattino Brett_P